The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 427 Lenovo

'Is it finally here? '

Fang Xian was not surprised by this.

Their group of new investigators is indeed the best new blood in each branch.

It is quite normal for the headquarters to have the intention of soliciting.

And transferring from a branch to the headquarters, no matter how it is considered a promotion, can have better development, probably all investigators will not refuse.

Eric still feels a little guilty for this, and he feels sorry for the branch, which is already a bit of a conscience.

"Actually, don't feel guilty. We are secret keepers. Our duty is to protect secrets and protect the world... In the headquarters, your abilities will be better utilized, which will be more beneficial to the world! I believe... Even if you share The minister of the Ministry will not care about these."

Fang Xian said in relief.

"I always feel... your words are exactly the same as the instructor who persuaded me." Eric complained.

"..." Fang Xian was speechless for a moment: "You forgot, you are a psychiatrist yourself, you can heal yourself well, you just need some comfort now, your heart has already made a choice!"

"Yes, I have already made a choice, but I still have to rely on others to 'persuade' me and find excuses for me... Oh, what a despicable soul lives in our bodies..." Eric smiled wryly .

"Do you feel better after admitting your meanness?"

"much better."

"Then let's have a chat. Do you want to change your job to become a 'blood healer'?" Fang Xian handed over a cup of hot cocoa.


Eric held the rim of the glass with both hands: "The instructor said that I have this talent, my wrist is very dexterous, and I almost became a bartender... Sorry, I can't reveal more about the rest."

"I understand that the headquarters doesn't want the secrets to be leaked. This is true for secret medicines, and the same is true for blood therapy..." Fang Xian shrugged.

In fact, Eric has leaked some news.

How does a bartender do it? Mix, stir, swirl...

'The so-called blood therapy,

It is to prepare some special blood. If there is a centrifuge, maybe the efficiency will be better? '

Fang Xian rubbed his chin: "Besides... probably the higher the rank of the dependent, the better the blood effect... I don't know if the Keeper Headquarters has collected the information of the great being sleeping under the deep sea." Blood... Even if it is diluted, it must be the highest grade special product, probably only legendary investigators can enjoy it...'

"Of course, it's useless to guess the approximate method, and precious raw materials and formulas are needed..."

'Wait...why do I think of some research by Hopkins...he...maybe he was also an investigator, or even a legend among investigators? Or taboo? '

Fang Xian felt that although he didn't mean it, he seemed to have snooped on almost all the secrets kept by the Secret Keeper's headquarters.

It has to be said that this is a kind of irony.



Keeper Division.

Love has been doing nothing lately.

Probably due to the successive cracking of major cases, the outbreak rate of supernatural cases in the city has dropped sharply.

Even if there is an occasional outburst, it's just some stupid scholar ignorantly deciphering the Elder Scrolls of hidden power or something.

As long as it is not premeditated, organized, and committing crimes in groups, for Love, it is an easy solution.

Not to mention, after the attack on the branch, the investigators here were like crazy, looking for suspicious people all over the street, and several well-hidden 'Extraordinary' have been exposed for various reasons.

In addition, investigators from all over the country also came to support, making the law and order in Orsay City unprecedentedly good.

"Hey... I feel that since Roca went to study, I have become a lot more relaxed. I don't know how the kid is doing at the headquarters, and I don't know how to call back..."

Love complained and opened the file in his hand.

Inside is his latest supernatural case, a surgeon suspected of being a ghoul.

This doctor is very cunning. There have not been any cases of missing persons or body theft around his clinic for more than ten years, but he is better at amputation therapy and often recommends this treatment plan for less serious patients.

This is not a big or small flaw, but it can only be considered average. Maybe this doctor is very greedy for money, or maybe he is only good at amputation surgery. If there is a huge difference in the purchase volume, he may be fooled by him.

"A ghoul who usually relies on drinking blood to sustain himself, and occasionally uses amputation to beat teeth as a's really too rational..."

Love became interested: "Could it be a ghoul with half vampire blood? It's worth investigating..."

As a veteran investigator, his strength is actually very strong, and it is not a big deal to single-handedly solve an alien.

Because the target is clear and the intelligence is in place, even ordinary investigators can easily complete the task as long as they prepare special weapons for dealing with ghouls.

Not to mention, just in case, say, it was a vampire disguised as a ghoul, he also brought a blessed silver weapon.

DeVille Clinic.

The old car was parked on the side of the road. Love pressed the weapon hidden in his waist and pushed open the door of the clinic: "Doctor? Nurse?"

Inside the clinic, everything was quiet.

Quietly too much.

"Strange, isn't it business hours now?"

Love showed due doubts on his face, and walked a few steps inside.

Suddenly, his expression changed, and he smelled blood.

It came from behind a door that was ajar, and it was beginning to fade...

Love pulled out the revolver and gently pushed open the door.

A pool of dark red blood emerged, in which lay the body of a nurse in white, missing many parts of the body.

Her head is still intact, her eyes are wide open, and it seems that she still has the fear before dying.

'Impossible...Miller is a very cautious person. He can endure for decades, so it is impossible for him to attack those around him. '

Cold sweat broke out on Luo Fu's forehead.

The newly discovered accident seemed to overthrow all the clues in the file, and also put him in a dangerous situation.

He checked the murder scene, took out a drop bottle, and put two drops of liquid into his eyes.

When you close your eyes and open them again, the world seems to have changed.

The chair and hospital bed made of steel seemed to be full of sharp breath, the light became dim, and various colors flashed inexplicably.

On the ground, the original pool of blood was stained with a layer of fluorescence.

At the same time, large footprints emerged one after another.

Love followed the fluorescent blue-purple footprints, chased them out of the clinic, and came to a forest.

Within the woods, there is a cave, and the footprints extend all the way in.

Love frowned, first sent a signal for help, and then walked into the cave.

Not long after, he saw a curled up black figure, and that black figure also saw him, raised his head, revealing a pair of bloodshot eyes, and a mouth that was split to the base of his ears: "Help... help me! It...'s still..."

Love suddenly felt the cold freeze his spine.

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