The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 540: I'm waiting for reinforcements. What are you waiting for?

Chapter 549 I’m waiting for reinforcements. What are you waiting for?

Yunfeng's spiritual power is still feared by Uvasa after all. In addition to the two powers of sacred and evil, the only thing that can shake the power of space is the spiritual (soul) power with unlimited upper and lower limits. After all, the upper and lower limits of this thing are also high. There is no such thing as a low intensity range.

The sixth-level wise men may not have that strong command over the battlefield, but they are very oppressive in one-on-one duels! If you don't believe it, just ask a Nazgul whose soul fire almost escaped after being beaten.

However, Yun Feng is not as calm as Roland seems. In fact, compared to Verve's melee attack, the duel between Yun Feng and Uvasa directly rises to the soul level, which makes things interesting. Get up, because the defense at the soul duel level is much lower than that of the physical body.

So the result of the collision between the two is that now both of them are holding back a mouthful of old blood. The difference is that because the Ringwraith is originally in a direct state between the soul and the body, the reaction between the injured Uvasa is reflected on the surface of the body. ——The wound that cannot be healed is a manifestation of the damage to the soul. Although Yun Feng's soul was injured, nothing could be seen from his appearance. However, he still pretended to be calm and calm. Only when their eyes collided across a thousand meters could one see a trace of fear in their eyes.

What Uvasa was afraid of was that Yun Feng's terrifying mental power could actually affect the void! What Yun Feng was afraid of was that Uwasa could actually hurt his soul.

As a result, the sixth-order players from both sides left the field not long after they entered the scene, and the entire war returned to its original point. Verway lay down and got off the city wall, while Yunfeng and Uvasa continued to confront each other, trying to kill each other with their eyes.

"..." Roland leaned against the city wall and slid down weakly to sit on the ground. There was a hint of exhaustion and weakness in his eyes. The person who broke the situation was useless. Now he can only continue to fight with the orcs. Old man Adilai can't be allowed to come over and help him. The Kingdom offers its youth!

"Huh? Why did the Orcs retreat? Why didn't they retreat in the middle of the fight?" Roland looked at the Orc troops wandering outside the attack range with some confusion. After all, the Orcs had just managed to attack them. Arriving at the top of the city, the militiamen worked hard to restrict them to a small area. Unexpectedly, the orcs actually gave up this advantage.

"They seem to want to consume us!" Marcus pondered for a long time and finally said.

"Ah? Is this a fool?" Roland said in surprise. Doesn't this brother understand the principle of swiftness in fighting? Who gave you the courage to spend time arguing with others in their royal capital?

"Maybe... maybe... maybe this ring spirit has the spirit of chivalry!" Marcus hesitated and finally made a random comment.

"..." God is so chivalrous! Do you believe that I am Qin Shihuang or that the Ringwraiths have chivalry? Roland wanted to ask a question. Now Roland finally knows how Mordor lost the Battle of Pelennor Fields. Did these old Six Ringlings finally make Gondor come to his senses and bring in reinforcements?

This Cerebral Palsy Nazgul doesn’t really think he has no reinforcements, does he? No way, no way! Who in the family understands? I still have a cavalry team wandering outside! There is also an army of thousands of professionals who don’t know where to go!

"Forget it, just adapt to the situation!" Roland would be happy if the orcs didn't come to attack the city. Who's afraid of the time it takes anyway? I still have a system to buy food. Anyway, there is no shortage of water and food in Flowing City. Let's see who consumes whom. If Lavian and Bader catch the opportunity, the orcs will suffer a lot! Or if the dwarves and elves free their hands, they will suffer even more! If you go deep alone, you have to bear the risk of annihilation!

February 10, 2944 of the Third Era.

"Is this group of orcs mentally ill? Are Jiujie stupid?" Roland stood at the top of the city at a loss. The orcs outside the city have been staying for a week! The surrounding turf is almost eaten up by them! By the way, it’s worth mentioning that the magic plantation and chicken farm outside the city were completely destroyed by the orcs, but luckily the inventory and Snowwing chickens were transferred to Swiftwater City, and they can be cleaned up after the war. It continues to be put into use.

"Are they really living in front of my door?" Roland blinked at the orc camp where they were catching fish and mice every day. They were here to fight! Can't you see such a huge Rapid City? If you don't hit me, let me go! There is no sign of the orcs in three directions. You are surrounded by loneliness! What? Sauron treated you so poorly that you brought someone to find another job?

Uvasa's magical operation made Roland lose his ability, no! I'm waiting for reinforcements, what are these guys waiting for? The gryphon knights scouted the route and saw no follow-up troops! Lulong Fortress is still fighting fiercely! Are you here for a camping trip at the gate of Jiliu City?

"Does he know that a troop has already circled behind them..." Roland's mouth twitched. Lavian, who was still a little wary at first, had already led his men behind the orc army.

"I'm afraid they don't know. They don't know that our reinforcements are coming soon, right?" Marcus also covered his face and smiled bitterly. The caravan members hurried back through the night and starry night. They have now arrived at the city of Los Sanniers on the other side. ...The White Wing King gathered a force of 500 infantry and 200 cavalry to prepare to cross the Swift River to aid Swift River City!

"We still have 1,400 combat units outside the city, so we can fight this battle!" Marcus calculated silently and then reported a number to Roland.

"It's okay, it should be enough! It's time to drive this garbage away from my city!" Roland squinted his eyes and looked at the orc camp in the distance.

"We need a suitable strategy to hit more with less. If we act recklessly, we have little chance of winning!" Marcus nodded.

"Don't worry, Ruhr and the others need to rest! It's a crime for them to jump into battle immediately after traveling under the stars and night!" Roland frowned.

"It should!" Marcus also nodded. After all, a king who is considerate of his subordinates is always more loved by his soldiers, right?

"This battle still requires a sneak attack." Yun Feng, whose face was a little pale, walked over with his staff. It could be seen that the sequelae of the battle that day were still not healed, and the trauma to the soul was always difficult to recover from.

"Are you okay?" Roland asked with concern. When he went back that day, he knew that Yun Feng was seriously injured. After all, his wife, Nicks, was also a third-level water mage. Her spellcasting was perfect whether on or off the bed, so the mage She had more say in this matter than Roland. The first time she saw Yun Feng's suitability, she found that Yun Feng was as weak as if his body had been hollowed out. Only after asking Roland at night did she understand the cause and effect. The couple pondered for a while in bed. The meeting finally came to the conclusion that Yun Feng was injured. Of course, the discussion was somewhat tortuous. After all, Roland, who was full of anger, still needed Nyx to use water magic to reduce the fire.

"It's okay, I can't die! The top priority is to find a way to disrupt the orcs' formation! There is no other way except attack!" Yun Feng shook his head. After all, the disadvantages in numbers and quality did not give them much room for maneuver.

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