The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 548: Great Void Splitting Slash!

The black arrow that penetrated deep into his chest caused Kaldor to bleed profusely, and the severe pain made the dragon unbearable, but Kaslo gritted his teeth and pulled out the black arrow.

"Ang!" The giant dragon roared with a bit of pain, and a cloud of dragon blood splashed out with Kaslo's movements. Maybe in the future, this land soaked in dragon blood can grow dragon blood grass.

"Are you feeling better?" Kaslo looked at his dragon with distress. The muscles at the wound where he pulled out the black arrow started to squirm. They were entangled with each other and then slowly healed. There was only one that was not covered by scales. The bloodstains on the flesh and surrounding areas proved that he had been injured.

"Much better!" Kaldo opened his wings and turned around to look at his wing membranes. Fortunately, the membranes were not broken, otherwise his appearance would have been disfigured! If you look for Sister Long in the future, you will be disliked.

"That's good! It's time to deal with that bastard!" Kaslo narrowed his eyes, filled with murderous intent. Everyone has a dream of slaying a dragon, but the dragon knight does not! Dare you touch my dragon? I'll peel the skin off for you! At this moment, Kasluo was so angry that he almost became a "free-range chicken" (a dragon knight who lost his dragon). After all, I have never heard of any dragon knight contracting a new dragon after the death of his dragon!

Dragons are proud creatures, and their pride does not allow them to share a knight with other dragons! So once the dragon knight's dragon body dies, the dragon knight is basically useless.

"It's time to settle the accounts!" Kaldor's dragon eyes narrowed slightly. After all, he almost died at the hands of the orcs. When he thought of those lowly things, he almost killed the noble Lord Kaldor with black arrows! Kaldor's heart was filled with turbulence, and the fire was so intense that he almost turned into a fire dragon! If you ask Kaldo what he wants to do most at the moment, his answer must be this.

Shoot those bastard orcs to death, and then shoot every dwarf you see to death!

I have to say that the dwarves have dug a hole for all the dragons in the Middle Earth, and it is still a sinkhole! Of course, during the battle between man and dragon, the dwarves produced many black arrows! A lot more leaked out! Most of them have flowed into the hands of a certain old man (I'm talking about you - Demon Lord Sauron!), and now the Order Dragon Clan will have great fun! There were a lot of dragon knights back then. Why are the dragon knights in Middle-earth now extinct?

The answer is of course that the dwarves’ black arrows have made a great contribution! The originally helpless dragon scales could be broken with just one hand, and the aloof dragon was conquered by the black arrow! So the human-dragon war ended like this. After the war, the dragon clan began to enter the eyes of the world. Those noble dragons are undoubtedly the best partners of knights! The Dragon Riding Contract was created at this time, and for the first time the human and dragon turned their hostility into friendship!

The days that followed were long melees! Under Sauron's instigation, those dragon knights became the front-line cannon fodder! When the last elf dragon knight falls, when the last dwarf dragon knight falls, when the last human dragon knight sacrifices...

There are no more dragons on the mainland, and all the dragons have gone to the Dragon Island, which is isolated overseas, except for some wild dragons and sub-bloods.

It's hard to judge the quality of Black Arrow, but the Dragon Knight version of Widowmaker is gone! Most of the black arrows that leaked out were used by so-called warriors to slay dragons, so a large part of the black arrows were destroyed! (After all, the giant dragon will stop and twist it a few times when it encounters this thing!)

"General Dragon Rider... how disgusting!" Uwasa fanned his hands to bring out a few wisps of evil wind, and the soul fire in his eyes beat faster and faster. After all, the risk of attacking and killing General Dragon Rider is definitely not the smallest bit! Nowadays, the giant dragon does not care about the situation of the tribesmen who come to Middle-earth. If it does this in front of the dragon tribe, the grass on the graves of your whole family will probably be the same height!

Urvasa, who was disgusted to no end by Kaslo's team, could only do it himself. After all, the dragon clan's resilience was ridiculously strong. Do you expect those black arrows to hit Kaldor again? dream! Uwasa could use his feet to think that the two of them would definitely be on guard against his spatial skills. After all, the team almost fell apart. Even the stupidest person would know to pay attention.

"...Destroy those crossbows!" Lavian roared at the top of his lungs. As a qualified military talent, he certainly understood what needed to be done at this moment! Dragon Riders cannot be contained! We must find a way to liberate the Dragon Cavalry General, and the way to liberate the Dragon Cavalry General is very simple. Just clear away those damn black arrows. Even God will groan a few times in front of the Dragon Cavalry General!

"Hoo!" The Knights of the Cross Bauhinia waved their flails, and the orcs suffered heavy casualties wherever they passed. Various corpses were piled together. Only a few orcs were injured, and the rest had their heads hammered into their necks. Got it! There is also the poor orc who is missing half of his face. Where is the rest? Swinging flail gives you the answer!

Compared with the brutal fighting of the Cross Bauhinia Knights, the Centaur is even more efficient! What is the concept of a row of fallen heavy centaur lances? Just look at the orc candied haws above! The centaur rushing into the enemy's position was like a cutting knife, cleanly clearing a path among the orcs.

"Death!" Lavian slashed to death an orc who was carrying a black arrow and stabbing him. He was speechless in his heart. Was he afraid that he had beaten a child stupid? Do you think of yourself as a dragon? Don't I, the noble knight commander, have no respect for you?

"Complete the mission quickly! We are ready to retreat!" Lavian roared. After all, the protection of the heavy cavalry was limited. If a few of the stingy King Roland died, he would "bear a grudge" for himself for the rest of his life, so it was better to be safe.

"Come on!" Kaslo patted Kaldor on the back, and he swooped down with the dragon spear in hand.

"Bang!" A harsh metal clash came, and the gunshot carrying the dragon's swooping momentum was actually blocked!

"Yo! It's out!" Kaslo laughed after taking one look at it. It didn't take much effort to find it without breaking through the iron shoes! The person coming is none other than Jiujie Uwasa!

"Cang!" Uvasa's Blade of the Dead swung away Kaslo's lance and rolled away from its attack range. The next second, a gun shadow and tail whip swept across the place where Uvasa had just been.

"..." Uvasa's eyes narrowed. A dragon knight with rich combat experience is not easy to deal with. At this moment, he has already devoted 12% of his concentration. The soul fire in his eyes is beating violently. It is obvious that he is not happy in his heart. calm.

"You have no way to escape! Let your sins be punished!" The soul chain constructed with mental power was thrown out from the void and headed towards Uwasa. It was Yun Feng who took action! At some point he had reached the edge of the battlefield.

"The sins will be punished!" Kaslo and Kaldo looked at each other, and the huge dragon power compressed crazily. It was obvious that the thoughts of the two reckless men were very synchronized. Judging by the momentum, they knew it was a single-body forbidden curse!

"Void Split Slash!" Uvasa gritted his teeth and slashed the blade of the dead around his body in a circle. As a result, the space wrinkled up like a crumpled plastic bag... That was because the space was collapsing on one side. Restore your own dimensions.

"No! Ravian, retreat quickly!" Yun Feng's eyes widened as he looked at the cavalry on the space collapse route!

"Retreat!" Lavian screamed like a woman. As a fourth-level professional, he also knew something. Although he did not possess the power of space, one of the most mysterious powers, he also knew it. , that thing is really scary!

Damn it, high fever...all three members of the family fell ill...

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