The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 159 Spring Water

"Strange code name: No Thought Demon Dagger!"

"Appearance: A black dagger with a dark ruby ​​inlaid at the end."

"Effect: After testing, it has an extremely good sealing ability for strange things with the characteristics of 'alive'!"

"How to use: Penetrate strange things that need to be sealed!"

"Price: The user will also be sealed and turned into a vegetative person!"

"Secret level: top secret!"


If it hadn't happened to happen to this strange thing, Mei Li would not have been able to see the files with this level of secrecy.

"Is it a mindless magic dagger?"

She closed the file and took a deep breath: "Maybe it can really limit that notebook. Next, find Jia Wei."

It's a very simple thing.

Not to mention the ability of the secret agency, even Jia Wei himself might take the initiative to 'help' and reveal some clues.

At this moment, a member of a secret agency trotted over: "The theft in the blood bank of this city's hospital... According to the surveillance footage... Confirmed as Jia Wei!"

"Very good... it seems that Javi is still a loyal swordsman. He may just be held hostage by something weird, or he has some hardships of last resort... so..."

Master Delin pursed his lips: "Take your hands and prepare to go!"


An abandoned factory.

Javi depicts the divination ritual, placing the notebook in the center.

Looking at this notebook, thoughtfully.

He defected from the branch at first, and was indeed afraid of being studied and sealed.

But through this period of observation, he felt that it seemed more dangerous to stay beside this notebook.

However, he did not dare to escape or discard the notebook.

After all, this is suspected to be a natural disaster grade strange!

And the strange power of V-level, he has fully understood in that campus.

At this point, we can only give some hints and look forward to the rescue of the headquarters of the secret agency.

On the surface, it is necessary to confuse the snake with the notebook, steal blood for it, and use it for divination.


inside the notebook.

"The sleeping city, 80% is also an idealistic existence who successfully passed the gate of the world. Is it weird from another world?"

Fang Xian looked at the scenes.

Although there is also interference, but he cooperates with his own guesses and can guess the matter more or less.

"The strange thing is the invasion of another world, and the existence of idealism is probably the relationship between the small fish and the big fish. The small fish can pass through the fishing net of the world relatively smoothly, and then open the door and enlarge the fish to come in!"

"That kind of idealistic existence is similar to my primordial spirit. After coming to this world, maybe it has the same goal... For example, a body, a perfect body?"

He doesn't like the body of ordinary people, and the weirdness of those grades IV and V is probably the same.

"That is to say... in the sleeping city, is there a perfect body being conceived? It is still worth visiting..."

"And the small overseas island I saw should be the headquarters of a secret agency, and is it an indispensable part of this incident?"

"In that case... the scene I saw was very interesting..."

At this moment, Fang Xian felt the change in the external environment.

Since he plundered a lot of spirituality, the power of his primordial spirit has been increasing day by day, and at this time he can monitor the surroundings of the notebook at any time.

"It seems...Javi has a different heart, this is normal..."

"Hehe... Then let's play, if he continues to be disobedient,

Then directly control him and spend a little spirituality is nothing to me at the moment..."

After last night's harvest, Fang Xian could be said to have made a lot of money. At this time, he no longer cares about a small loss of spirituality.


baa baa!

At this point, around the factory.

All around suddenly echoed the harsh sound of goats.

Jia Wei frowned and saw that the wall suddenly turned pitch black, as if coated with a layer of oil-like solution.

The solution struggled, wriggled, turned into black goat heads, and screeched at the center of the flat.

"This is... weird?"

Jia Wei rolled his eyes and felt that he was being suppressed again.

Although not as good as last night, his mobility was indeed limited.

And, he just belongs to being affected.

The real target is the notebook in the middle.

In the void, the light and shadow were distorted, and a figure suddenly emerged.

This figure held a black dagger in his hand, and swooped down like a cheetah, the dagger in his hand stabbed the book of trade fiercely.


The sharp dagger pierced directly through the notebook, nailing it to the ground.

The notebook did not struggle, nor did it release strangeness and curses, as if it were a dead thing.


A smile appeared on the corner of Jia Wei's mouth.

But at this moment, he found that everything around him was becoming illusory, as if it had turned into a drop of ink, which quickly dissolved and disappeared.

baa baa!

The sheep croaked again.

Everything seems to be back to a few seconds ago!

"No... It's not a time reversal, it's an illusion! It's not just my illusion!"

Jia Wei felt that every pore on his body was shaking: "That notebook... had long anticipated this attack, and also pulled the members of the nearby secret agency into the illusion..."


The next moment, he saw that the notebook at the center of the ceremony disappeared.

When it reappeared, it was already in his hands.

The tentacles like blood vessels spread from the notebook, as if to pierce into his body.

"Do not!"

Jia Wei wanted to mobilize his own characteristics, release the curse and desperately resist, but the next moment, he was motionless, like a statue.

Obviously, in the bizarre duel, he failed, and he lost completely and completely.

Strange things with the characteristics of being alive, although they cannot move directly, they can control the movement of human beings, such as that badge.

Today's Fang Xian did not use the magical power to seize the house, but just forcibly took over Jia Wei's body.

If he likes, he can return control at any time.


A surprised voice came from the void, and a group of people appeared.

The leader was Master Delin who held a goat head scepter.

The way this strange thing responds makes his scalp feel numb, because unlike ordinary strange things, it will only passively dismantle, but take the initiative to attack.

It's just... just like a person!

‘Can’t… let this weirdness continue to grow! ’

With a solemn expression, Delin held a cross-shaped pendant and swallowed it.


At this time, the expressionless Jia Wei acted.

He opened the notebook in his hand and showed Delin a new page.

A line of bloody large handwriting emerged:

"Your spring has exploded!"

"What do you mean?" Delin's expression moved, and he instantly reacted: "Spring water? Could it be... the fountain of the dead, impossible!"

At this moment, the emergency contact device on his body automatically turned on: "Three seats of Delin, please return to this island as soon as possible, the Fountain of the Dead... is out of control!"

All the swordsmen's expressions changed wildly at the same time.

After all, the spring water of the Necronomicon has suppressed most of the strange items!

Once out of control, what chain reaction will occur, it is hard to say. .


Delin waved his cloak, wrapped all the swordsmen, and disappeared.

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