The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 122: Not yet

"My calamity is here!"

The small reincarnation disk appeared, and Fang Xian felt the deepest feeling.

When the monks in this world become the true monarch of the law, there will be a vision of heaven and earth, which not only represents the foundation, but also represents the 'doom' after the primordial spirit!

At this time, it is the reincarnation disc to block the way in person!

"Reincarnation and enlightenment are indeed extremely difficult, but...the silver lining is here."

Fang Xian took back the Sansheng Mirror and stopped himself in front of Daojun Jianfeng, but turned the Sansheng Mirror into a stream of light and threw it into the sky.


The next moment, his body was crushed into meat sauce by Jiange Peak.

For Yuanshen Daojun, the physical body is only the body, and the real core is the inextinguishable Yuanshen, and the things that are sustenance.

"No, Erxian Erying, set up a formation to stop him!"

Jianfeng Daojun shouted.

In the sky, Zhu Yingzi, Han Yingzhu, Zhuge Wenxian, and Gu Daoxian had already set up the Taixuan Dust Banning Great Array.

At this moment, it was just a pinch, and a world emerged, 'swallowing' the Mirror of Three Lives into it.

As long as you block the first block, the three Taoists behind can chase after him and end Fang Xian's life.

In the mirror of Sansheng, a ray of light appeared, turned into the figure of Fang Xian, and shouted: "I have a favor for you, you want to stop me?"

He had a great life-saving grace for Zhu Yingzi, and also pointed out her chances with Zhuge Wenxian and Han Yingzhu. Even Gu Daoxian helped her once in the southern border.

Fang Xian has given kindness several times before, in order to ask this sentence here and now!

This statement contains the power of cause and effect of the Dao, only Gu Daoxian did not hesitate to cut out the magic flying sword, but Zhuge Wenxian, Zhu Yingzi and Han Yingzhu trembled, and there was a flaw in the big formation.

If it is an ordinary Daoist, I am afraid that I will not be able to catch it.

But Fang Xian is different!

He has presided over this formation, and he is very familiar with the Taixuan fine dust formation. He has also practiced the "Taiqing True Art of Slaying Immortals", and he is also the foundation of that formation -- the sword master of the Sword of Immortal Slaying!

At this time, just after drinking, the Immortal Zhan Feijian psychically flew out, and a sword slashed on the Demon Refining Flying Sword, causing a gap in the 'world'.

'This sword is the Flying Sword of Immortal Slaying which has repaid my 'destiny'! It doesn't matter anymore! ’

Fang Xian has a clear understanding in his heart, Sanshengjing did not hesitate, flew out of the gap, rushed into the sky, and faced the simple roulette.

The surface of the small reincarnation disc is as gray as ink, like a stone grinding disc, with a gap on it.

'There is a lack of reincarnation disk, it is for the mirror of three lives! ’

‘Three Lives Mirror’s return to the wheel of reincarnation is the instinct of innate spiritual treasures! ’

At this moment, Fang Xian didn't hesitate, and the Sansheng Mirror fell into the gap, and it fit perfectly.

But the body of the treasure fits perfectly, and the spirit of it is completely different!

Fang Xian suddenly felt a violent consciousness, found the 'foreign body' in his body, and wanted to swallow and obliterate himself.

"This is the time."

He took a deep breath, and when he used Jin Dan and Dharma, he learned from the "Dongxuan Secret Record" of the 'distracting mind possessed by the body and the great supernatural power'!

This method is the supreme secret of seizing the house, and it can even make Yuanshen Daojun change his sustenance.

"I think Yuanshen's sustenance has never been a mirror of three lives, but you...the reincarnation disk!"

Fang Xian suddenly felt that his consciousness was blending with the soul of Samsara.

Even though he has cultivated into an inextinguishable primordial spirit, in front of the world's reincarnation, great merit, and immeasurable treasure, it is still not enough to see.

If only these two compete with each other, he has a high probability of failure.

"It's now!"

But at this time,

Fang Xian suddenly felt that within his consciousness, the golden finger that almost didn't exist, trembled slightly.

"Attribute bar, swallow it for me!"

When I saw the small reincarnation disk before the attribute bar, I trembled.

Combined with the characteristics of this golden finger that can make him reincarnate in the big world, it is obviously related to reincarnation, and it seems to be somewhat regrettable.

At this time, Fang Xian sent the beautiful meat of the small reincarnation plate to the attribute column!


in the sky.

Jianfeng, Baimei, Yuxu, the three Taoists, together with Erxian Erying, watched the small reincarnation plate in the sky.

"With this innate spiritual treasure blocking the way, that person is dead."

Daojun Yuxu spoke slowly.

"After all, it's a demon from outside the sky, there are some variables, just looking at him rushing to the sky, the old man felt quite frightened..." Jianfeng Daojun shook his head.

"The aura of the little reincarnation disk... has changed..."

Daojun Baimei suddenly said abruptly.


Others felt it, and they were dumbfounded.

That innate spiritual treasure, the originally vast and ethereal aura suddenly changed and became somewhat familiar.

"No, it's impossible!"

"Even if he is Yuanshen Daojun, how can he use the small reincarnation disk as a sustenance?"

"He has clearly entrusted Sanshengjing, how can he be so rude?!"

The three Daoists lost their composure one after another, almost uttering foul language.

But I saw that the small circle of reincarnation across the world suddenly collapsed inward and turned into one person, it was Fang Xian!

The small reincarnation disc disappeared, and turned into a disc-shaped symbol on the attribute bar, but it was still somewhat illusory.

"At this time, although I'm still my primordial spirit, I feel like..."

Fang Xian looked at the three Taoists and pressed his palms: "Since you are here to prevent me from becoming a Taoist, then go ashes!"

In the sky, a phantom of a grinding disc appeared and rolled down.

Jianfeng, Yuxu, and Baimei were also Yuanshen Daojun cultivation bases, but they couldn't resist them at all. In an instant, the mana and Yuanshen were all exhausted, leaving only a trace of true spirit, which plunged into reincarnation and sank.

This is because Fang Xian kept a hand, otherwise they would not even have a chance to reincarnate!

In the void, only three sustenances are left.

Erxian Erying looked at this scene and was already sluggish.

Fang Xian looked at Gu Dao Xian and pointed again: "After all, you still hit me with that sword, very good!"

With one finger, Gu Daoxian also turned into ashes.

"The devil... the devil!"

Zhuge Wenxian's face was full of despair: "We... made a big mistake!"

"No, you haven't!"

Fang Xian looked dignified and looked up at the sky.

Since he swallowed the small reincarnation disk, the heavens and the earth were furious, and the purple sky thunders gathered together and turned into an axe.

This is the innate killing treasure - Pangu Tianzhu axe!

Immediately, a picture scroll came across thousands of miles, a mysterious yellow pagoda emerged, a flag, and a string of beads.

The map of mountains and rivers! Xuanhuang Linglong Tower! Tai Chi Banner! Thirteen Dinghai Divine Pearls!

These few innate treasures seem to be disturbed, and the main body comes from the sky, and even takes the initiative to let go of the sky and lead many immortals to the lower realm.

An incomparably terrifying aura appeared above Fang Xian's head.

Looking at this scene, he only smiled bitterly: "Whatever is taken and what is returned is the fundamental law of this world... I take the reincarnation and become the Tao, which is to move the foundation of this world and owe the boss's fate! Unless I take the initiative to transform into reincarnation. , fill the foundation of this world, and will be bound together forever, otherwise it will definitely be gone!"

"No more, only death!!!"

The anger of a world, many innate spiritual treasures, and immortals in the lower realm, even if Fang Xianyuanshen entrusted the reincarnation disk, it would not be able to withstand it.

He looked up and saw that the axe was about to fall.

At this moment, on the attribute column, the symbol that was transformed after swallowing the reincarnation disk finally solidified, and a message came out:

"Do you want to turn on reincarnation?".

"Turn on!"

Fang Xian decided without hesitation, and immediately saw the axe with infinite thunder, slashing down!

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