The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 212 God's Arrest

"Exactly...that white ape swallowed the elixir, it has become a climate, I can't easily take it down..."

Fang Xian nodded.

Tong Zhezi and others have a sense of sudden realization.

The world in this side has long been connected to heaven and earth. There is no spiritual energy, and there is no way to practice. Where did the monsters come from?

This time, the appearance of the white ape has an explanation.

It turns out that the chance and the root lie in this immortal.

A few old Taoists heard the effect of the 'Nine Turning Jade Liquid Golden Elixir', and their eyes lit up: "Immortal Rongqi, that white ape is in Bailiang Mountain, bewitching the mountain people and causing chaos, I am willing to be driven by the immortal. , in addition to this enchanting... and that medicinal pill, should the immortals be re-refined? I am also willing to help the immortals and search for materials..."

Tonghezi rolled his eyes and cursed to himself: 'A group of old people who don't cultivate, they don't even need their skin... The immortals refine the longevity pills, how precious are the materials, and how dare they boast of finding them? ’

At this time, he also smiled: "This place is simple, and the immortals are willing to move to Tongxuan Mountain to see up and down, and they will make sacrifices..."


Fang Xian's face was slightly hesitant: "If my monkey is not restrained, I'm afraid it will cause trouble..."

"To be honest, I have also been blackmailed by the spiritual pet to walk some Taoist scriptures, but according to the old way, although the spiritual pet is strong, it has not yet become a demon king. Immortals can rest assured for the time being." Tonghezi hurriedly said.


Fang Xian moved in his heart and made an unfathomable gesture.

As expected, Tonghezi said: "According to this view, only the abbot can teach the ancient secrets, the so-called 'Demon King' must have the authority to summon all demons. , to point out the spirits, it doesn't matter too much..."

When he said this, Fang Xian realized something.

'Yes, yes, that's exactly the reason... The third transformation of my nine-transformation of Gangsha, it should be 'gathering beasts and adjusting birds', the authority to gather all beasts and enlighten wisdom? ’

Sometimes the strength of an individual is poor, and all beasts are gathered together as wings.

This is what Fang Xian learned from this world.

In any world, there are merits.

"Besides that, the divine arresting division and special envoy sent by the imperial court are also here. They are also a part of their strength." Tonghezi sold some confidential information without thinking.

"Forget it, then go to Tongxuan Mountain to stay for a few days..."

Fang Xian looked at Tonghezi, and seemed to see the old man's mind through, but agreed with a smile.


post station.

Several homing pigeons fluttered their wings one after another and hurriedly fell into the pigeon cage.

"What's going on? There are so many urgent reports from Zhengyang Mansion. Could it be that the gang of thieves has broken through what county town?"

A black-clothed officer muttered to himself, took the secret report, checked that the seal was fine, and then quickened his pace, entered a courtyard in the back, and knelt down on one knee: "Several imperial envoys, there is an urgent report from Zhengyang Mansion! "

"Looks like things have changed?"

Miao Yu and Baoshi, two Taoists who were making tea, were startled when they heard the words: "Go and ask Ni Shen to arrest him here."

This time in Dazheng County, not only was the imperial court furious, and they ordered troops to be encircled and suppressed, but they also sent many experts secretly.

This divine arresting division was created by Taizu of the Great Zhou Dynasty. It collected experts from all over the world. It has the power to detect, arrest, and report individually. It is only responsible to the emperor.

If there is a secret report, of course, the presence of others is necessary to prove innocence.

It didn't take long for a catcher in a fifth-grade public uniform to arrive.

This is Ni Shenzao, famous in the capital,

There is a nickname called 'Red Eyed Golden Eagle'. Not only is he excellent in martial arts, but he is also an expert in handling cases. I don't know how many robbers from Jiangyang have been planted under his hands, and he has been named a top five-grade gold medal catcher.

At this time, behind Ni Shenshou, there were two apprentices guarding him. Falcon-like eyes swept over the two Taoists, and he felt a little unhappy.

Although Ni Shenzao was a man of the gods, he liked to read and had a bit of a Confucian spirit.

For the emperor who is close to Taoist priests and other miscellaneous people, there are actually quite a few criticisms, but if he dares not write to the emperor, he can only attack the Taoist.

But he somehow knew what to do, and asked, "Is there an urgent report?"


Taoist Miao Yu showed Ni Shenzhao the seal, and then opened it, just glanced at it, and his expression changed slightly.

Immediately, he opened another bamboo tube and looked at it as well, and his breathing was a little heavier.

This strangeness immediately caught the attention of the bouldering Taoist next to him, wondering what made the old friend so solemn.

Ni Shenzhao took it, and the same face twitched: "There is an immortal from Zhengyang Mansion? A bit of the technique of turning stone into gold? That White Ape is his lost spiritual pet? He even used fake gold to disrupt the city, causing several houses to almost go bankrupt. He is indeed a monster!"

"Cough cough..."

Boulder coughed: "This is a bit too much, but this immortal with the surname Fang is really born out of nowhere. I know a thing or two about the inheritance of my Taoism, but I don't know what Taoism he is?"

He looked at Miao Yu, and found that his friend was also confused, with a vague excitement: "In any case, the Tonghezi of Tongxuanguan has some vision and knowledge, and he said that he is a true immortal, so it must be extraordinary. , you should visit Yi-2, this is also for His Majesty's official business."

"Since that's the case, when I get to Zhengyang Mansion, I will go with you to visit the 'immortal'!"

Ni Shen caught something in his sleeve, sneered, and walked out of the courtyard.

"I see the face of this person... Although there is some good luck, but the evil spirit is deep and the disaster is tragic. I am afraid that the future is not good, and I may destroy the family..."

Baoshi waited until Ni Shenchau left, and when he could no longer hear a sound, he suddenly said.

"This is natural... This person has always disrespected my Taoist sect. This time, 80% of them want to collide with immortals... Naturally, all good luck will be cut, not to mention that there is not much..."

Real Miao Yu also sneered.

Ni Shenzao has a fifth-rank official position in his body. He really does not invade by evil. With a combination of martial arts, God blocks and kills God, and Buddha blocks and kills Buddha. Even if he is an imperial envoy, he is not very respectful along the way.

In fact, if Miao Yu and Baoshi join forces, they may not be able to take down this person if they really do it.

This is the embarrassment of Daomen today.

"So... is he really an immortal? Is he really immortal? There is still a road to longevity in this world?"

Taoist bouldering was silent for a long time, and suddenly asked a question.

"Who knows?" Miao Yu replied: "But I see that Ni Shencai will definitely go to collide with the immortal, and maybe use that thing... You will know at a glance how it will look."

"This is... the avenue..."

Boulder had some expectations in his heart, but also a little uneasy.

For a true cultivator, as long as he can live forever, what is imperial power? ?

Before, it was impossible to escape, only floating and sinking in the world, and then I had to be vain.

At this point, or is there any other hope?

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