The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 142: Strange People

"Huh? After the strange characteristics are completely integrated with the living, there is still such a change?"

In the notebook, Fang Xian was also very surprised: "Whether it was escaping from the laboratory before, or actively avoiding the strongest Simon, it all represents a possibility...that trait...survive, there is a certain amount of profit and avoidance. Harmful instinct, is it also learning and growing? After integrating with a person?"

He didn't know that in secret institutions, it was very difficult to open up the cultivation of resonance, and it was necessary to find a strange thing that fit.

It is quite rare for the resonance degree to increase to more than 50%, and it is accompanied by very terrible sequelae.

But this time Beikuo, it can be said that it has reached an appalling 100%!

"But it's nothing. Is this body suitable for me?"

Fang Xian began to think silently.

As for the question of whether he could succeed in winning the house, he didn't think about it at all.

His inextinguishable primordial spirit is very high, and even if there is no circuit and the characteristics of the notebook can be suppressed, that piece of wood is nothing.

"It's feasible, it's feasible, but it's just the worst option... That body, no, it's just a corpse, it's already dead... and it's ugly!"

"My spirituality has not accumulated enough. The next goal is to create a living Extraordinary, so that ordinary people can control that kind of completely activated characteristics... How can I overcome that instinct? Perhaps, a combination of several Extraordinary qualities? Use them to achieve a certain balance? Balance is the key!"

"I need a lot of idiosyncratic data, and the sample is still too small..."


Just when Fang Xian was thinking, the headquarters of the Wuguang Society was already in a strange state.

After Bei Kuo ran out, he started killing people.

He is already a 'weird', without the consciousness and thinking of human beings, only the instinct of the characteristics still exists, driving him to keep killing people, collecting spirituality, and opening the channel of different dimensions.

In addition, he has also screened the target to a certain extent, and knows how to bully the soft and be afraid of the hard.

Swordsmen like Simon were not attacked, but ordinary people suffered heavy losses.

After all, ordinary people can't resist the strange invasion at all, and Beikuo can be integrated with the wall and the ground, and its mobility is beyond the table.

Even Simon, who mastered the weird map, could only eat ashes behind him.

Terror spread in the headquarters of the Wuguang Society.

"How is this going?"

A high-level executive of the Wuguang Society was alerted and looked out the window.

Just now, he seemed to have seen a figure flashing outside the window.

In the next moment, his expression froze.

Because the original window was turned into a concrete wall.

"Damn, this is a weird case! The headquarters is in a weird place?"

The high-level executive immediately showed a vigilant look, took a string of pendants from his neck, wrapped them in his hands, stepped forward, and banged on the cement wall.

This wall is very strong, and I don't know how many meters thick.

At least this high-level understands that the strange things he has mastered are other abilities, and he does not have the power to forcibly break the wall.

Outside the original window, it left the scope of the headquarters and could see the street scene outside.

But at this time, the entire headquarters of the Wuguang Society, every door and window were blocked by cement, and from a distance, it seemed to become a huge... grave!

This is weird. After killing all the ordinary people, he finally set his sights on those sword-wielding people.

And, begin to consciously block the environment.

"Wu Qiyuan! Come out!"

Outside the door, a voice came, it was a high-level executive in the same camp as him - Poison Thirteen!

"Old poison,

Is it really you? "

Wu Qiyuan clenched the pendant in his hand, ready to release the curse if something went wrong.

"Of course it's me, be careful with that thing... Damn it, since the president got that notebook, he always likes to do some weird experiments. Is this game broken?"

Du Shisan's voice was hurried: "Hurry up! That thing blocked the headquarters first, and then it may divide us and break each one!"

" it so smart? Are you planning to conspire?"

Wu Qiyuan was a little surprised, but he no longer had any doubts about the person outside the door, and opened the door.

The next moment, his expression changed slightly.

The door became very heavy and difficult to open, as if it had become stone.

"Damn, that thing really wants to block me..."

Wu Qiyuan sweated coldly on his forehead, looking at his room, feeling a bit like a cement coffin.

Without hesitation, he used the power of the strange thing in charge.

Drops of black blood penetrated from the surface of the pendant and slowly dripped onto the ground.

In the cold breath, the curse broke out.


The door was pulled open, revealing the figure of Poison Thirteen outside.

"Old Poison... Fortunately, you came here, otherwise, one step later, I may be locked in the room by that strange..."

Wu Qiyuan was afraid.

"Let's go to other people. If this incident occurs, the president must be responsible!" Du Shisan gritted his teeth.

"Hi..." Wu Qiyuan sucked in a breath: "You're not afraid of him..."

"I'm dying, what are you afraid of?"

Du Shisan glared: "I had contact with that strange person once, that is a person, you still know it, it is Bei Kuo!"

"Has he been killed in a strange way and turned into a derivative?" Wu Qiyuan asked quickly after turning his head.

"No... Derivatives don't have that kind of ability, he's the source of the weirdness!" Du Shisan grinned: "A living person is not manipulated by something weird, but he himself is 'weird', the kind of terrifying You can't imagine that, if it weren't for my ability to save my life, I might die..."

"President... what are you doing?" Wu Qiyuan was also a little dissatisfied. After all, he almost died, and he didn't know how to die: "Let's go to him, at least, he has to be responsible for solving this matter!"

Wu Qiyuan still believed in Simon's ability.

The other party has mastered more than one strange thing, and it should be able to solve Bei Kuo.

Besides, if you can't solve it, you can only leave this headquarters by relying on the other party's map.

"Let's go, he's over there in the lab!"

Du Shisan's expression returned to calm: "I hope to join other people. At this time, one more person means more strength."

Ordinary people in the headquarters are probably dead, and the rest are those who are in charge of strange things.


Wu Qiyuan was about to move his footsteps when a palm suddenly appeared on the ground.

This palm was cold and hard, like a piece of steel, with corpse spots and green fluff on the surface, as if it was protruding directly from the ground, and grabbed his ankle!

In an instant, Wu Qiyuan felt that his body was invaded by a kind of icy cold, and he couldn't even move his eyelids.

"Damn... This Bei Kuo really has the ability to walk through various objects!"

Du Shisan cursed and lifted his right sleeve.

On his right arm, there is a ghost face tattoo. .

At this moment, the tattoo seemed to come to life, and the green hands on the ground were staring at the smiling eyes.

The curse erupts!

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