The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 118 Sea of ​​Blood

Fang Xian escaped extremely fast.

After getting rid of Daojun Minghe, he entered the Middle Earth Realm.

He put down Yu Nishang and asked, "Where is Miss Yu going?"

"I have no idea……"

Yu Nishang really looked bewildered.

- She grew up in the Kunlun countries since she was a child, and later entered the Kunlun Magic Palace, and has never been out of the magic palace.

"Then you can go to the East China Sea, or you can avoid this catastrophe."

Fang Xian pretended not to hear the hint, and said directly: "I have to go to the end of the doomsday, so I won't stay any more, farewell!"

The voice has not fallen, and the figure has disappeared.

Let Yu Nishang stomp her feet, her face full of depression and bitterness.


Shushan, Jiange Peak.

One after another rays of light fell, at least the real people of Jindan.

The Shushan Sword Sect, Yuxu Palace, Xuantian Dao, Xiaoyao Wenxin Pavilion, and Xuanguang Zhengzong are also called the five major Xuanmen orthodox sects in this world.

But at this time, there were only two Daojuns who really gathered here.

"Jianfeng Daojun, and Yuxu Daojun of Yuxu Palace... Although Yuanshen Daojun in this realm is known to be immortal, but every once in a while, he always has to transcend tribulation, and there are still people who ascend..."

"At this time, the remaining primordial spirits were originally Ming He, Jianfeng, and Yuxu..."

Fang Xian felt that he knew the big secret of this world, and when he came to the top of Jiange Peak, he saw Jianfeng Daojun sitting on the top of the mountain.

Bai Mei, the headmaster of the Shushan Sword Sect, was also there, surrounded by more than a dozen true monarchs, among them, the real monarch Fuze.

Finally, adding Fang Xian, who was long overdue, was the peak combat power of Xuanmen Authentic.

"Styx has been born, fellow Daoists, please take a look..."

A true monarch of the Xuanguang Sect took out a treasure, which is a rare treasure in the world - the 'Xuanguang Mirror'!

At this time, a mana hit, and above the mirror, scenes of Kunlun Demon Palace being submerged by the sea of ​​blood appeared.

Not only that, the monstrous sea of ​​blood swept down like a backflow of the Tianhe River, and it has spread to the Kunlun countries.

Although those countries are small, they are tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of people at every turn. All of them died unnaturally.


Many experts in the right way frowned at the scene: "This old demon is really crazy, and he has caused such a big murder, why is there no divine condemnation?"

"I want to teach you to learn that this Daoist Minghe has already trained twelve red lotus flying swords. These flying swords are all rare and precious in the world. If they can kill people without sticking to cause and effect, there will be no sins..."

True Monarch White Eyebrows sighed: "This old demon has been trapped in the Nine Nether Demon Spring for a long time, but he never imagined that he was able to capture that trace of the variables of the heavenly way for him to make this killing sword!"

"That being the case, you can only do it once!"

Daojun Yuxu opened his mouth and his voice was vague: "Then Daojun Minghe is proficient in all magic methods and has three major demon bodies, one of which is this blood demon, the sea of ​​blood is immortal, and the blood demon is immortal! If this sea of ​​blood continues to plunder Many creatures, I am afraid that they will never be able to kill this demon."

"The three demon bodies of this Daojun should be obtained from the practice of the three corpse demons..." Real Fuze frowned: "Each demon body can match a Daojun."

"My fellow Daoist Yuxu and I will entangle the two demon bodies of Ming He. As for this sea of ​​blood demon body, it must be handed over to you!"

Jianfeng Daojun said slowly: "This sea of ​​blood is the most sinister, and it is also the key to Styx's enlightenment. My Shushan Sword Sect will send disciples to carry the treasures of the mountain, and launch the 'Taixuan Fine Dust Forbidden Array', which will The sea of ​​blood is isolated from the outside world, creating opportunities for you..."

"Since Shushan is like this, what else do I have to say, I will fight this old demon of Minghe to end this evil catastrophe!"

Many other True Monarchs said.

"In that case..."

Jianfeng Daojun stood up with his sleeves up, Jiangefeng trembled slightly, moved the void in an instant, and came to Kunlun.

The sky is filled with blood, and the sea of ​​blood below is monstrous.

Seeing this, many experts in the right way sighed.

The two immortals and two heroes below clenched their fists even more, and they were inseparable from Styx in their hearts.

"Fellow Daoist Sword Peak and Daoist Yuxu, it's been a long time!"

The voice of the demons came from the void,

A figure appeared, dressed in a magic robe, and seemed to be covered by a thick layer of fog, making it impossible to see the true face.

"Minghe Daojun! Why did you set off this calamity?"

Daojun Jianfeng sighed.

"You are not my devil cultivator, how do you know the misery of the devil cultivator? The hopeless suffering of the avenue?"

Daojun Minghe shook it gently and it was divided into three parts.

One of them looks like a teenager, with big sleeves fluttering, immortal style.

One looks old, with a sad face and a demonic energy.

The last middle-aged man wearing a blood robe, stepping on a 12th grade blood lotus platform, is the blood sea demon body.

"Everyone, remove the devil and guard the road, right now!"

Daojun Yuxu gave a light drink and shot at the same time as Daojun Jianfeng.

The huge Jiange Peak trembled lightly and fell to everyone, and then disappeared with the two demon bodies of Daojun Yuxu and Daojun Minghe.

Thankfully, the Shushan Sword Sect had already dismissed the low-level disciples, otherwise, this would have caused heavy casualties.

"The power of the Daojun is too terrifying. In order to avoid accidental injury, the two Daojuns have forced the two demons of Daojun Minghe to the heaven and the sky!

Zhenjun Baimei shouted.

Zhu Yingzi flew out first and left the nine immortal cauldrons behind.

Han Yingzhu then launched the five-color cloud workshop, and there is a cloud formation.


Gu Daoxian and Zhuge Wenxian held two flying swords, the refining demon and the demon-suppressing sword.

Clear air rises, turbid air sinks, and in a trance, it seems to have reopened a realm, transferring all the sea of ​​blood to this realm.

——Tai Xuan Mo Chen Forbids the Great Array!

This formation is known as 'Heaven and Earth are born in a burst, the three realms are like dust', and the interior is a realm of its own.

Daojun Minghe's blood demon body was also involved, stepping on the lotus platform with a smile, watching many true monarchs.

'These two immortals and two little ones actually have the cultivation of a true monarch? ’

'It is said that it is the secret law of Xiaoyao Wenxin Pavilion, which can temporarily graft the power of a certain senior's law... Even if you can't use the skill, you can't use it to fight, but it is more than enough to motivate the big formation! ’

Fang Xian flicked his sleeves, and the six flying swords escaped, unfolding the Great Samsara Sword Formation, protecting himself first.

"You...are you here to seek death?" Daojun Minghe smiled and said: "The ancestor is Daojun, and a group of true monarchs dare to come and stroke the tiger's whiskers? Do you think you have a long life?"

He stomped his feet, and the sea of ​​blood rolled down below, and countless figures emerged.

The first were the Four True Monarchs of the Kunlun Magic Palace, and behind them, there were densely packed magic palace elders and disciples.

At this time, all eyes were full of blood, not like living people.

"Fa Xiang, come out!"

Many true monarchs shouted violently, and many indomitable dharmas emerged.

There are not only Han Chi in the sky, violent monkeys roaring, but also faint figures, as well as palace lanterns, swords and other treasures, and even indescribable things such as Fang Xian.

"Old Demon Hugh is going to be arrogant!"

The sect master of Xuanguang Sect gave a loud shout and flew out of the Xuanguang mirror.

This mirror is a rare treasure in heaven and earth, and it emits a bright light, which penetrates a magic dragon transformed by the magic dragon.

The demon dragon let out a mournful cry, a big hole appeared on its body, and it fell into the sea of ​​blood.

The next moment, it flew up again, and all the injuries on its body disappeared.

"Today, wait, you should be the soul of the ancestors under the sword!"

Daojun Minghe smiled and pointed, and two lotus petals flew out from under the seat, turning into two red lotus flying swords, and the speed of escaping was extremely amazing.

With just a twist, the Xuanguang Mirror screamed and fell into the sea of ​​blood, and with another sword, it pierced the Xuanguang Dharma and killed the authentic suzerain of Xuanguang on the spot!

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