"Roar!" The dazzling dragon's breath surged out. The sixth-level half-orc warrior could only raise his shield to resist the surging impact of the dragon's breath!

The half-orc whose body was burning with flames had a crown on his head and waved a sharp sword! The sharp sword glow painted a dazzling halo and directly knocked over an earth dragon!

"Ouch!" The earth dragon wailed and was rolled and hacked away by the sword of war energy. A wound deep enough to see the bones appeared on its side. The tearing wound that spread over more than half of its side looked ferocious and terrifying!

"Roar!" Before the Orc King could take advantage of the victory and take advantage of the opportunity to kill the seriously injured earth dragon, a flying dragon waiting for an opportunity next to him spat out its breath!

"Damn it!" The king raised his arms to cover his head in shock and anger. The next second, he was hit by the surging dragon's breath for tens of meters and hit his head against the stone wall!

"These lunatics! What on earth did you do!" the king roared. It never expected that the enshrinement of its kingdom would kill a human king not long ago...

In fact, many alliance kings have been killed by orcs and dark creatures in Middle-earth, but this is the first time that a king who is a golden dragon knight has fallen!

Despite their powerful physical defenses, these low-priced dragons were able to withstand the attacks of four sixth-level orcs! Except for Dokge's combat power, which was severely weakened, the other three were all genuine sixth-level combat power, but they were suppressed by these dragons and suffered terribly. Moreover, they had to thank the small space of the underground kingdom for not allowing the dragons to exert their will, otherwise If they were left outside, they would have died eight times by now!

"Ang!" The blazing dragon's breath unceremoniously impacted Dokge's war spirit shield, and the thin shield was torn to pieces! Before Dokge could put up a new shield again, a bloody mouth suddenly attacked from the side.

"Crack!" Each tooth is covered by dragon power. The sharp dragon teeth can even tear adamantine. Obviously Dogg's legs are not stronger than adamantine!

"Ah~" A blood-curdling roar came from its mouth, and the sharp dragon teeth were nailed into its flesh one by one!

"Ang!" Before Dokge could get away, another huge mouth enveloped him.

"Ah!" Dokge's fighting spirit that he had finally gathered collapsed in an instant. The severe pain accompanied by the dragon power eroding his internal organs made him worse than death!

"Tear!" Another dragon's mouth bit its limbs, but the earth dragon shook its head desperately and tore off its left arm.

"Ouch!" Dogg didn't have the pain shield that Roland had activated after his sacrifice. Now his senses were extremely sharp, and he was twitching from the severe pain.

"Roar!" The other two dragons raised their heads, and Dogg instantly felt the pain of his limbs splitting.

"Plop!" The body with only one leg fell from the sky. It groaned and crawled hard, trying to disappear from the sight of the dragons. After all, it felt that it could still be saved!

"Bang!" A sound like a bursting watermelon sounded. Everyone looked around and saw that it was a majestic golden dragon that had trampled the seriously injured Dogg to death with its front paws.

The remaining three orcs frowned one after another, and a feeling of sadness over the rabbit's death and the fox's death came to their hearts. Then they looked up at the golden figure, and the hearts of all the orcs sank.

"I have no grievances with the Dragon Clan!" the Orc King roared. At this moment, all he could see were the corpses of Orcs. Even one of the only four sixth-level members in the kingdom had died!

"No injustice?" Doss narrowed his eyes. In his upper body state, he was still in his youth at the moment and could speak human words. With disdain and ridicule on his face, he looked at the ugly orc coldly. hummed.

"Kingslayer! There's another one!" Doss narrowed his eyes as he looked at Langedo. He clearly remembered these two sixth-level knights who surrounded and killed him! If he were stronger... his anger overwhelmed Doss's reason.

"Ang!" The passionate dragon roar resounded throughout the Misty Mountains!

"Crack~" The earth was shaking slightly.

The next second, the earth and rocks overturned, and the earth tore into a golden beam of light that shot straight into the sky. The entire underground city collapsed under Doss's angry blow.

"Boom!" A thick dragon claw broke out of the ground.

"Ang!" After shaking off the soil on its body, the first earth dragon to crawl out looked up to the sky and roared, as if to welcome the birth of a new king!

"Boom!" A loud explosion sounded next to Doss, and the dragons buried underground broke through the ground and returned to the ground.

"Huh..." The dragons bowed their heads and waited quietly for Doss's order.

"Run away!" The obscure dragon language sounded, and Doss' dragon face twisted. These orcs were really decisive! Seeing that the situation was not going well, they actually gave up on the other orcs in the kingdom, tore apart the space and fled!

"Roar~" The other dragons roared in response to Doss, looking like they were letting him be driven.

"Chase slowly!" Doss looked around and shook his head. Although they had a good fight just now, those orcs were in a miserable state. In fact, these dragons were also uncomfortable. Almost all dragons were injured, and a few were seriously injured. Heavy damage! After all, the sixth-level force is still very high. Except for Dokge, who was seriously injured by Roland, they did their best to keep no other half-orcs.

Relying on the characteristics of the dragon clan's high life level, even if they fight across levels, they cannot overcome the shackles of the peak level! After all, the fifth-level dragons and flying dragons are still different from the real sixth-level ones. It can be said that everyone is tied and Doss just takes advantage.

"Langedo! I need an explanation! Why is that dragon targeting us? What does regicide mean?" The king's sword was placed on Langedo's neck.

"Alas..." Langeduo sighed and told the whole story.

"..." The remaining two people blinked, unable to say anything except the words "Fuck" written in their hearts. It turns out there is such a big melon! No wonder people hold on to it! You were killed by someone else’s knight! Well done! What a shame... what a fart! The king has collapsed, who can he reason with? As he was eating hot pot and singing songs, he was killed by a group of big and round dragons at home without knowing anything. The culprit was actually his sacrifice that killed the knight. It was just an ordinary dragon knight...but it was a golden dragon...

"What should we do?" Another half-orc glared at Langedo and then covered his arm and said. Its arm was hit by the dragon's language magic. If its skills hadn't resisted most of the damage, it would probably have happened. Amputated.

"Let's avoid the limelight first! Those people are crazy!" The king pondered for a moment. From his point of view, the dragon was just venting its anger and would leave when it had enough trouble.

But apparently it underestimated Doss's perseverance. The homeless Doss lacked most time, and Doss, who was at odds with the orc kingdom, followed them with a relentless mentality! If the Orc King found out, he would probably go to Dragon Island in tears and beg the Dragon Clan to bring back his wandering golden dragon. This living father would be too torturous!

"Poof!" After leaving the cave, the flying dragons could show off their skills. They flapped their wings excitedly and flew into the sky. They were hovering over Doss with great excitement. Serving the emperor was the highest honor!

"Ang!" Doss roared, and all the dragons continued to move in the direction directed by Doss. It is estimated that the half-orc king could not even imagine that they were carrying a signal generator (the regicide blood curse on Langedo's body). ) is running away!

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