The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 546: The Prince’s Plan

"Sagittarius Meteor Shower!"

The centaur roared and raised its head to the sky, pulling up its two-and-a-half-meter long bow in the shape of a full moon, and then arrows containing the wood element's fighting spirit shot out crazily!

In just five seconds, tens of thousands of armor-piercing heavy arrows were thrown out by the centaur. Although it was suspected of being a waste, it was tantamount to a good medicine for the current battle situation.



"Ah! My legs! My legs!" A half-orc wailed weakly while holding his legs that were nailed to the ground by two heavy arrows with barbs.

"Ah... help me!" A "hedgehog" who had seven or eight arrows shot into his chest and abdomen weakly stretched out his hand stained with someone's blood and tried to hold a passing orc. Coughing blood, although it did not die immediately, its lungs and internal organs were torn to pieces by armor-piercing heavy arrows, which was no less than a kind of torture.

Soon, the orcs that came and went trampled its outstretched hand into the soil. Before it could take out its hand and continue struggling, the next second, several heavy arrows dropped from the sky to directly help relieve its pain!

Obviously, the orcs were shocked by such a sudden blow! How could these southern orcs have ever seen the centaur's special skill, the Centaur Meteor Shower? Moreover, those skills that used to use wooden arrows are now using armor-piercing arrows made of fine steel! Coupled with the blessing of centaur skills, even the troll can be taken away with one arrow as long as it hits the vital point! Most of those terrifying trebuchet trolls were killed by the sudden rain of arrows.

"Detour!" Balder looked at the situation of the orcs and ordered decisively. Lavian didn't say much and just followed the centaurs with the heavy cavalry. Compared with the centaurs who had the same life skills, Lavian and The knights and cavalry behind are simply extremely fragile in comparison!

Lavian secretly took a breath and made efforts to warm the climate in all of Middle-earth, because he suddenly discovered that the round of arrows just now knocked down at least two thousand orcs! This is just the number of deaths! There are countless injured people!

Along with Lavian and Bader, the first to arrive on the battlefield were 200 Cardin light cavalry led by Maple Leaf Purple. Although these cavalry were wearing light armor, they were more skilled with bows and horses than the Lagrange cavalry! The light cavalry recruited by these grassland nomads are sometimes not worse than knights!

For example, when harassing and attacking now, the knights can only crash into them and forcefully tear a hole open. But the Cardan light cavalry is different. These light cavalry wearing chain armor (friendly sponsorship by the dwarves) directly bend their bows and launch them!

This time the orcs are pulling their butts with a knife - their eyes are opened! The centaur's "heavy rain" here has just ended, and a group of brownies came here to start harassing them. Although... this arrow is almost less interesting than the centaur (after experiencing a complete centaur meteor shower, the orc said Nowadays everything is boring, if you are used to seeing life and death!), but it’s like a swarm of flies buzzing and giving me a headache!

Then the orcs separated out a small group of elite troops to drive away these Cardin light cavalry. When several groups of wolf cavalry rushed out with howls, His Excellency Maple Leaf Purple was already laughing on his horse.

When the wolf cavalry finally got close to the tail of the Cardin light cavalry, they saw those "animals" raising a short gun about 1.2 meters long...

"Mader, you idiots with no martial ethics!" These were the last thoughts of the half-orc wolf cavalry before he died.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!" Cardin's light cavalry were surprised. How could Baiyi, who had already suffered losses in battles with orcs, be a fool? In order to deal with the throwing axes of the wolf cavalry and the orcs, Baiyi specially upgraded the throwing spears of the light cavalry! Those forearm-thick and arm-long tapered gun heads bring longer range and more powerful lethality. The thread-like blood grooves on them ensure that the orcs who are hit can sleep well!

Angelimir, the twentieth prince of Doamroth (his reign lasted for 45 years. Angelimir died in 2977 of the Third Era at the age of 111) is thinking about a big thing at the moment. There is a human kingdom in the north. Rise up! However, the Kingdom of Gondor is now in internal chaos, and Angelimir does not expect the current regent Turgon to do anything. After all, a mediocre regent is too busy dealing with all kinds of internal affairs, let alone the war in Gondor. Outside.

"Adrasil, what do you think?" Angelimir looked at his 27-year-old son tapping the table with his fingers, with consideration in his eyes. This is his heir, the 21st Prince of Amroth. Of course you don't have to know his name, but you must know who his son is - Imrahil, the 22nd Prince of Amroth! It's the Gondor father who doesn't even have a supporting role in the movie, but is a complete mess in the original book! The 22nd Prince of Amroth of the Kingdom of Gondor! Leader of the Swan Knights! The rightful lord of Amfalas! The Lord of the Rings vs. Allied Forces Daddy! The savior of the protagonist group! Protector of the Western World! Your King Yi is infinitely arrogant!

"I think we can make good friends with the other party. After all, the other party has shown his goodwill and ability. We can't say nothing! Besides, the world is in chaos now! The Amroth family needs friends with enough strength!" Ade Rahil frowned and thought for a moment.

"Isn't this enough? We traveled across thousands of mountains and rivers just to make friends with them?" Angelimir smiled. An old man who has lived for most of his life is very shrewd, not to mention he is also a great lord!

"..." Adrasil frowned when he heard this. His father was actually dissatisfied with what he said? Then I must have missed something!

"I understand!" His eyes suddenly lit up.

"Do you hope that they will help us in the future? Just like the Kingdom of Rohan now?" Adrasil responded immediately.

"Well, smart boy! Sooner or later this home will be yours, and you need to make the most appropriate choice to take this home far away!" Angelimir smiled and patted his son on the shoulder.

"I don't understand, how can they help us? Besides, isn't our ally Gondor very good?" Adrasil was puzzled.

"Alas... it's precarious! I'm doing this for the future!" Angelimir sighed faintly. The relationship between Gondor and Rohan is becoming more and more distant, and the infiltration of orcs can be seen everywhere in the two countries! A large number of villages were destroyed and people were displaced! He needs to find a new way out for the kingdom or family! A hidden powerful ally might be able to help them out in the end!

"..." Adrasil did not speak, but nodded silently. After all, the future of the kingdom was indeed worrying.

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