The Lord of Reincarnation

Four hundred and thirty eighth siege


Vivian's house.

She sat quietly on the chair, looked at her brother Joan, her father Leib, and her mother Sophia, and secretly made up her mind to protect this family.

Leiber had just returned, and he hadn't had time to enter the study, so he certainly wouldn't find out about the theft of Haimin's diary.

At this time, he was drinking beer absent-mindedly, and his eyes unconsciously glanced towards the study.

It was as if there was an indescribable temptation hidden there.

From Joan and Sophia's point of view, this is just Leiber's old habit of archeology recurring.

But when Vivian saw this scene, she felt a chill in her heart, knowing that the diary had a profound impact on her father.

Those previous studies, even if Leiber was equally fanatical, would not make this family-oriented man lose his composure at the dinner table.

'Dad's state is already on the verge of danger... Should I wait for him to be alone and give him a spiritual seal? '

Vivian thought silently: "This spiritual seal is the best way for ordinary people to maintain their sanity when facing supernatural phenomena... Unfortunately, without the permission of the instructor, I cannot teach it to people outside the religious order." Otherwise, if Dad has this imprint, it will be much safer to study some supernatural books...'

She drank the mushroom soup, and a sudden thought came to her heart that she wanted to draw the whole family into the cult.

After all, in less than three years, the end will come.

The awakening or coming of many ancient rulers will definitely bring terrible changes to the world.

At that time, mastering a little supernatural power will at least give you a little more chance of surviving than others.

Not to mention, before the apocalypse, all kinds of supernatural forces have become very active, and there are dangers everywhere.

"I'm so hungry!"

Joan, with a knife and fork in his hand, had already started screaming.

He took the opportunity to wink at Vivienne. Vivienne could understand what he meant. He was saying that the last chance had come. If the previous study room was not tidied up, please find an excuse to clean it up.

Vivian shook her head slightly, and saw that Sophia had come to the edge of the dining table with a plate of roast chicken, looked at Joan, and complained dissatisfiedly: "Joan, you are already an adult, don't act like a child every day Same... maybe, it's time for you to move out, and you have to learn to support yourself."

Joan blinked, with an innocent face, and was about to say something when his expression suddenly changed.


A loud noise came from the door, and even the dishes on the table trembled violently.


Mrs. Sophia looked up blankly.

"Don't open the door!" Leiber shouted calmly, came to the edge of the living room, and picked up the double-barreled shotgun hanging on the wall.

In this era, burglary and robbery are common, and if one cannot control it, it will develop into murder.

Every resident is used to buying firearms and using bullets to protect themselves.

According to the local law, the owner of the house has the irrefutable right to shoot and kill such trespassers.


The person who came did not answer and continued to knock on the door.

The wooden door let out a mournful scream, and the brass-colored metal shaft on the edge began to twist and deform...a nail flew out.

"Call the police!"

Qiao An blocked Vivienne behind her, holding the table knife firmly in her hand: "Vivienne, I will protect you later, remember to be obedient, if I tell you to run, run immediately."

Vivian didn't answer.

In fact, her spirit was sharper than everyone else, and she felt the difference when she hit the door for the first time.

Outside the house, it seemed that blue sea water rose up, trying to submerge the house.

That is not real sea water, but a torrent in the spiritual realm!

For ordinary people, it may be even more unbearable.

Therefore, she has been using her own inspiration and spirit to block the sea and waves from the door.

The thing outside the door also seemed to notice this, and began to use other means to attack.


Finally, after another loud bang, the door slammed back, revealing a tall black figure.

It was dressed in the clothes of a tramp and was tall. It walked into the house step by step, leaving wet footprints.


After seeing the figure's face, Mrs. Sophia screamed immediately.

What an ugly face was that?

Twisted and crazy, covered with fish-like scales, it is simply a monster!

Just looking directly at the other person, in her heart, an emotion called fear exploded, making her unable to resist at all, and only wanted to run away.


Professor Leiber yelled in surprise, seeing that monster still stepped forward, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

There was a shot.

Countless lead shot out like scattered flowers, and landed on the strange man, exploding a little bit of blood.

Those fish-like scales are as fragile as clothes under the outbreak of modern firepower.

The strange man was stunned, looking at his wound, he didn't fall down, but his speed slowed down.


At this moment, the left window of the living room shattered, and a large amount of glass exploded and scattered.

A figure stepped in.

That's another human!

At the same time, there were also loud knocking sounds from the right window, from the back door, and from the wall.

"Hoho... Ha... Am I dreaming?"

Joan grabbed the table knife with an exaggerated smile on his face: "I just had dinner, why did I become besieged by monsters in the next second?"

"Ho Ho!"

The newly-appeared scales seemed to have lost their sanity, and rushed towards Vivienne like wild beasts.

Obviously, behind them, there is another main messenger, and they also know who has been fighting.

"Damn it!"

Joan mustered up his courage and rushed forward.


His table knife pierced the arm of a scaled man, but the scales and muscles removed most of his strength. The scaled man on the opposite side did not stagnate at all, his arm was raised high, and then fell suddenly.

Joan was hit hard on the back of the head, lying on the ground, almost passed out.

His mind was in chaos. He saw the screaming mother, the roaring father, and the stern-looking younger sister who stood up.

"It's you again!"

Vivienne's pretty face was full of anger: "The running dog of the elder of the deep sea, the disgusting half-fish scale man...Go to hell with me!"

She didn't hurt herself again, because her heart was filled with anger and pain when she saw her family was destroyed and her brother fell to the ground.

And mental pain can also be sacrificed to darkness!

"The bird with broken wings is my name, eat your pain to feed my heart!"

Vivienne chanted loudly, feeling that her spell was cast extremely smoothly this time, and it fit perfectly with the power of darkness.

Above the ground, the shadow of a bird with broken wings emerged, and rushed towards the crowd.

The black shadows were sharper than any blade in the world, and the scales, who couldn't even do anything with a shotgun, fell down in groups, and the fractures of their bodies were extremely smooth.


Joan, Leiber and the others were stunned.

They looked at Vivian as if they were looking at another person.

Is this still the gentle and lovely daughter and sister?

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