The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter two hundred and forty seventh visit

"Good news!"

"The Wang ** team has won a brilliant victory in the colony of the New World!"

Newsboys in ill-fitting work clothes and suspenders ran across the street in a high-pitched voice.

Fang Xian looked at himself.

A blue and white striped shirt, black trousers, is just right for the season in the coastal city of Ferenster.

The sun was shining, with a touch of heat.

He touched the pocket of his trousers and took out a coin: "Give me a newspaper!"

The newsboy took the coin, which was a typical iron coin from the Kingdom of Semburg, with a dark color, the face of the king on the front, and a crown on the back.

On top of iron money, there are silver taler and gold fisher at a higher level. Recently, the kingdom has also carried out the trial implementation of paper money in a small area, but it has to be said that the power of tradition is strong, and people's attitude towards paper money is strong. The acceptance level is obviously not as high as that of traditional metal currencies, even foreign ones.

Fang Xian took the newspaper, looked at the ink on her hand, and frowned.

Because of the inheritance of Daniel's memory, he not only knew the common language of the Senburg Kingdom, but also the mysterious language and ancient language that only mages could study, so it was not a problem to understand the text.

Looking at the newspaper at this time, the information above made him startled: "New World, Colony?"

In my mind, I quickly recalled the relevant information.

"In this world, the Simburg Kingdom, the Silver Eagle Federation, and the Narnias Empire are all located in the Old Continent... Corresponding to the New Continent that must be reached by crossing the deep sea and conducting ocean voyages, since more than 300 years ago, many countries in the Old Continent have They unanimously agreed to end the civil war and put more resources on the development of the new continent... Only now, the new continent has not yet been explored. It is like an endless treasure, and there is no specific map to flow out. It is highly confidential, and some strangeness……"

While reading the newspaper, Fang Xian bought a fish sandwich from a roadside stall.

Although the most common fish is used, the fish is thoroughly stirred after being broken up, mixed with the crispy taste of fried bread crumbs, plus bread, salad dressing, and vegetables, it still satisfies the stomach very well. needs.

'Well... Daniel doesn't even have a silver taler in his pocket, he's just a poor ghost...'

'It seems that the pressure of this period of time,

In addition to your studies, is there debt? ’

Fang Xian narrowed his eyes.

He felt that behind this matter, I was afraid that it was not so simple.

"No matter what, you have to face it!"

Fang Xian came outside a building.

As soon as you look up, you can see the center of the building, an ivory-like white tower.

"Subordinate to the Tower of Wisdom Sages, Mystery Academy!"

He murmured and read out this place where the original body studied for six years.

The Tower of Wisdom Sages is a joint organization of scholars across national borders, with the first goal of promoting the development of wisdom. It is very revered and has branches in various major countries.

Ferenster Mystery Academy only recruits those of the right age from the Kingdom of Senburg.

The original Daniel Roland, after being detected with a good talent, still spent a high price in order to enter here to study.

Fang Xian walked into the gate, stopped for a while in the European-style square and botanical garden, and immediately came to a black building.

A pitch-black fence blocked the way, with morning glory vines entwined on its surface.

Fang Xian stretched out his hand, and a mysterious power surged. This is the most basic application, even [Despicable Pottery] can easily do it.

The next moment, the morning glory on the vine slowly bloomed, a flower bone opened, and a somewhat puzzled voice came out: "Who?"

"Teacher, I'm Daniel Roland!"

Fang Xian replied softly.


The next moment, the iron fence slammed open, revealing the laboratory behind.

Fang Xian walked in and found an old man in a black robe with an old-fashioned face, and bowed: "Teacher Herman!"

"I heard that in order to try to advance, you went to the black market to buy ritual aids of unknown origin?"

Mage Herman glanced at Fang Xian with some scrutiny.

He didn't see whether Fang Xian succeeded or not. After all, the mysterious power of this world is very hidden. If you don't take the initiative to reveal it, unless the rank is too different, it will be difficult to see anything.

Moreover, although the ladder of [Ancient Copper] can be climbed in various ways, the mages prefer to obtain the blessing of mysterious power from animal and plant materials, from the world itself, and from some pure concepts. The most common is to drink medicine.

Because it is the freest way to do it without some kind of interference.

The most repulsive is to pray to an unknown existence through sacrifice. Even if you advance, you will lose the most precious free will.

Daniel's approach, in Herman's view, is tantamount to cutting his own future.

However, this student is very stupid and seems to have no future at all.

"Yes, mentor, I successfully climbed the second step, but I just changed the path!" Fang Xian replied softly.

"This is normal!"

Herman's expression softened slightly when he heard the news of Daniel's success: "I regret that you can't continue to climb the Mage's Tower..."

Today's mysterious world has several of the most common and extensive systems.

Different systems and roads are different towers.

The most famous ones are the 'Mage's Tower' and the 'Warrior's Tower'!

One is the orthodox caster system, and the other is biased towards the physical side, and the chosen superhumans occupy the mainstream of the mysterious world.

The reason is that every step has been climbed by predecessors, leaving valuable lessons and clear goals.

Other paths may not.

It's like a broken tower, finding no way forward on the third or fourth step, and having to switch paths, spending a lot of time and energy, but it may not be successful!

"Transfer to what path?"

Herman asked.

"Warlock!" Fang Xian spat out the answer lightly, and two light lines appeared on his forehead.

"Congratulations, the new [Ancient Copper]!" Herman nodded: "You can apply for graduation... Regarding the 'Tower of Warlocks', I don't have much research, I only know and research, understand, and apply The mages of the rules are different, they rely more on their own talent or bloodline, it seems that maybe your bloodline carries some kind of hidden power, which happens to be inspired by the ritual..."

Otherwise, with that inferior ritual assistance, the hope of promotion is very slim.

Herman added in his heart, and said, "The 'Tower of Warlocks' is monopolized by some great nobles. I'm afraid it will be more difficult for you to obtain follow-up study materials..."

"I want to apply for graduation. Besides... Tutor, can you tell me who is targeting me?"

Fang Xian stared into Herman's eyes and asked with a piercing gaze.

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