As a golden dragon, if it weren't for the life-saving grace that Roland hatched for him and Roland's own Dragon God bloodline, Doss wouldn't have been able to sign a contract with Roland.

"Okay, by the way, what are the achievements of these dragons you summoned?" Roland asked curiously.

"The orc kingdom has been destroyed!" Doss said calmly.

"..." The cold voice made Roland shiver, and he couldn't help but sigh that Doss's efficiency was really high! The power of the dragon clan once again made Roland jealous.

"Three of the four sixth-level orcs escaped! One of your murderers was torn to pieces by us!" Doss narrowed his eyes.

"Is he that space and ice half-orc swordsman?" Roland asked curiously.

"No, it's an orc who was seriously injured in the first place!" Doss shook his head.

Roland instantly understood that he was probably the sixth-order Orc warrior who had been severely injured by him. It was not unreasonable to criticize him for being weak!

"Wait? Does that mean there are still three sixth-level orcs escaping outside?" Dos Anthony looked at Dos and asked.

"Of course! I'm chasing them!" Doss's eyes flashed with cold light, obviously he was determined to fight to the death.

"How can we find them when the Misty Mountains are so big? Emperor!" Kurt asked, looking at Doss.

"They once killed my knights! The Curse of the Kingslayer will lead me to find them!" Doss looked at Kurt.

"So where are they now? I am willing to serve you!" Kurt bowed his head and said to Doss respectfully.

"I'm chasing them, they can't run away! My knight! Why don't you come up?" Doss shook his slender dragon tail, lying on the ground and motioning for Roland to ride on his back.

"It's easy for the Kingslayer Blood Curse to catch up with them! They can't run away!" Doss narrowed his eyes.

"Are you sure we can fight now? If your strength... is interrupted suddenly, it will be troublesome!" Roland said with some worry. After all, whether Dos is good or not depends on how long his ancestor's spirit can be maintained. It has to be said that the ancestors of the Dos family They are still very rebellious, and the length of time they can ask their ancestors to get on top of them is not fixed at all!

"It's okay, I'll just try to take as few shots as possible!" Doss shook his head. There was still a lot of power left in his body. If he didn't take shots at will, it wouldn't take much power just to maintain this form!

"They need to pay a price!" Dos Antony held his own dragon gun and said coldly, revenge for regicide! Fight until death!

There is a slight difference between Dos Anthony's dragon spear and Roland's dragon spear. Roland's dragon spears all have six-edged or eight-edged spear heads, while Dos Anthony's dragon spear is the prototype. It has a spiked spear head, but his dragon spear has an extra battle ax and halberd on both sides than Roland's dragon spear. It is a rare ax spear. Compared with most dragon spears that are good at thrusting, Dos Anthony The Dragonlance is better suited for swinging!

"I understand! Emperor!" The thoughts of Kurt and Doss collided. I don't know what Doss said to Kurt. Kurt actually turned around and rushed into the sky with Doss Anthony.

"What are you..." Roland looked at Kurt's back in confusion.

"In order to prevent those rats from escaping again, it is better to block their route in advance!" With the advantage of the blood spell that can grasp the position of the orcs, Doss directly sent a dragon knight to intercept them in advance, and had already budgeted the time. Doss estimated the time point when the three parties would meet, and he planned to attack from both sides! The vast space outside is just suitable for the dragons to display their true combat power to the greatest extent.

"Aang!" Dos roared, and the dragons set off again.

In this way, Roland saw the arrogant side of the dragon clan. All the way past, those huge earth dragons were pushing forward! Ancient trees were broken by the lazy waist! The sharp dragon claws trampled on those tree trunks and crushed them into sawdust.

"Roar!" The group of dragons that opened the way roared. They did not try hard to display their dragon power, but used low roars to drive away the monsters around the group of dragons. Under the dragon's roar, they did not encounter any blind monsters to cause trouble. This made Doss is very satisfied! After all, it’s rare to show your holiness in front of your own knight!

"I didn't realize you're still an idiot!" Roland grinned and shrugged. They didn't know if they touched the faces of the orcs the way Doss and the others did! The dragons that have completely restrained their aura are like a group of large beasts. Apart from being louder, there is nothing exposed. The orcs must be very surprised!

"Let's go!" the Orc King said in pain, his kingdom was destroyed! His own men suffered heavy casualties! And he could only abandon his wife and son and flee for his life in a hurry. Those frustrated and crazy dragons actually wanted to kill him for a mere human dragon knight!

"Look at the good things you have done!" Another half-orc said angrily to the only remaining Langeduo. He believed that they had brought death and disaster! It was they who introduced the dragons' wrath into the kingdom!

I have to say that the young man does have a future, and he actually guessed the right answer! And if he knew that Langedo had a blood curse on him, he would probably kill Langedo immediately. After all, Doss can keep chasing them because of the blood curse. As long as Langedo is killed or Langedo is separated from the others , then it would be difficult for Roland and the others to catch the two of them.

"Sorry!" Langeduo apologized sadly. The kingdom was attacked by dragons in an instant! At this moment, they don't even have the courage to take revenge! Being besieged by a group of dragons is obviously blacklisted by the dragon clan! He held the long sword and even had the idea of ​​​​fighting to the death.

"Let's go here immediately and head north! Where is the Gambada Fortress!" The king can only go to the north to avoid the wind. With the protection of the fortress, obviously those dragons will not dare to act recklessly!

So the more the three of them thought about it, the more they thought it was possible, and the northern Orc Fortress was an even better place! Presumably those crazy dragons can no longer hunt me!

"Hoo~" a soft sigh sounded, and the Orc King held the warhammer in his hand ferociously.

"Damn it! These ghostly guys!" Langeduo gritted his teeth.

"King! Let's fight him!"

"Kingslayer! The crime is unforgivable!" Dos Anthony, who was sitting on a boulder, slowly stood up with an ax gun, and then jumped up and landed on the back of Kurt who was lying under the boulder.

"Ang!" Kurt stood up with all four limbs, and the slender dragon tail hit the boulder with a purple lightning. In an instant, the boulder was blown to pieces, and the smoke spread instantly, covering Kurt and Doss. ·The figure of Anthony.

"Be careful!" Langeduo raised his sword.

In the smoke, a thunderous ax gun suddenly cut through the smoke and fell. The sixth-order half-orc who blocked the blow was an earth-attribute warrior. It held up a giant shield two people high and blocked it fiercely. In Dos Anthony's path of attack.

"Cang!" In the harsh clash of gold and iron, the ax gun was bounced off the giant shield, and the thunder dragon power attached to it scattered and exploded in the surrounding open space! Countless potholes exploded as the smoke and dust spread.

"Boom!" Before it could see Dos Antony who was blocked back, a dragon claw suddenly swung out, and the purple thunder made fine scratches on its shield before it could react. Just fly out directly!

"Crack! Boom!" After a few seconds of interlaced sounds of electricity, a thunder exploded, and thick purple thunder fell from the sky!

Thank you bosses for your rewards and support. I wish you all a happy Year of the Dragon.

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