The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 254 Sleeping

early morning.

In front of Firenster Steam Railway Station.

Carrying the suitcase, Fang Xian bought a train ticket to Worcestershire, where the Roland family is located, at the ticket window.

Immediately, he bought another sandwich for breakfast, and began to wait boredly in the waiting hall.

At this time, he changed his makeup slightly, and his gray peaked cap was pressed down very low, covering part of his face.

As long as you are not particularly familiar with people, it is impossible to recognize him at a glance.

'Go back to the family, after solving this matter, I will go to find the high-level mysterious inheritance of this world, and complete the way of the fourth-level alchemist...'

‘However, the wealth of hundreds of thousands of gold fishers is probably enough to buy the earl’s canonization, right? This is not a problem that the [Ancient Bronze] extraordinary person can easily suppress, even if the combat power is comparable to [Quenched Black Iron]... Unless, if you capture that glimmer of silver light, you will become a powerful extraordinary person on the fourth step! '

Fang Xian was thinking silently, looking around.

Since the invention of railroad tracks and steam trains, they have covered the entire Old Continent at an extremely fast speed, becoming one of the most convenient means of transportation.

At this time, there are still many people in the waiting hall who are also waiting for the early bus, most of them look blank, and there are a few homeless people among them, probably the lucky ones who secretly spent the night in the hall at night-if they are found, they will immediately was driven away.

His sight wandering aimlessly, suddenly stopped on a lady.

The other party has long crimson hair, a tall figure, exquisite facial features, and a lazy expression. She is a rare beauty. Most of the men present glanced at her intentionally or unintentionally.

But that's beside the point.

What really interested Fang Xian was the other party's black pupils.

"Long red hair, black pupils, this is the standard Narnia bloodline, and the opponent is from that great empire..."

For the Narnias Empire, there is a special introduction in the Mystery Academy.

It was the country with the strongest military strength on the Old Continent. It once had the hope of unifying the Old Continent, but it was resisted by the Silver Eagle Federation and the Kingdom of Fort Forest.


It is also a country with the protection of a real "god".


In this world, they really exist, although they rarely walk in the world, and they have the great ability to create 'miracles'.

It's just that, in the Silver Eagle Federation and the Kingdom of Sandburg, the mainstream belief is not a certain true god, but a synonym for wisdom itself such as the "Tower of Wisdom and Sage", or a certain concept like the "Immortal Temple".

‘People without faith are prone to fall and break the bottom line. '

This was the content of Daniel's first lesson when he was studying at the Mystery Academy.

So far, Fang Xian does not know which belief is superior, but since both sides exist, they must have their own reasons for their existence.

One level lower than the gods, there are some other hidden existences, which permeate every aspect of the mysterious world. Perhaps they are the disguises of some strong men standing on the top of the tower, spreading beliefs and other things.

'A pure-blooded Narnias came to the inherently hostile kingdom of Sembil...I don't know why...'

Fang Xian, who didn't want to cause trouble, turned his eyes away. Not long after, amidst the piercing whistle, the rolling sound of rows of iron wheels pressing against the rails sounded, and a long steam train drove into the platform.


"Get in the car in order, everyone!"

"The first-class carriage is here!"

The conductor waved the small stick in his hand, and his movements were rough and arrogant.

After being rich, Fang Xian would naturally not treat himself badly, and entered the first-class compartment through another passageway with the well-dressed gentlemen and ladies.

And he glanced at the ordinary carriage, and found that a large number of people were crowded together, countless luggage was stuffed up arbitrarily, there were occasional cries of children, and various yelling and cursing, and he unexpectedly felt a little kind.

Smiling, Fang Xian found his seat, put his luggage away with the help of the flight attendant, sat down, and looked at the scenery by the window.

Suddenly, a burst of perfume smelled.

Fang Xian turned his neck, and all he could see was a head of fiery red hair.

The tall woman of Narnias was sitting directly opposite him, looking him up and down with scrutiny.

Fang Xian squeezed out a smile on the surface, didn't even bother to say anything, and continued to look at the scenery outside the window.

Beautiful women often represent trouble.

Beautiful women with complicated backgrounds are twice as troublesome.

He is just an ordinary student returning home, let's put aside some unrealistic fantasies about love affairs and the like.

Seeing Fang Xian's attitude, the red-haired woman was a little surprised.

With her charm, she may have seen all kinds of gentlemen fascinated and courteous. I have to say that the performance of the man opposite her was somewhat beyond her expectations.

But that's about it.

The red-haired woman yawned, as if she hadn't slept well for a long time.

Bang bang bang bang!

After waiting for a while, following the regular train rhythm, the steam train started slowly and left Firenster Railway Station.

The scenery on both sides receded slowly, and when the train accelerated to a certain level, it naturally slowed down.

The waiting time is very boring.

Many gentlemen around immediately lowered their top hats and began to fall asleep, some even snoring slightly.

The red-haired woman yawned and shook her head, as if hoping to keep herself awake.

"Feel sorry……"

She raised her hand and called the flight attendant: "Can I have a refreshing drink?"

The flight attendant was a little surprised, but still politely said: "How about the hot cocoa from the New World?"


The redhead nodded in agreement.

‘Women who dare not sleep? '

Fang Xian felt a little strange, and also had a premonition that trouble was coming.

However, he touched the center of his brows and didn't feel any danger, but the gazes around him made him a little unnatural.

'What the hell... because of me, the beautiful woman across the street dare not fall asleep, are you all so dirty? '

He secretly complained, and knew that no one would believe him when he stood up and explained, so he could only close his eyes and ignore it.


The little episode passed quickly.

half an hour, an hour...

Steam trains run through cities, through countryside, mountains, bridges...

The cabin gradually became silent.

In the drowsy atmosphere, the woman in red yawned again.

She was too sleepy and tired, and her will was almost at its limit.

'Just close your eyes and take a rest, just five minutes, no, one minute is fine! '

Iri Niggs said to herself in her heart, even after drinking three cups of hot cocoa, she still couldn't resist the dreadful drowsiness, her eyelids seemed to be hung with lead weights, and they slowly closed.

In less than tens of seconds, she leaned back on the seat and fell into a deep sleep.

Fang Xian suddenly opened his eyes and stared at the woman opposite!

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