The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 199 Opening

Time flies.

Seven days passed in a flash.

The hunters may have just come out of the jungle.

But Wang Shun felt that he had experienced the most incredible thing in his life.

The white ape was really learning how to speak from him, and the other party was not as simple as being wise, but very smart, just like an old monster.

Often the words he taught, the other party could understand and remember after only one use, and never forget them.

On the third day, Wang Shun suspected that the other party could roughly understand what he was saying.

This made him very scared, and it wasn't that he didn't think about running away or resisting.

However, he discovered that a martial arts that is respected among the mountain people, in the end, he couldn't beat a monkey.

Not to mention, this monkey has two accomplices, a tiger and an eagle.

When he saw the eagle hovering in the sky, as if monitoring everything, he gave up the plan to escape and taught the white ape to speak honestly.

Even, looking at the cane in Bai Yuan's hand, he even had the idea of ​​stealing a teacher.

After all, the opponent's cane is so sharp that it is so sharp that he can't fight back.

If you can learn it from your own hands, I'm afraid it will also be a craft that can be passed down to the family.

As for the cottage and the hunter team, he can't protect himself, so he can only let them seek more happiness for themselves.


this day.

At night, after eating the two wild juveniles brought by the tiger as usual, Wang Shun yawned and looked at the bright moon in the sky.

Seeing the white ape facing the lake, babbling in his mouth, as if he was practicing vocalization, he couldn't help laughing inwardly: 'This old ape, it's already a miracle that he can understand human speech, and he still wants to learn how to speak? Alas... If it really can speak, then teach it a few auspicious words, wouldn't those dignitaries go crazy with joy? Must be able to sell for a sky-high price...wait...what am I thinking? ’

"Wang Shun... come here!"

At this time, he heard a low voice in his ear.

Although some are not standard, like parrots, but they can really understand.


He responded subconsciously, suddenly thought of something, his body trembled, and he looked at the white ape incredulously.

"it's me!"

Fang Xian stood with his hands behind his back.

During this period of painstaking cultivation of calamity power, he finally completely cultivated the first change of the "Nine Transformations of Gangsha" - the transformation of flesh and blood, refining part of the flesh and blood of the throat and tongue, and can make a human voice.


"No! Grandpa White Ape... You can finally speak?"

Wang Shun was so frightened that he knelt on the ground and almost urinated.

The old ape said, he had never heard of such a thing.

"Monster? Are there really monsters in the world?"

Fang Xian asked.

'How not? you are not? ’

Wang Shun shouted in his heart, and was cross-examined by Fang Xian.

After some conversation, Fang Xian was silent.

This Wang Shun was the head hunter of a nearby cottage. He had some status and knew more than ordinary people.

At any rate, he knew that the country at this time was called 'Da Zhou', and it was in the ancient feudal period as Fang Xian expected.

Before the Great Zhou Dynasty, there was another Great Yuan. Later, at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, the emperor lost his virtue, and all the heroes in the world rose to the land. After seventy years of chaos, the world was taken over by Zhou Taizu, and it has only been passed down for three generations.

The reigning emperor, although not particularly wise and martial, is also a guarding monarch. Coupled with the beginning of the world, the population is prosperous, and it is the time of peace and prosperity.

Wang Shun was a native of the cottage near Bailiang Mountain.

Bailiang Mountain is located in Dingzhou. When the world was in chaos and the people couldn't bear the hardships, they took refuge in the deep mountains and established villages to protect themselves. There were hundreds of people in each village, and gradually became a scale.

By now, the government will naturally not sit idly by.

Through various means, the households are registered and the people are brought under control. Of course... the most important thing is to pay taxes.

The mountain people were already poor, but at this time it was worse, and when they heard that the local official wanted to offer auspiciousness, they came up with the idea of ​​​​white ape.

It is said that there was a woodcutter in the past who saw the white ape nearby when he was collecting firewood, so he followed him all the way.

'What they saw was probably my predecessor...'

Fang Xian asked again, and found that this ancient world seems to have no other mysteries, just a world of ordinary people.

Although there are Taoist priests, they only worship some gods, and there are no miracles and magic.

The strongmen boasted by the army as "unreasonable bravery" can actually be brought down by a crowd of at most a few dozen people.

As for the mountain spirit monsters and the like, although there are many legends, none of them have been confirmed.

‘Of course… now that I have it, maybe I’m the first youkai? Perhaps it was Wang Shun's lack of knowledge...'

Fang Xian felt that there was something wrong with Wang Shun looking at him.

Obviously, after encountering such a major change, this person's worldview has been deflected.

"Grandpa White Ape... What other orders do you have?"

Seeing Bai Yuan's pair of purple eyes made him chill, Wang Shun couldn't help but ask with a pleasing smile.

"You taught me to speak and read. It's a bit weak, but you had bad intentions before..."

Fang Xian's face was half-smiling, so Wang Shun knelt down, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead: "Grandpa White Ape, the villain's lard is blinded, so he dares to hit your mind, you should be a fart. , let go of the little guy..."

"It's a clever ghost."

Fang Xian laughed dumbly: "I haven't finished talking yet... the merits and demerits are equal, I don't care about the set of swordsmanship you stealthily learned, and after you go back, you will practice for a long time, and you will not be able to use it for the rest of your life, let's go... "

The swordsmanship he summed up, even if it is an ordinary strike technique, is enough to live in and live, and in this world, it is the ultimate magic trick.

It's just a pity, this person is unbearable, otherwise he wouldn't mind accepting three apprentices to pass on the way of the clergy.

"Thank you Grandpa White Ape, thank you Grandpa White Ape!"

Wang Shun was overjoyed, kowtowed a few times, got up and wanted to leave.

At this time, I heard Fang Xian say lightly: "After this time, I'm going to leave!"

Wang Shun shuddered, feeling that his heart seemed to be seen through, the back of his clothes was soaked in cold sweat, and he almost knelt down again.

After he left, Fang Xian called the tiger and the eagle again: "You guys leave too, don't come back here."

After thinking about it, he slapped the tiger and the eagle on the forehead again, and a seed of divine consciousness fell.

Among them, there is not only the power of robbery, but also the human language and characters that Fang Xian has learned during this period, as well as the method of refining the horizontal bones.

'Maybe they can become monsters with time? Robbery? ’

'After all, there is no spiritual energy in this world, I can only practice my alchemist way...'

‘Is it considered that I have established a demon path and become the ancestor of all demons? ’

Fang Xian raised his head: 'If this world really has a 'Heavenly Mind', will there be some thunder doom or something? ’

He is not afraid of doom, but is afraid that the force of doom is not violent enough.

It is a pity that there is a bright moon in the sky, and there is no sign of dark clouds closing the moon and thunder dancing wildly.

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