The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 580 The war begins on the Western battlefield

"King Roland hasn't come back yet?" Yun Feng looked at Nicks with a serious look on his face.

"Roland? No!" Nyx shook his head. Didn't Roland go out to see off the pioneers in the past two days?

"The situation is serious. We need to send reinforcements to Apophis Breo now!" Yun Feng could only say to Nyx.

"What happened? Did something happen?" Nicks pinched the corner of her skirt and asked anxiously.

"The remnants of the orcs are attacking the Lion Leader in a big way, and among them are the Ringwraiths!" Yun Feng's face was very ugly.

Just now he received a magical communication from the Lion Territory. The orc army that attacked the pass turned into a regular army. The most terrifying thing was that the Four Rings appeared! Being forced to do nothing, Apophis Breo could only use a protective forbidden spell to protect them. In order to contain the orcs' offensive, he also used an offensive forbidden spell scroll. The terrifying destructive ability of the forbidden spell stalled the orcs' offensive. The frightened orcs had retreated at this moment, but they were in urgent need of support!

"Do we have anyone we can send over?" Nyx calmed down after hearing Yun Feng's words. As long as the Lion Territory hasn't fallen, there is hope, and Apophis Breo is a smart man who won't hold the ban. He will use the curse to cushion the coffin board when it is needed. With the accumulation of the King's Landing family over the past generations, Apophis Breo should be able to hold on until reinforcements arrive.

"Flying Dragon Knight Squad!" Yun Feng said. After all, the only ones with fighting ability are the Flying Dragon Knights, forget about the Griffin Knights.

"Send the dragon knights to support them, and at the same time send all the griffin knights to find Roland! Kaslo and Ajax followed him and directly ordered the two dragon knight generals to help him!" Nyx appeared. With extraordinary calmness and wisdom, he made the most correct judgment in the shortest time.

"I hope the foundation of the King's Landing family is deep enough!" Nyx murmured. Whether Apophis Breo can survive this or not depends on the strength of his ancestors.

"Your Highness!" Olaf said with some lingering fear.

"Mader! The idea is tough! The Nazgul are here!" Apophis Breo complained, after all, the original Orcs gave him a huge head. Who would have known that the Ringwraiths would actually come to join in the fun? If it weren't for his bright eyes, he would have disappeared a long time ago.

"How are the brothers?" Apophis Breo then had time to care about his soldiers.

"It's okay, the attack of the Ringwraith was blocked by the Protector's Arm! Everyone is okay!" Olaf said with lingering fear.

Apophis Breo used the same protective curse given to Roland - the Arm of the Protector to resist the attack of the Nazgul. The duration of this forbidden spell is about a week, but it will be attacked and the duration will be reduced. Judging from the current situation, the forbidden curse will break and disappear after holding on for three days at most.

"What's going on in the kingdom?" Apophis Breo asked anxiously.

"His Royal Highness Roland went out with the dragon cavalry generals and heroes. They went to open up new land and build new towns!" the guard said with some embarrassment.

"Haha! It rained all night long when the house leaked!" Apophis Breo grinded his teeth with a bit of sternness in his eyes.

"It's okay! Come on! Come on! I'm waiting for reinforcements!" Apophis Breo directly took out a stack of scrolls.

"Divide it among three people! You must ensure that one person holding the forbidden spell is awake at all times! Once the forbidden spell is about to disappear, immediately tear up the scroll and cast another one!" Apophis Breo warned Olaf, After all, his personal energy is limited and he cannot stare at it all the time.

Olaf looked at the three scrolls of the Protector's Arm in his hand and grinned, his scalp numbing. Three forbidden spells! The old nose has money! Now the hand holding the forbidden curse is shaking a little.

"Remember! Everyone will die when the forbidden spell fails!" Apophis Breo is self-aware of this. Without the sixth-level combat power to compete with the Ringwraiths, he is not qualified to talk to the Ringwraiths on an equal footing. Now he can only Use the forbidden spell to delay time.



Although Apophis Breo still has some offensive forbidden spells in his hand, he does not intend to use them. Those orcs do not have the strength to shake them. The ring spirits that can shake them cannot be wiped out by rigid forbidden spells. After all, the ring spirits I won't stand and let you hit me. This resulted in the deterrent effect of the Forbidden Spell in Apophis Breo's hand being greater than its actual significance. To be honest, it was not as useful as the Guardian Spell.

This made Apophis Breo miss his family's sixth-level combat prowess. By his generation, there was only one sixth-level hero left in the family, and that sixth-level hero was also the only one with the complete inheritance of the Knights of King's Landing, but that The old man had already disappeared at this moment. (The system deducted it)

"If the heroes of my Junlin family are can I allow you to show your teeth here?" Apophis Breo stared at the Four Rings who were also staring at him. As long as he has a sixth level, he doesn't have to be beaten by others to open the guardian ban. Curse such a cowardly operation.

"Hollin?" Roland was stunned and saw the knight Hollin rolling down from the gryphon that had not yet stopped.

"Your Excellency Kaslo! Your Excellency Ajax! The queen has an order! Go to the Lion Territory quickly to support! The Ringwraiths have invaded the Lion Territory!" Ignoring Roland, Huolin went straight to the two dragon cavalry generals.

"Okay!" Castro and Ajax looked at each other and saw the solemnity in each other's eyes. They ignored Roland's greeting and flew away on dragons.

"Wait a minute? Huolin, tell me clearly!" Roland, who saw that his dragon rider had run away before he could react, finally stopped Huolin who was about to take off and asked.

"The remnants of the orcs attacked the Lion Territory!" Huo Lin said.

"Can those rubbish beat Apophis Breo and the others?" This opened Roland's eyes. How much of a loser is Apophis Breo? Can he be penetrated by a novice half-orc and call for help?

"It's the regular army! The orcs of Gambada Fortress! And the Four Rings!" Huolin said solemnly.

"Omsk! Assemble the team! Kill him for me!" Roland heard about the Nazgul, what else could he do? Uwasa's debt has not yet been settled. If he can't kill the Nine Rings, he can kill the Four Rings to add to the fun!

"Calm down! Calm down!" Ormsk quickly hugged Roland, who was about to mount his horse and charge.

"It's too far, we can't make it in time!" Ormsk said quickly.

"Get out! I'm going to ride a dragon! One of the sixth-level people in the north must die today!" Luo Lanxin kicked away Ormsk who was holding him, and took out Doss from his arms!

Doss was still a little confused after being found out. He looked at Roland with wide innocent eyes, as if to say: You'd better be in trouble rather than sick?

"Quick! Use your ability to invite the ancestors, we are going to kill those Nazgul!" Roland rubbed Doss's head and said with a murderous look on his face.

"Ang?" Doss was stunned and then whispered.

"You don't need an adult body, just a youth body, as long as it can help me fly and fight!" Roland took out the dragon cavalry gun Wanlong Fansing. This artifact used by the ancestor of Osbeia was in Roland's hands for the first time. Bloom.

"Roar!" Doss's blue pupils flashed, and two platinum and gold giant dragon shadows appeared behind him. As the two shadows dissipated, a twenty-meter-long golden holy dragon appeared! Compared to the last time when his adult body was more than thirty meters tall, Doss is much smaller now.

"Ang!" Roland, who had just climbed onto the dragon's back, disappeared into the gap in space as Doss roared. Apparently Doss used the power of space to launch a space jump!

"Ah? Wait for me!" In the blink of an eye, Ormsk was stunned. Roland and the dragon disappeared together. This frightened Ormsk and he immediately jumped up into the sky, fighting spirit gushing out from his body crazily. Push him through the air.

"Forget it... go back!" Ormsk shook his head speechlessly after flying for two minutes. Seeing Roland jumping in space all the way, he could fly like this for a long time? I couldn't even eat hot cakes after I went there.

"Everyone! The target is Rapid City! Let's go home!" Ormsk waved his hands to these Lagrand Pioneer Knights after returning. Obviously, Roland didn't chase them back, which made Ormsk lose interest, and the king was lost again...

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