The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 231 Questioning


above the sky.

Fang Xian's yin god Yukong feels the 'qi' in heaven and earth.

"In this world, there is no such thing as aura, or aura of suffocation... but it doesn't matter, it is enough to have aura of calamity!"

"Gangsha Nine Transformations of Youshen Royal Qi!"

As Fang Xian performed his alchemy, his yin god seemed to be coated with a layer of film and became like glazed glass, which was extremely strong in the strong wind.

Not only that, when his mind moved, the yin spirit flew in the air, and suddenly went dozens of miles away.

"Traveling to the four poles in the morning, picking flowers in the evening... This is the power of the Yin God!"

Fang Xian looked at the attribute column:


【Name: Fang Xian】

[Occupation: Alchemist (Level 3)]

[Alchemy: Daluodong Mysterious View (third level), Gangsha Nine Transformations (fourth transformation)]

[Daoshu: ? ? ? , martial arts: ? ? ? , Weird: ? ? ? 】

[Reincarnation: can be opened]


"Can I do the next Daluo reincarnation?"

"However, let's finish the affairs of this world..."

The activation of the active reincarnation option made Fang Xian a little more courageous.

He was yin and qi, raised his altitude again, and began to gallop.


The wind howled all around.

The scene on the ground keeps getting smaller and smaller, like a delicate sand table.

Fang Xian raised his head and saw that the sky was in the sky, thousands of stars shone brightly, converging into a galaxy.

"Really, a beautiful starry sky!"

"In comparison, the ground is dark, and sure enough, there were almost no lights at night in ancient times..."

"The capital... this is the direction!"

With the positioning of the stars, Fang Xian saw a huge city when the moon was in the middle of the sky.

Compared with other prefecture cities, the capital of Dazhou is still a little bright even in the middle of the night, especially in the imperial city, a brightly lit sky street is very dazzling and eye-catching.

Well, the ancient lamp oil is very expensive, and it can light the candle and keep it on all night. It is the real rich man.

Inside the palace, it is brightly lit, and it is also made by exploiting the people of the world.

Fang Xian ran the 'Daluo Cave Mysterious View', and more visions that were difficult to see with the naked eye came into view.

That is colorful incense, with a strong will!

The Son of Heaven is a divine position, and Dragon Qi is a high-level incense wish!

At this moment, Fang Xian sensed a little, and could see a torrent of incense, gathering from all over the world, circling over the imperial city.

'This is an absolute suppression for Taoists who follow the way of incense... Not to mention sneaking into the imperial city, I am afraid that it is very difficult to be in the capital? Unless you get the canonization of the imperial court and become your own? ’

Fang Xian's yin spirit descended slowly, the target was the imperial city!


In the void, there was a faint sound of dragons.

The colorful colors converged, turned into a giant dragon, and took a bite towards Fang Xian.

next moment!

Fang Xian walked through the phantom of the giant dragon and came to the palace.

"Where is the emperor?"

He didn't care about anything else and asked directly.

"Where is the emperor?"

"Where is the emperor?"

This voice seems to have its own life, constantly echoing in the palaces, searching for buildings.

"This is?"

In the guard's room, the guard commander fell from his seat in shock: "Dao Fa? How is it possible?"

Inside, in a side hall.

Several Taoists opened their eyes,

They were all shocked: "Ignore the dragon energy to cast the spell, is it really the arrival of the true immortal?"



The Great Zhou Emperor had just fallen asleep.

As people get older, sleep becomes worse and worse. In addition to the recent troubles, they don't actually sleep deeply.

When the strange voice sounded, he immediately opened his eyes: "What happened?"

"Your Majesty... I'm afraid there is a Taoist who peeps at the Dragon Court with Taoism!"

A eunuch hurriedly knelt down to report, his face was pale.

This kind of thing hasn't happened in thousands of years, has it?

"His Majesty!"

A voice came from outside the hall: "The minister and guards lead Xu Qingyun, and the four major consecrations of the royal family, please move to the Qianlong Hall..."

"I...don't go!"

The Da Zhou Emperor's face was originally a little dazed, but at this time it was full of blood: "This is my world! In my imperial city! Why should I shy away from a Taoist? Come on! Change my clothes!"

He didn't say a word.

That is, when I heard the sound, I felt trembling all over, as if being swept by a gaze.

This let the Great Zhou Emperor know that he has been discovered by the other party, and it is meaningless to escape and hide.

"According to the order!"

The surrounding eunuchs immediately stepped forward and served the emperor to put on the outer clothes of bright yellow embroidered dragons and tie the jade belts of the double dragons to win the pearls.

Just as the Great Zhou Emperor finished dressing, a clear and jade-like voice came from outside the hall: "Poor Dao Fangxian, would the emperor come out to see him?"

"It turned out to be Master Fang Xian!"

The emperor nodded.

Perhaps, only the immortal in the legend can go straight to the palace ban like this, right?

He stepped out, followed by Xu Qingyun and the four worshippers, and walked out of the temple door, and couldn't help but be startled.

In the moonlight, the Great Zhou Emperor saw a white-robed Taoist standing in the air, handsome and handsome, like a fairy walking out of a painting.

Although surrounded by countless forbidden troops, and a large number of crossbow arrows were aimed at, but those elite soldiers who were wearing armor and fighting hard, their bodies kept shaking.

There is no reason for it, the sense of oppression brought by Fang Xian is too strong!

If they weren't top-notch elites, and they were in front of the emperor again, they might have kneeled directly.

"You are the Great Zhou Emperor?"

Fang Xian watched an old man walk out and smiled slightly.

Behind him, a cloud of clear light emerged, forming a cloud, with a bright moon appearing in the middle.

Dao is full of energy, which makes those who see it suddenly feel inexplicable.

Between heaven and earth, let me be at ease!

Even people who have no sense of Taoism can't help but feel a bit of envy and desire for Taoism at this time.


An elite soldier seemed to finally be unable to bear it, and when his hand was loosened, the blade fell to the ground.

This scene seems to have triggered a chain reaction that made other soldiers do the same.

Even a few royal family consecrations showed envious expressions.

Only the Great Zhou Emperor saw this scene, his face was ashen!

'If everyone seeks to become immortal, where will the imperial power be placed? ’

His voice expanded involuntarily: "The Taoist is here, why is it?"

"Specially for the demon clan... the demon clan is powerful, it is not a good thing."

Fang Xian is pitiful and sympathetic.

"So the Daoist came to help me? After this is done, I will consecrate you as a national teacher..." Emperor Da Zhou felt a little better, and even began to expect this Daoist to take the initiative to offer meat to return the pill, and there are rumors that it is even better The elixir is coming.

"Emperor... do you feel a little too good about yourself?".

However, the immortal's mouth curled slightly, revealing a sarcastic smile: "Is still sealed as a national teacher? Are you going to lure me with fame and fortune, and use me as a chess piece?"

As soon as the words came out, everyone was shocked!

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