The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 262 Danger


The double-barreled shotgun roared.

The gunpowder in the seamless steel pipe was fully burned, turning into terrifying kinetic energy, pushing the iron-lead bullet forward.

In the reeds not far away.

Colorful feathers fluttered, and a mallard fell down.


The black and thin-waisted hound immediately rushed over and brought back the prey.

"Good job, dog!"

Fang Xian dismounted and patted the hound's head.

"This dog is well trained... very intelligent... where did you buy it?"

Next to him, a girl dressed in a hunter suit and moccasin boots, who was very heroic, asked.

She is Nyss Molenfell, a noble daughter, who is also invited for this hunt.

"Old Jack's is said to be a descendant of the northern Sorenyas dog..."

Fang Xian rubbed the dog's head and replied casually.

He looked not far away, and other noble men and women had already set up a camp with the help of grooms and servants, as if preparing for a picnic.

Pete is in the center, and occasionally a hearty laugh can be heard.

It seems that he hasn't smiled so happily for a long time, presumably the long-term pressure has been released.

"By the way, I haven't congratulated you yet."

Nisi led the horse and walked beside Fang Xian, and suddenly smiled: "I remember you when you were young, you didn't have such a personality..."

"After six years of study and entering the mysterious world, there will always be a little change, won't it?" Fang Xian asked back.

"It's true...Since that investment, the Roland family has gradually declined. My father even made a bet that your family will no longer be able to afford normal interpersonal communication expenses in ten years, and you will become a down-and-out aristocrat...However, everything is fine. It's getting better."

Nisi is not shy about talking about these things, it seems that because she has a good relationship with the original Daniel,

He was a playmate when he was a child, and the news that the Roland family became rich has spread.

"This is my father's foresight..."

Fang Xian replied very humbly.

"That's right... Most of this kind of private investment is lost, and those middle-class people will even go bankrupt because of this...Because they don't have the consciousness and don't want to spend a high price to go to the official notary office for notarization...Of course, if If you persist, those liars will most likely give up..."

Nisi added: "Only we nobles will realize the importance of standardization and acting in accordance with the rules."

'What does this seem to imply to me? '

Fang Xian complained silently in his heart: "Is the sincere friendship in childhood not worth the price of growing up?" '

He laughed dryly, and put the shotgun on his shoulder: "There are no more prey, let's go back, Pete has to wait..."

In the camp.

A fawn has been skinned and slowly twirled on the grill.

Fang Xian picked up a drink and came to Pete's side: "How do you feel?"

"Amazing! I mean... I haven't felt this kind of enthusiasm since that investment, you know? I've had three offers from women."

Pete blushed and lowered his voice.

'No wonder your wife wants to go back to her mother's house...'

Fang Xian glanced at Pete with contempt: "Lisa is back..."

"I know, I know, I'm just a little excited..." Pete scratched his head embarrassingly, and then his expression became a little distressed: "Actually... I don't like the feeling of being an upstart, you know, nobleman We all value history, tradition, subtlety, and low-key... The real nobles don't know how to laugh at us at this time, as for them!"

He looked at the young men and women present, and his voice became even lower: "The private property of the Morenfell family has been losing money year after year, and it is said that it is already selling real estate. , Their pasture was used as a nest by a group of underground worms, and they suffered heavy losses... We are all nobles who are glamorous on the surface, but secretly have bad debts..."

‘Why are you so melancholy, is it out of feeling? '

Fang Xian rolled his eyes and comforted: "Everything will be fine..."

"Yeah... Besides, there are also troubles that follow, such as... the illegitimate child that the father came out of nowhere..." Pete shrugged.

Fang Xian was glad that he didn't drink water, otherwise he would have sprayed it directly: "You know?"

"Isn't it normal for an aristocrat to live a poor life or have several mistresses when they were young?" Pete looked at Fang Xian in surprise, as if he felt that he was making a fuss.

'This means, if it wasn't for being too poor these few years, how many lovers are you going to find? Well... maybe already? '

Fang Xian retreated in defeat with expressions of 'your circle is really messed up' and 'I don't understand', and went to the campfire to cut a piece of venison.

"We also prepared a coastal-style thick soup, just need to add some water... Hank, where is Hank who fetched water?" Nisi asked suddenly while stirring the iron pot in front of her with a smile.

"Hank...he's been away for a long time, maybe the scenery is so beautiful that you can't help but stop and watch?"

The men looked at each other with expressions of understanding.

"he came……"

Nisi took a glance and saw Hank coming from the direction of the stream, she couldn't help raising her hand and said, "Where's the kettle?"

Hank, who came out of the forest, was a man of medium build with good features, wearing groom's clothes.

At this time, with a strange smile on his face, he suddenly stopped in his tracks, and looked at everyone present one by one with his dead gray eyes.

Immediately, his clothes rotted quickly, revealing the flesh and blood on his body.

The flesh and blood fell off one by one, followed by bones and internal organs...

The corpses scattered all over the ground melted rapidly, turning into a puddle of foul-smelling black-red liquid.

It seemed that his whole body was corroded in an instant.


The girl's scream pierced the tranquility of the camp.

The horses snorted uneasily, and the hounds dared not go forward, but frantically barked in the direction Hank was coming from, as if there was unparalleled danger hidden there.

"It's a mysterious event!"

Nisi's face was ugly: "We encountered a mysterious incident!"

In this world, the existence of extraordinary beings is made public, the public knows the existence of mysterious people, and also knows some of the most basic mysterious knowledge.

For example... when ordinary people encounter mysterious events, the best way is to escape, otherwise, there is a great possibility of encountering terrible danger!


Several nobles hurriedly wanted to ride their horses and escape, and called for their guards.

Those who can become noble guards are naturally extraordinary, capable of handling ordinary mysterious events!

But in the next moment, several hounds whimpered and fell to the ground one after another, decomposing rapidly, and the terrible smell of corpses continued to overflow.

The face of a bodyguard standing in the front suddenly became stiff, and he turned around to look at the noble men and women, his body began to rot.

he died!

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