The Lord of Reincarnation

Chapter 488: Sinking

"It's... why is it dark?"

Dun Jun and the survivors in this small area raised their heads in doubt.

They can no longer see the brilliance of the red moon.

A mass of thick darkness, who did not know when it started, shrouded the place.

Indistinctly, blurred and distorted grimaces emerged, devouring something greedily.

The magical item of Moment of Encountering Demons requires death, despair, and painful emotional sacrifices at the same time as it is activated.

This area undoubtedly meets its requirements.

Grimace devoured and chewed, made a gesture of eating, and gradually became satisfied.

The darkness was thicker, and there seemed to be fleshy worms wriggling in it. They tangled up and turned into tentacles, and there seemed to be human faces on the surface.

Dun Jun couldn't see much anymore, he had passed out.

In a faint.

He woke up again, feeling his body falling, falling...

Surrounding him... was a darkness that was so dense that it could hardly be melted away, and there seemed to be some terrible beast hidden in it, which made his body tremble unconsciously.


"The moment of the devil has come, cheers, ladies and gentlemen!"

The middle-aged gentleman said loudly.

At this moment, even he, a Extraordinary, couldn't see the changes happening on the field.

Because those participants have fallen into hell, the real 'hell'!

"I'm really looking forward to it... Hell has different scales. The deeper the scale, the more terrifying it is... I heard that last time a wave of little guys who didn't know whether it was unlucky or lucky entered the hell of the nineteenth scale..."

Miss Alice said with a smile.

The gentlemen and ladies in the theater had already started to carnival, but the middle-aged gentleman sat back and replied: "Indeed... the shallow level of hell is between one scale and nine scales.

The five senses of mortals can still barely recognize it... Above ten scales, it is an extremely dangerous level... However, in the shallow hell, the source of mystery that can be found will be relatively weak, although it can also become an Extraordinary, But there is no potential for development in the future. Although the deep hell is dangerous, the 'source' is also stronger. As long as you can come back alive and not go crazy, you may have the potential to become a big shot in the future..."

"Extraordinary power is both luck and a curse. To become an Extraordinary means that you have been polluted underground and stared at by those things in hell..."

Ms. Alice sighed: "If there is a choice, many Extraordinary people may not be willing to take such a path..."

"They can also choose not to be promoted. This is their own choice. If they want to become a master, how can there be no price?"

The middle-aged gentleman smiled.

Getting in touch with the source of mystery and obtaining a mysterious gift is just the first step to becoming an Extraordinary.

Extraordinary people who want to be promoted in the future must explore hell many times to obtain more information and materials.

This is a very dangerous process.

Even in shallow hells, the death rate is extremely high, and most of the rest have mutated into monsters.

No one in a hundred can maintain a human body and survive.

If someone in the lower city can really do this, the upper city is willing to open the door for him and accept him as a member of the ruler.

"Oh? Stopped?"

The middle-aged gentleman raised his eyebrows, and immediately showed a smile of interest: "It's actually hell on the seventeenth scale... These newcomers are not very lucky."

"Then I'm probably going to win!"

Miss Alice smiled.


Fall, fall...endless fall.

Dun Jun felt very strange at this time, like having a nightmare. He clearly had conscious control, but he couldn't quite control his body.

He felt as if he had come to a deep well filled with water, sinking continuously.

At the beginning, he could still see some strangely shaped tall buildings in the shadows, towering skyscrapers, huge and damaged spaceships, etc. Of course, he couldn't really understand what they were, only knowing that they were probably old buildings in the ruins. The wreckage kind.

But after a certain scale, the darkness around him became thicker and thicker, blocking his vision and making his visible range lower and lower.

I don't know how long the time has passed.

Dun Jun slowly stopped sinking.

He tried his best to look around, and with the thought of 'working hard', he could barely see his body and the area about one meter around him clearly.

"anyone there?"

"Is this also part of the game?"

Dun Jun shouted loudly, but no one responded.


Something, not human, began to respond to him.

They are attracted!

They are the wreckage of the past, the congealing of many mysteries into something fierce and terrible.

Sometimes, some of their influences break through the abyss and become monsters and disasters in the real world.

After all, they are not considered powerful, and being pulled by the abyss, they are not that strong either.

Therefore, it is still possible to break through the blockade and send the projection to the beautiful world above for a walk.

A huge gap split open and turned into an amber vertical pupil.

Dun Jun almost forgot to breathe for a moment, he was almost like a speck of dust compared to the huge eye on the opposite side.

The snake-like pupils opened, with a slight ray of light, which continued to spread, and Dun Jun saw that opposite him was a huge snake-like skeleton. In the center of the snake's head, there was only the vertical eye.

Looking at each other with vertical eyes, some blurred pictures emerged.

Dun Jun seemed to see a huge planet full of swamps and extremely hot and humid.

Countless python-like monsters frolicked, played, and hunted in the swamp...

And the one-eyed giant snake high above is the king who rules them.

Until that day, a huge spaceship descended, and terrifying human beings walked out of it, bringing war to this planet.

But the serpent is not afraid of war!

Although laser weapons can tear their bodies apart, they also have their own extraordinary power, and have even shot down spaceships.

Everything happened on that day.

That is... the destruction of the universe!


Dun Jun screamed and covered his head, feeling as if a hole had been cut with an ax, and lead weights were still being stuffed in.

The wreckage of the past naturally has no good intentions.

Just looking at each other, Dun Jun was almost overwhelmed by the huge amount of information!

This is also the horror of deep hell!

The wrecked evil creatures condensed from the mysteries of the past, have an instinctive abhorrence for life!

'I... am about to explode! '

Dun Jun screamed, and a thought came to his mind.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a terrible suction force, like a deep sea vortex, quickly pulling him, and continuously pulling him down into hell.

A breath, like a mark, surfaced on the surface of his body.

All the old monsters fled immediately, trying to avoid him...

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