"Is it over?" Roland asked, looking at Carlos and Ajax who were coming together.

"Yes, it's over, but it's just begun!" Kaslo nodded and shook his head.

"..." Roland sighed and shrugged.

When the collision of the Great Forbidden Curse ended, the orc army collapsed. The corpses of orcs and trolls were piled on top of each other. The orcs who suffered heavy casualties were directly dispersed. Under Yan Fu's space, even if the beast god came, It did not completely protect them. The missing space power was like a sharp sword that directly shattered every orc it encountered. The wind that was compressed to the extreme also cut wantonly, and the flames swept the earth...

If it hadn't been for the fact that the phantom of the Beast God picked up the totem pole and smashed Yan Fu's space together, it is estimated that not many orcs would have walked out of this land alive.

That's right! Yan Fu's space was shattered! The Great Forbidden Curse, which originally still had room for attack, was forcibly dispersed and defeated by the Beast God, who was also a Great Forbidden Curse. He came and absorbed the power of the Forbidden Curse!

"What are the casualties in Lulong Fortress?" Roland asked bravely. After all, the number of casualties in Rapid City was shocking.

"There is no reduction in personnel, but many people will need to recover from their injuries for a long time!" Ormsk flashed out from behind.

"Huh? The great hero is back?" Roland crossed his arms and looked at Ormsk with a half-smile.

"Haha, your highness, you are overly complimentary..." Ormsk kept smiling. His family knew about his family affairs, and he was the one who caused the most serious trouble in this war... If he hadn't rushed back when he finally realized something was wrong, the Lulong Fortress would have been destroyed by now. The city is still wandering downstream of the Swift River!

"Bang!" Unexpectedly, Roland slapped the table and roared.

"Is this what you are doing as a vanguard? Let the main force of orcs go to intercept the miscellaneous fish? Oh! By the way, the miscellaneous fish have not been cleaned up! We have also cleaned up some wolf cavalry teams in the past few days!"

"Unexpected... unexpected..." Ormsk lowered his head and smiled innocently, looking extremely funny.

"You are really capable of surprises!" Roland gritted his teeth. God knows how angry Roland and Renault were when the orc army suddenly appeared on their faces. The heart of Ormsk was chopped alive!

"What do you think of fighting or not? We can't stop them anyway. Even if we take precautions, we still have to fight them head-on. Didn't we successfully backstab them once this time!" Ormsk enlightened Roland.

"Haha!" Roland sighed with a dark face. He didn't expect that as a hero, Ormsk's bottom line was also such a soul. He used to be an honest person, but now he has learned to be shameless.

"Get out!"

"Okay!" Ormsk immediately wiped the soles of his feet with oil and ran away, disappearing from Roland's sight in less than two seconds.

"Thank you for your hard work this time. As I said before, when this battle is over, I will hold a glorious wedding for you!" After beating Ormsk, Roland turned his attention to the two best MVPs this time. It was really a fight from morning to night, from the beginning to the end! It can be called a model worker in the first total northern war!

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Kaslo immediately bowed and stroked his chest to thank him in one breath. It was obvious that he was a senior double-faced turtle. As for why he wasn't a boiling sheep? That's because Kaslo at least licked it! What qualifications do you, a Boiling Goat who recommends Pleasant Goat, have to compare with a double-faced turtle?

Ajax also nodded implicitly. Although she didn't say anything, it was obvious that she was still very willing. After all, the most suitable person for the Dragon Rider family is the Dragon Rider. Besides, the Kaslo man is handsome and well-spoken. As a girl in Huaichun What else is not satisfying? Riding a dragon is so cool!

"By the way! How about Eovia?" Roland looked at Ajax. After all, she had been interacting with the Ringwraiths there.

"The situation is okay. The orcs in Dol Guldur have never left the Dol Guldur Fortress since they were ambushed by the Star Elves at night. The remaining ones are the Nazgul and Eovia who are high-level fighters. Something!" Ajax tilted her head and thought for a while.

Originally, the orc army set off from Dol Guldur, but Eovian, Peter Groh and a thousand third-level intermediate rangers went to the forest in the dark to become the sixth man. This time, half of the orcs were completely defeated. Orcs know what a child of the Star Goddess is, what a beloved child of nature is, and what a dog of the forest is! Arrows coming from all directions made it difficult for the Orcs. The Ringwraiths wanted to take action but were stopped by Eovia and Peter Gro. The moment they fought against the Star Dragon who did not maintain the barrier and opened fire, they almost died. I left Lidilias, Senar, Khamur and the rest of the Ringwraiths crippled... It's true that the dragon doesn't show off its power. Do you think I'm a flying lizard?

It is conceivable what the orcs encountered in the dark night when the Ringwraiths were unable to take action. The originally difficult march came to an abrupt end after Ajax arrived. After the overwhelming aura came over them, the Nazgul led the Orc army into Dol Guldur without saying a word...

Then the orcs in Dol Guldur began to mess around, huddled in Dol Guldur and unable to come out. However, the Nazgul were quite active. They fought several times during this period, and each time they were able to destroy a bunch of flowers. In a hasty manner, both sides got tired of fighting in the end, so they simply set up a confrontation, so that Ajax could free up his hands to support Lulong Fortress. (In general, the Nazgul in Dol Guldur harmed the Nazgul in Mordor. If they hadn't acted badly, the orc army of Mordor would not have been able to bear the Great Forbidden Curse.)

"The situation is much better. Now the crisis on the front lines in both directions has been lifted! To sum up, this time we basically tied with the orcs. We didn't take advantage or suffer any loss." Roland smiled. Although the annihilation reward is probably gone, it is definitely It's pretty good to be able to win like this despite being at a disadvantage!

"The system settles the mission rewards!" Roland estimated that he was almost done, so he said to the system.

"Ding! The mission reward has been changed. The orc armies of Dol Guldur and Mordor in the south have been defeated by you at the same time! Congratulations on getting the Laglan Royal Mage Group, the third-level mage team*1!"

Roland's eyes lit up. He preferred 10 third-level mages to 500 Badanian shooters! But before he could finish his excitement, new news came.

"Your soldiers successfully annihilated the Steel Teeth Chariots on the Swift River! Congratulations on obtaining Dovinion Heavy Swordsman*100!"

"Ah?" Roland was stunned by the battlefield that appeared out of nowhere. Since when was there a battlefield in the East? Is this a fourth battlefield inexplicably opened up? And annihilate them all? How to annihilate them all? By mouth?

"What's wrong, Your Highness?" Castro and Ajax looked at Roland who suddenly screamed and thought for a moment that Roland had a seizure.

"It's okay! I'll be quiet, you guys go down first!" Roland waved the two of them away and then recalled carefully. It seemed that he had a Thousand-man Team Lagrand City Guards reward on the way, and then there was a sign-in to get A small team of dragon knights were gathered, and then the system was launched to... Okay! Case solved! The two of them came together to give Roland a big job inexplicably. The specific results will be known when they ask Gui Jian.

However, the sudden acquisition of the rarest spell-casting unit was enough to make Roland excited for a long time. Compared with them, this team of Dovinian heavy swordsmen was just like an extra head. After all, how can the noble master in a tin can be more pleasing to the eye?


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