"Go forward!" A rickety man stood on the chariot. If Roland were here, he would definitely recognize that this man was Captain Dark Ivan of the Steel Teeth Chariot Department!

At this moment, he was hunched over and staring at the rolling torrent of chariots behind him with red eyes! After gathering his army, he now has 2,000 light tanks (2 people), 1,000 medium tanks (4 people), and 100 heavy tanks (10 people), a total of 9,000 people! Although there are only a few professionals among the chariot people, these mobile troops are ranked first in the entire northern border.

Darkey was persuaded by the messenger of Mordor. He was extremely sad after losing his beloved daughter and finally waited for an opportunity to beat up the drowned dog. His eyes flashed with a sickly red light.

"Girl, please wait a little longer. Father will send them down to accompany you soon!" Darkey looked ferocious.

These chariot people crossed the Swift River directly from Dovinion to the north, and then rushed towards the west quickly. Because the envoy of Mordor promised that the orcs would contain the forces of the Kingdom of Raglan in the south, Darkey went crazy. He wanted to take the capital of Lagrand directly and take revenge on all Lagrand people for what Roland had done to his beloved daughter.

"Commander! This is where the Rapid River and the Red Water River meet!" A Lagrand City guard pointed to the mouth of the intersection with great excitement.

"I prefer to call her... Lagrand City!" The commander grabbed a handful of soil and held it tightly on his chest, with a glint of water in his eyes.

"Your Highness will definitely lead us back here!"

"That's right! We'll be back!"

"Today we are here and tomorrow we will rebuild this place!"

The soldiers were chattering, and everyone looked eagerly at the land in front of them. They had been rewarded by Roland's system a long time ago, but they were set to come from the ridiculous Eastern Mountains, so they climbed It has been a long time and we have just arrived at the original location of Lagrand City.

"It seems we can't go on the road any longer today!" The commander raised his head and looked at the sky. At this moment, the sky started to be covered with dark clouds. It seems that the spring rain is coming...

"Damn it! We have to set up the tent quickly!" The other soldiers raised their heads and immediately breathed out fragrance.

"Okay! Guys, speed up! I don't want to sleep in the mud at night!" the leader of the Lagrand City Guards laughed.

"Okay! Just watch it, sir!"

"Remember to chop some firewood and come back! If you don't want to be frozen at night!" The commander looked at the surrounding snow that had not yet melted and cursed with a smile.

The entire team was stationed near the Swift River, because it was easy to get water here, and they might be able to find some game or something.

"Bang! Bang!" A group of city guards struggled to hit the ice with their guns. Although the cold winter has passed, the early spring in the north is still cold. The rivers of Jiliu River and Hongshui River are still covered with ice. Apparently they want to To get water you have to break through the ice.

Different from the rapid infantry, the Lagrand City Guards are not equipped with fine steel armor-piercing maces. They are equipped with long swords, so if they want to break the ice, they can only turn their steel guns and use the gun at the end of the gun to smash it. Chiseling through the ice is a bit more troublesome, but it’s still very efficient!

As several holes were opened, the soldiers quickly filled the water bags with water, filled the iron pot with water and started boiling...

"Ready to eat!" The soldier in charge of cooking poured rice and dried meat into the pot.

"Eat your legs! The water isn't even boiling!" The soldier next to him laughed and kicked him. The water in the pot was still cold, so don't even think about eating it for a while.

"Hey! Isn't it going to be done after cooking for a while?" The kicked soldier rubbed his leg and said, he is a soldier and not a cook, so he can eat whatever he wants.

"Oh my god, our team won't be the first to starve to death!" Others pretended to cry.

"What's going on? Is it so lively?" A head poked its head out of the tent, and everyone took a closer look, oh! It turned out to be their centurion.

"Hello, sir!" The soldiers of this squad stood up and saluted under the leadership of the squad leader.

"No need to be polite! It's a cold day, hurry up and warm up by the fire! Get something hot to eat! This damn weather..." The centurion looked at them and gave a few words before leaving the tent.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! Warm yourself by the fire!" After the officer left, everyone laughed and gathered around the bonfire again.

"Have the soldiers been settled?" the commander asked, looking at his subordinates who came in to deliver meals.

"Of course, Commander! Everyone has set up tents, and now everyone is cooking and preparing to eat!" The soldier brought the hot porridge over.

This force is commanded by one commander, nine centurions, and ninety squad captains (decants), a total of one hundred officers. Because of its streamlined structure, it is easy to command.

"Inform all centurions to take turns to arrange vigils! The North is not peaceful at night! We are not in the empire now!" The commander did not take it lightly. They had experienced many small-scale encounters along the way, although most of the creatures were Their brains are normal, but there are always a few flat hairs who are hungry and faint and come to provoke this huge team.

"Okay!" The soldier nodded.

"This place is keeping watch..." the first group of soldiers who were keeping watch complained feebly while patrolling.

"Indeed, the conditions are so crude that we can't even set up a defense line..." A soldier sighed as he looked at the empty wilderness.

"Defense line? What a joke! Who on this land can cross the defense line we formed? We are the steel city wall on land!" Youcheng Guards said proudly.

"That's right! Those wandering half-orcs dare to come and beat their dogs' brains out of their stomachs!" The other soldiers cheered. After all, their strong strength has been engraved into their souls, and they really can't see these idiots. Upper eyes.

I just don’t know that their words were heard by the reckless men of the Holy Glory Knights. What would those reckless men think? After all, Ormsk claims that they are the wall of the continent...

"Okay, okay, stop bragging! Wait until I see His Highness and you will show your performance!" The captain leading the team had black lines in his head as he listened to his men's increasingly outrageous words. If he didn't stop these murderous talents, he would say The story of them fighting Angmar single-handedly, what about Zhao Zilong from Middle-earth...

"Ahem!" Seeing the overblown Lagrand City guards, they all coughed to cover up their embarrassment. After all, it's okay for them to brag in private, but it would be a bit embarrassing to pretend to be in front of the superiors. The leading ones were the most bragging Hi, I've almost dug out a Lagrange city with my feet.

"It was so cold last night!" The soldiers who went to fetch water in the morning shivered a few times.

"It's frozen again! Damn it!" Youcheng guards complained as they looked at the water intake that had been frozen again.

"Forget it! Let's start digging again!" Then the soldier picked up his spear and began to cut the ice.

"Huh? Why did I hear the sound of war horses neighing?" A soldier stopped to listen, and the sound of galloping horses could be faintly heard in the air.

"Are you dreaming? There is no Imperial Knights here! Stop dreaming! Hey! Wake up!" A companion came up and patted his red face.

"No! It's a war horse!" The soldier slapped his companion's hand away, listened carefully, and then raised his eyebrows.

"Go and notify the commander! There is a large-scale cavalry presence on the other side!" He dropped the water bag and ran without looking back.

"Ah! Are you serious? You're not sick, are you?" The other soldiers looked at the soldier who suddenly turned around and ran away and quickly chased after him, fearing that he was sick from the cold last night and was talking nonsense.

On the third uncomfortable day... I still feel uncomfortable and depressed.


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