The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 183 Borrowing the Way

an empty space.

The two buses and many hoverbikes were thrown aside, and Ashu was excitedly picking out the spoils.

The middle-aged man who was rescued looked at the black-haired young man with trepidation along with the other survivors of the convoy.

The opponent is the powerhouse of the fourth form!

An existence revered as the king of strangeness.

Such an existence, even in the end times, can live like a duck in water and protect one side.

Didn't you see that Iron Wolf and Fire Wolf were both planted? If they don't know each other, what will happen, needless to say.

Because according to research, most of the powerhouses in the fourth form are extremely unstable. If they lose control, they will be no different from those king-level weirdos!

"come over……"

Fang Xian waved his hand, called the leader of the convoy in front of him, and looked up and down: "Your name is Lao Hu?"

"Yes, esteemed lord."

Lao Hu's waist was almost bent ninety degrees.

"Do you know how to get to the Tucker Mountains and the City of Dawn?"

Fang Xian asked again.

"Of course we've heard the name of the City of Dawn, but unfortunately the road is too dangerous..." The corner of Lao Hu's mouth was a little bitter. If he could go there, why would he be wandering around with the convoy?

"I do not know……"

Fang Xian seemed a little disappointed.

At this time, Ah Shu cheered, grabbed a sleeping Iron Wolf member and came over: "I found... His ability is the same as mine."


Fang Xian nodded and raised his hand.

The body of this beastly clan became illusory and quickly disappeared, leaving only twelve traits in place.

Ashu quickly picked out the corresponding nine copies, and kept the remaining three copies.

In the strange world, the Dawning Society has spread a set of methods to purify and preserve the characteristics.

And the characteristic of this first-shaped 'soldier' ​​is also hard currency.

After doing all this, Fang Xian said to Jia Wei next to him: "You are lucky, the leader of the Iron Wolf Society happens to be the third form of your path. If you swallow him, you can be promoted to the third form... Of course, among them There is also a certain risk. As for Shiraishi...there are so many people on the ground, you can choose any one!"

Although this devouring promotion carries certain risks, Fang Xian believes in Jia Wei and Shiraishi.

They are all elites among the elites of another world, so there shouldn't be much of a problem.

Of course, if something goes wrong, even if they are unlucky.

When Lao Hu saw this, cold sweat kept falling from his forehead, for fear that his own group would also end up in the Iron Wolf Society, he wiped his sweat and shouted: "Sir... But I know how to pass through the Tucker Mountains... This mountain has been occupied by many terrifying and strange, although the adults can force it through, but my method can also save the adults a little strength..."

"Oh? Your kid is still useful. But don't be so troublesome..."

Fang Xian waved his hand, and Lao Hu fell asleep again.

- Eat dreams!

After a while, Fang Xian thought thoughtfully: "So that's the case..."

The Tucker Mountains are indeed difficult to climb, and there are many dangers entrenched in them, which become strange and terrifying.

And this old gourd does have a way to pass through the Tucker Mountains, and that is - to borrow a strange way from the king!

The so-called 'king-level weirdness', that is, natural disaster-level weirdness, is equivalent to the weird king of human beings, and perhaps even more terrifying and unpredictable.

He is aware of the strange rules of one's level, and the other party seems to be cruising according to a specific route.

Every once in a while, the Tucker Mountains are traversed.

The weirdness can restrain each other.

If you follow behind the opponent, you can use its strange suppression of the Tucker Mountains to borrow a safer road!

Of course, there are a lot of taboos in this, the most important thing is to avoid the king-level weird killing rules, and you can't stand in front of it, otherwise you will die!

It is because he has mastered such a passage that this old gourd can pull up an exiled team with the strength of the second form, and live a good life.

But the reason why he didn't go to the City of Dawn was because there was still a long way to go after going over the Tucker Mountains.


Fang Xian snapped his fingers, Lao Hu woke up from the dream, a little dazed, suddenly his expression changed, and he became very frightened.

"Very well, you didn't lie to me."

Fang Xian nodded: "We need to replenish the supplies for four people. As for the reward... just use the members of the Iron Wolf Society on the ground..."

Hearing this, Ah Shu's head fell immediately.

He still wants to harvest so many people and fulfill his dream of getting rich overnight.


After half a month.

Fang Xian took Jia Wei, Baishi, Ah Shu, and Lao Hu to stand in front of a huge mountain pass.

Just standing on the periphery of the mountain range felt extremely dangerous.

Within the valley, there seems to be a thick black fog that is constantly rolling and rising, turning into various faces.

This is the weirdness of the Tucker Mountains!

Jia Wei is dressed in black, and his expression is even more stern. If you look closely, you will find that his body is a little hazy, like reality and illusion.

Shiraishi and Ah Shu next to him also changed a lot, and their breath was calm.

This is the result that they all digested the gains of the Iron Wolf Society and got promoted after being promoted.

Especially Javi.

He has now reached the third form of this path - the messenger of dreams, and he is only one step away from becoming a strange king like Fang Xian. Be the man who goes and sleeps wherever he goes!

In the strange world, except for the strange site of the king, there are other places that are sure to be explored.

Of course, this step is difficult to cross.

The number of strange things alone is difficult to make up, and it is a huge watershed.

At this time, Fang Xian and his party were finally ready, and they also waited for the right time to cross the Tucker Mountains.


A mechanical watch case was opened, Lao Hu glanced at it, and said with certainty: "That king-level weirdness is coming soon. This is the law I have observed for three years, and there is absolutely no mistake!"

"No..." Fang Xian looked a little dignified, and shook his head: "The biggest rule of weirdness is that there are no rules! Especially when facing another weirdness of the same level, its rules are likely to change..."

Speaking of this, Jia Wei and Shiraishi couldn't help but sank.

The lesson of the sleeping city is the biggest loss in the history of the secret agency.

What's more, in their perception, Fang Xian itself is weird, really weird!


At this moment, Fang Xian suddenly looked in one direction and said.

As the king of strangeness in the fourth stage, he had the highest induction at the scene.

After a while, Jia Wei also sensed, and his body began to tremble slightly.

This is an instinctive reaction to seeing a predator at the top of the food chain.

The king level is weird, the most terrifying disaster in this world has arrived!

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