The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 259: Imprint

"It turns out that the so-called dreamland is the biggest black market in the mysterious world!"

Fang Xian followed the golden knight into the square.

As far as the eye can see, there are all kinds of grotesque 'people'.

Most of them hide their heads and show their tails, wearing masks and setting up street stalls with various buying and selling information written on them, waiting for customers to come forward and make transactions.

With just a quick glance, Fang Xian was a little dazzled by the dazzling array of information:

——"Sell the fruit of the thorn apple tree, the price is 80 gold Fisher!"

This must be a Transcendent from the Kingdom of Senbo.

——"Three drops of human-faced bird's blood are exchanged for only 5 grams of alchemy dust!"

——"I want to buy mermaid oil, the price is negotiable!"

——"The feather jewelry of the Kukulkan people, with the power of curse, the price is negotiable!"


"There are... even mysterious people from the deep sea and the New World, and the number of traders... is at least five thousand?"

Fang Xian said in surprise.

Mermaids are magical creatures that only appear in the deep sea. It is said that their oil is a good thing that can keep women young forever.

The Kukulkans are the aborigines of a certain area of ​​the New World, and they often fought with the colonists.

And even if the Transcendents in the entire Firenster add up, there may not be five thousand people!

"That's not too much. There must be more than 10,000 Transcendents registered in Gensokyo!" The Golden Knight walked all the way to the center: "Don't look at these, I'll take you to the real core of Gensokyo."

He took Fang Xian to the center of the square, where there was a huge tetrahedral jade pillar, with light constantly flashing on its surface.

Those are the rune imprints representing the mysterious man himself, densely packed, and the number is indeed more than ten thousand.

"The ticket is only one-time, and it acts as a traction. If you want to come next time, just leave a coordinate here... In this way, every time you fall into a dream, you can choose to come here!"

The Golden Knight demonstrated,

A golden rune was summoned from the jade pillar: "This is my contact information. If you have anything, you can leave me a message here. In addition, I will give you a piece of advice!" He stared at Fang Xian and said: "In' Dreamland', the transaction of knowledge and information is the most secretive. If you choose offline physical transactions, you must be careful. If you are strong, then pretend that I did not say... Of course, knowledge and information may also be falsified, and everything depends on Your own eyesight."

"Thank you, Mr. Golden Knight, are you the administrator here?"

Fang Xian saluted and asked curiously.

"No, no, no... I'm just a small person. Spending a certain amount of time every day attracting newcomers is also a kind of investment... Anyway, I have a lot of time..." The golden knight smiled: "Dreamland does not have a manager. If there is If not, it will be just a few of them!"

He looked at the top of the white jade pillar.

There, several symbols are entrenched high, dominating all the apexes of the imprint.

"Different rune heights represent different levels and permissions in 'Dreamland'... Some people speculate that if one day, the rune representing someone can reach the top, he will become the true master of 'Dreamland' and gain unparalleled Benefits... and currently, the closest ones are Mister 'Wisdom', Ms. 'Dancer', and Your Excellency 'Craftman'!"

Fang Xian looked at the three symbols on the top.

The tower type undoubtedly represents wisdom, the imprint of the dancer lady is an abstract dancing figure, and the craftsman is a combination of tools such as tweezers and small hammers.

"They... have higher authority?"

"Yes, at least you can take the initiative to invite others to enter. I don't know about the others. This is highly classified information..." The Golden Knight shrugged and said, "Every once in a while, Dream Township will start to compete for permissions. Opportunity, of course, is a matter for the silver and gold bosses... Little people like us, it's better to stay aside, so as not to be accidentally injured."

As he spoke, he stared at Fang Xian, as if he wanted to see Fang Xian's expression through the mask.

'This is... not sure if I am a big boss of the fourth or even fifth step? '

Fang Xian smiled secretly, took a step forward, and stroked the surface of the white jade pillar with his palm.

A piece of information rushed over directly, it was a brief introduction about "Dreamland", which was consistent with the description of the Golden Knight.

With a thought in his mind, suddenly, a rune began to be outlined.

It was a circle with a beak mark in the center and a pattern of wings extending from the sides.

As soon as this rune was formed, it began to precipitate and entered the depths of the white jade pillar.

Fang Xian sensed the coordinates of 'Dreamland'. This is an indescribable feeling, but when dreaming, the spirit body has a sense of direction.

"Okay, my duty as a guide is over, Mr. Crow, goodbye."

The golden knight remembered Fang Xian's mark, put his hands on his chest, saluted, and left.

‘This counts as adding friends? It’s just that you can only receive offline messages...’

Fang Xian felt that it was quite novel and interesting, so he started to wander around.


The huge white marble square is huge, and thousands of stalls form a huge market.

After leaving the mark on the central jade pillar, Fang Xian got the relevant information. At this time, he can also manifest the paper with the information written in front of him.

At this moment, looking at them one by one, I suddenly felt that I had gained a lot.

——"Sell the knowledge of the first step of the "Tower of Warriors", the price is 40 gold Fisher!"

——"The incomplete mysterious ritual 'Fist of Rage', the price is negotiable!"

——"Employment mission: Assassinate a certain extraordinary person, the reward is generous...Negotiable!"

All kinds of knowledge and ritual names, some even involving the 'taboo' in Daniel's cognition, all appeared swaggeringly.

Moreover, there is also a direct assassination mission, which made Fang Xian fully understand the specialness and disorder of 'Dreamland'.

"If it wasn't for being killed here, it was just a nightmare, and if you can still wake up in the real world... Maybe these extraordinary people have already started fighting..."

"But it is because of the special nature of this area that it has been built into the largest black market in the mysterious world?"

"Even [Silver of Order] and [King of Gold] cannot see through this mask...'Dreamland' has a high personality, what exactly does it represent?"

Fang Xian suddenly recalled the symbols on the back of the ticket, the inverted triangle, and the snake-shaped rune in the middle.

At this time, if you think about it carefully, the snake-shaped rune in your memory is constantly twisting and wriggling, the mouth bites the tail, and it becomes a ring shape of ouroboros.

"Inverted triangle means the cornerstone of everything in mystic knowledge, and it can also represent the world... The ring in the middle represents ouroboros? Infinity and life... It is also the supreme symbol of alchemy... This is an alchemical space ? A miraculous masterpiece?"

Thinking silently, Fang Xian suddenly stopped in front of a booth.

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