【Name: Fang Xian】

[Occupation: Alchemist (80% of the foundation stone)]

[Alchemy: Mysterious View of Daluo Cave (Level 3)]

【Strange Ability: Dreamland】

[Daoshu: ? ? ? , martial arts: ? ? ? 】

[Reincarnation: can be opened]


Inside the room, Fang Xian stared at his attribute column: "It's not worth the time I spent... I finally got something decent..."

He felt that his golden finger was a little mentally retarded, or simply a crippled version.

If I hadn't developed the [Eye of Dongxuan] myself, I might not have seen this product.

If he hadn't swallowed the reincarnation disk desperately, he wouldn't be able to develop the ability to take the initiative to reincarnate.

Moreover, the information it can express is constructed on the basis of its own experience.

It is not so much the attribute column, but rather the most essential understanding and expression of one's own state.

Therefore, when your mind moves, its expression will change.

After several adjustments, it has become somewhat similar to the game attribute bar, which is based on a game that Fang Xian liked in his previous life.

"Yuanshen's cultivation base has been integrated into the alchemist level, and it is still 20% short of laying the foundation... In addition, innate magical powers such as the eye of the cave and the blood spirit divination have been added to the Daluo Cave Mystery View. In an alchemy, let it be promoted to the third level..."

Only the level of alchemists and the practice of alchemy can be the basis for Fang Xian to reincarnate in other worlds in the future.

The strange ability is most used in these two worlds, and it is difficult to say whether the next world will recognize it or not.

As for a large number of other Taoist arts and martial arts, it was completely dark at this time, and it was obvious that most of them were unavailable.

"Is the first stage of alchemy practice? I'm about to reach Consummation..."

At this moment, Fang Xian inexplicably felt a force coming from the void.

Like an icy coolness,

He poured down from his eyebrows, making his alchemist cultivation level a little higher.

"This is the power of disaster, and it is also the power of calamity!"

If Fang Xian understood something.

At this point, you can see the property bar move:

【Tribulation Power+100】

[Occupation: alchemist (81% of the foundation laid)]


"It's not that the property bar has become intelligent, but that the information is revealed according to my feeling... At least a little more intuitive..."

Fang Xian pouted, and his expression immediately became solemn: "The power of robbery has become more intense... I'm afraid this world is about to end..."

Although the strange world is already the end of mankind, it is not the end of the world.

The ability of the world itself to bear is much stronger than that of human beings. Even if human beings die, they can survive for a long time.

but now.

Fang Xian pressed his eyebrows.

An uneasy throbbing emerged in his heart, as if he would face a danger that could make him fall at any time.

This is a premonition of impending disaster!

He pushed open the door and walked out of the room.

"grown ups!"

Shiraishi seemed to have just come out of the room, and subconsciously said hello.

The next moment, he stepped backwards step by step, like a replay of the camera, and returned to his room.

But his expression is very natural, as if it should be so.

This is the 'time' of this area, distorted.

In the area where Shiraishi is located, a strange 'rewind time' begins!

"The time in this world...is there disorder?"

Fang Xian muttered to himself, all kinds of strange abilities can actually be regarded as the distortion and use of the rules of this world.

But now, the 'rules' of this world are beginning to be disordered.

His body was shrouded in a layer of dreams, away from this area, and came to the sky above the City of Dawn.

Not long after, Wen Renxiu came to him.

After all, it was not completely out of control before, and after getting help, the strange king survived.

She did not speak, standing side by side with Fang Xian, looking at the whole sky.

There is no sun or stars in this world, the sky is gray, but the brightness of visible light distinguishes day and night.

In the past, this interval was about twelve hours.

But at this time... Fang Xian keenly felt that this 'time limit'... had changed.

"Not just the entire City of Dawn... Is it the whole world?"

Fang Xian looked at the city below.

Many survivors have no idea what happened, but are trapped in their own 'realms of time'.

Some of their movements have become ten times faster, more than a hundred times faster, some are constantly going backwards, just like the white stone played back before, and some seem to have become sculptures, motionless.

It didn't take long for this to cause quite a horrific mess.

"Time accelerates, time goes backwards, and time stands still? The world is going to be broken..."

Fang Xian secretly muttered to himself.

"This is my mistake."

Wen Renxiu finally said, "I shouldn't have destroyed the original... Its demise has completely disrupted our timeline..."

"You...you're not going to get out of control, are you?"

Fang Xian's eyes flashed and asked.

"Please rest assured, I'm still very stable at the moment..." Wen Renxiu smiled bitterly: "Honest lies... It's really a terrible and strange thing..."

"You used that weird thing again?" Fang Xian's eyes flashed.

That weird thing is very terrifying. It deceived Wu An with the truth, and directly created this weird end of the world, which has been tightly sealed by the City of Dawn.

Until Wen Renxiu turned it on again and asked about the original strange location, but the result was that the world was about to be destroyed.

"The negative effects of this strange thing are too terrifying..." Even Fang Xian had lingering fears.

"Yes, the last time I was affected by it out of control, this time thanks to it, I can maintain my state for a while... I will use the personality of the strange king to find the last way of life for the human beings in the city of dawn..."

Wen Renxiu sighed.

"What solution did it give?" Fang Xian asked, "Fleeing to our world?"

"How can teleportation across the world be so simple?"

Wen Renxiu glanced at Fang Xian: "The miracles of your three visitors from other worlds cannot be replicated... and it is ten times more difficult for our world to travel to that world, and we need to pay a terrible price..."

"for example……"

Fang Xian asked curiously.

"You're not worried, and you don't want to stop it?" Wen Renxiu asked in surprise, "Aren't you a member of that world? Do you want to see your hometown invaded."

"How many people are there in the City of Dawn? Even if they go to that world, it's nothing..." Fang Xian smiled and slandered to himself, not to mention that it wasn't his hometown.

"That method is very extreme. It requires everyone to give up their bodies, turn into a state of pure thinking, and use weird things as a carrier to cross that door... This is similar to the way those king-level weird invaded your world... But they Not strong, but very weak, this is an advantage, it means that it will not be too rejected..."

Wen Renxiu said that plan.

Fang Xian nodded.

Ordinary weird things are quite convenient to cross the world, and those who are blocked from the door are all powerful king-level weirdness.

"However...the state of pure thinking is sure that there are no sequelae and defects? For example...defective...mentally retarded? Affected by strange instincts?"

Fang Xian couldn't help imagining, and mourned for a few seconds of silence for Shiraishi's original world.

A new wave of weirdness is coming, and it's still a completely different type from before.

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