"It seems we need to take the initiative!" Thorin put down the wine glass heavily and looked at everyone present with a solemn face.

"My brother, is this too risky?" Dain looked thoughtful.

"On the contrary, we need to take the initiative!" Thranduil rarely stood with Thorin this time, because the shocking news of losing the dragon knight will soon reach the ears of the necromancer, and such a big dragon knight disappears It will definitely have an impact, the undead are just dead and not blind!

"We need to tell them! Even if the dragon riders are about to leave, this is not a place where they can set foot! Hitting them before they react is our best choice!" Thranduil shook his head, although he understood It would be a disadvantage to fight the undead head-on, but in order to make the necromancers led by the undead army have any scruples, they need to step out of their comfortable defense line and give the undead a hard blow in the wild!

Thranduil, who has always been conservative, also understood that now he needed to take a preemptive strike. After all, what the undead army feared was a dragonrider general who could spit the forbidden curse on his face at any time, not a group of "wheat straws" and "little Japanese melons".

"What should we do?" Bard and Dine looked at each other. Since the two big men decided to beat the undead, as the younger brothers, they would naturally not refuse.

"Hello, His Royal Highness White Wing King!" Ruel bowed respectfully. Regardless of the national power of King Akvia, the lord of Los Sanniers City, he has a very high level of legal prowess. He is a king. , so due respect and etiquette still require sufficient gestures.

"No courtesy, Your Excellency Ruhr, we are comrades in arms now! We will need to cooperate to kill the enemy later!" Bai Yi waved his hand to indicate to Ruhr that there was no need to be polite.

"Your army is very majestic!" Ruel praised, Baiyi's men are native northern warriors! Thanks to Roland Thorin and his enemies being on the front line, White Wing could sit back and quietly make a fortune. In the past year, he sent many scouting horses to gather the scattered human settlements in the north. After the precarious humans saw that there was actually a human kingdom that took the initiative to take them in, they ran away with buckets without saying a word, so the current population of Los Sanil City is basically close to 10,000 people.

The main reason is that Roland is not willing to accept non-system refugees casually, so those original civilians are cheaper than the Kingdom of Akvia and River Valley State, which are also human kingdoms.

It's not that Baiyi directly participated in the battle with 500 infantry and 200 cavalry this time. Although there were no professionals, such a force was extremely precious in the current northern border! (Professionals in Los Saintil City are protecting the city, and the orcs are still playing hide-and-seek with the star elves in the dark forest. Los Saintil City is on the west bank of the Swift River, and will face the orcs at any time!)

Roland's chickens turned purple with envy when he said this. There was basically no risk of being backstabbed by orcs in the city of Los Saint-Nil! He is the center of the entire northern defense line.

"His Majesty Kaslo is about to return! It's time for a full-scale counterattack!" A gryphon knight landed next to Ruel. He said eagerly as soon as he turned down. I think they were also very frustrated during this period and were not able to scale. The position of the gryphon knights is very embarrassing. These growing gryphons cannot bring much help to their knights. This has led to the fact that the gryphon knights have been acting as errands since the war began.

"Okay! Let's prepare to cross the river now!" Bai Yi nodded. The half-orcs didn't set up sentries. Of course, it would be useless... After all, the Swift River is so long. Who knows where Roland's reinforcements will come from?

"Okay! I will guide you forward when the time comes! Knight Commander Lavian is doing the finishing work!" The Griffin Knight nodded. In fact, the mixed cavalry team led by Lavian has successfully reached behind the orcs, and they are in progress. The battlefield was blocked, and the orcs were cleared along the way, trying to make this partial division lose contact with the orc army besieging Lulong Fortress!

However, it is obvious that this wave of reckless Laglan men with online IQs successfully encountered half-orcs with no IQs and Nazgul who regarded half-orcs as human beings. Lavian led a team of heavy cavalry, knights, and centaurs in Rapid City and After fighting for a long time in the wilderness and air between Lulong Fortress, Lavian and Badr both suffered from internal injuries. It turned out that the clown was actually myself...

Uvasa under Rapid City was still complacent that he had successfully contained the capital and main force of the Kingdom of Lagrand, and was still leisurely sending some orcs to tentatively attack every day. It felt like a routine greeting every day, but Both sides misjudged each other's purpose, and a big net was quietly opened due to a combination of circumstances!

From the beginning to the end, the Ringwraiths never defeated the Kingdom of Lagrand in one fell swoop. After all, the intimidating power of the Dragon Knight was real. The purpose of Uwasa's partial division was really just to contain the army of the Kingdom of Lagrand from going south to support Lulong. fortress! The Nazgul are trying to turn the Fortress of Lulon into the next Dol Guldur! But they never expected that the army they wanted to contain was in Lulong Fortress from beginning to end, and even the knights they were extremely afraid of were behind them... It was like they besieged a lonely person.

And Swift Current City is full of stinky fish and rotten shrimps. If Uvasa knows this situation and attacks with all his might, not to mention that Swift Current City will definitely be destroyed, but the casualties of the people in the city are certain, and maybe even old man Adilai can be killed. take away……

But there were no ifs. The first all-out war in the north started due to an unexpected combination of circumstances and Roland gave an order! The entire northern territory then fell into the flames of war! Whether it was forests or rivers, mountains or basins, cities or wilderness, the coalition forces fought to the death with the orc undead army in every place. The length of the battle line was jaw-dropping! From the North to the Gray Mountains! South to Dol Guldur! East to the Lagrange Plains! West reaches the Misty Mountains! (After all, the men of the Junlin family couldn't help but join in the fun, and started hammering in the Misty Mountains later!) The situation in the entire northern border is as abstract as the last alliance battle!

"Forward! Soldiers of the Kingdom! Our allies need us! Forward!" White Wing King encouraged morale. This time, as the commander-in-chief of the army to support Rapid City, he gave Roland enough face.

"Quickly cross the river! Give up unnecessary baggage!" Ruhr glanced at the caravan's carriages and other debris and ordered. Those things slowed down the progress of crossing the river too much! Moreover, the entire transportation capacity on the Swift River relies entirely on the five remaining galenic boats in Swift River City. It will take some effort to get them all across the river.

"Get ready to board the ship! Hurry! Speed!" Maple Leaf Purple directed the soldiers from the Kingdom of Akvia to board the ship. The originally small Galen ship was quickly filled to the brim!

PS: Pictures of the situation have been sent to the group

I'm speechless. My mother's tendons and nerves and blood vessels in her right foot were accidentally ruptured. My father took care of my mother and broke the little finger bone of her right foot. I fell while shopping for food and suffered a contusion on my patella... A family of three couldn't put together a complete story.

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