The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 607: Preparing for the Marriage

Chapter 616 Preparing for the Marriage

"The dragonriders have reduced them to ashes." Roland patted Renault on the shoulder.

"That's good!" Renault nodded. He also knew that with the help of the kingdom's dragonriding generals, they were fully capable of keeping the ring spirit behind.

"By the way, what happened this time? Can you tell me the specific situation?" Renault looked at Roland sincerely. After all, this turmoil almost overturned the kingdom.

Roland sighed, not feeling embarrassed, and told Renault exactly what happened.

"Another dragon knight?" Obviously Renault's attention is all on Dos Anthony. After all, a new dragon knight can change the situation of the kingdom.

"Well, from now on Lulong Fortress can have a permanent dragon rider!" Roland smiled and nodded.

"Compared to this, I am more concerned about how you plan to deal with Kaslo and Ajax." Renault glanced at Roland.

"?" Roland was stunned and obviously didn't react.

"How long have you been delaying their marriage? It's time for an explanation!" Renault said, holding his forehead, you really don't care about your feelings!

"..." Roland smacked his lips, and he indeed forgot about it again.

"After this time, we will give them a happy and complete wedding!" Roland smiled awkwardly but politely.

"Yun Feng!" Roland opened his mouth and called out to his old cow and horse as soon as he opened his mouth. It was obviously a habit.

"..." Renault looked at Roland with caring eyes. It was obvious that Roland couldn't handle what he was doing.

"I almost forgot, that thing is in Lulong Fortress!" Roland smiled and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Anyway, you should pay attention to yourself." Renault shook his head. Roland is still very qualified as the King of Painting Pies in Middle-earth, and he is considered to be top-notch in terms of his ability to fool people!

"I plan to go back to Lulong Fortress! The remaining soldiers should be back soon, and Yun Feng and the others should be organizing their troops!" Renault said goodbye to Roland after seeing everything settled.

"You won't stay for a few more days?" Roland asked to stay. After all, Renault had only met with him a handful of times since the establishment of Lulong Fortress. Roland cherished the time he spent meeting him. As the kingdom's power grew, so did its territory. The area is getting wider and wider, and it is foreseeable that Renault, as an important general, will be busier running around the territory of the kingdom.

"No, I still need to win over the soldiers' minds! This farce has made the army panic. It's time to eliminate this influence!" Renault shook his head. He now needs to help Roland go to Lulong Fortress to win over the people. This incident has changed It is too bizarre and can be called a snake-headed act. It is outrageous from the beginning to the end. Renault knows it with his feet. There must be many grassroots soldiers who have not figured out what happened. As the commander of Lulong, Renault has the obligation and responsibility to go back. Peace of mind! .

"Thank you!" Roland thought for a moment and understood Renault's intention, and he immediately expressed gratitude. After all, Renault was working hard for the throne under his butt.

"Hey! Welcome home!" Roland welcomed the generals and nobles who were leading the return of the original Galliu City garrison as he stood at the wide-open gate of Galliu City.

"..." It was obvious that Roland's words had a good muting effect, and everyone was silenced.

Yun Feng turned around and looked at the crowd. When he saw that everyone was acting like an ostrich and burying their heads in their chests, he felt angry and funny. In the end, he could only bite the bullet and face Roland.

"Your Highness, forgive me!" Yun Feng's posture was very low, and he knelt down on one knee to show his loyalty.

"No, no, no, no, I don't dare blame you..." Roland waved his hands quickly.

"Yo! And you my friends! You are the real heroes!" Roland turned his attention to Ormsk and Adilai and gave them a thumbs up.

"Your Highness! I'm guilty!" Ormsk pulled out his sword and knelt down on one knee.

"Your Highness, please forgive me, I am stupid! I did not want the kingdom to be destroyed, so I made this move." Adilai has become a mature man. Not only does he have a low profile, but he also stands on the commanding heights of morality.

"Huh? Lance? Are you joining in the fun?" Roland looked at Lance who was wearing a conspicuous outfit and smiled.

"Ahem!" Lance didn't say anything, but he knew he had to stand upright when being beaten, so he knelt down without saying a word.

"Don't hide! Marcus! Why are you hiding behind the soldiers? Is there gold behind the infantry?" Soon Roland caught a glimpse of the Marcus brothers who were trying to hide behind the soldiers.

At this moment, Marcus was bending down and huddled behind the soldier. After being pointed out by Roland, he stood up straight with an embarrassed look on his face. However, he quickly adjusted himself and knelt down respectfully to beg Roland for forgiveness.

Well, Roland had to admit that he wanted to kick some of them to death for a moment, but soon Roland took a deep breath and suppressed his anger. He planned to let this matter pass and not delve into it further.

"Everyone go back! Yun Feng stays!" Roland glanced at the old man Radil who was strutting into the city with the team and shook his head. This old man can be regarded as a senior swingman. In this incident, this old guy can be described as He is a smooth old man who is smooth and slippery. Even Roland did not catch him. He is a smooth old man. This is Roland's evaluation of him.

"Your Highness?" Yun Feng came over like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water. Roland wouldn't kill him anyway, he just wanted to pour some spit on himself. Yun Feng had already stood still and was waiting for Roland to spray. By myself.

"Let's start preparations for Caslo and Ajax's wedding." Roland said to him with a dark face.

"???" Yun Feng looked confused. Did he sneak out alone just so that he could prepare the wedding for the two dragonriders?

"You don't want to?" Roland narrowed his eyes. If Yun Feng didn't know how to apply eye drops to himself, he still knew a little bit about boxing.

"No, it's just a bit sudden..." Yun Feng shook his head quickly. He was straight-headed, but that didn't mean he was a stick. Wasn't he having trouble with Roland at this time?

So Yun Feng willingly turned into an ox and horse again and started running around the rapid city. It is estimated that the capitalists would have to praise Roland for his mastery!

"Marry?" Kaslo exclaimed.

"Bang!" Before Roland could speak again, a loud bang made Roland's eyelids twitch.

"What? You don't want to!" Looking at Kaslo squatting on the ground with his head covered, Ajax was so angry that his eyebrows stood up.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!" Roland couldn't help but sigh, what sounds good is a good start!

"Yes! Yes!" Kaslo quickly raised his head and looked at Roland and nodded in agreement like a chicken pecking at rice, fearing that Ajax would give him another fuck.

"Are you in a hurry? I'm not ready yet..." Ajax suddenly changed from her previous toughness and looked at Roland with some trepidation. There were also two blushes on her cheeks, even though she had been clamoring for a date with Castro all day long. She was the one getting married, but after all, she was still a young girl waiting to be married. The sudden arrival of the wedding made this dragon-riding general who was the most powerful person on the battlefield instantly confused.

"..." Kaslo glanced aggrievedly at Ajax, who was still immersed in shyness and joy, and couldn't help but sigh that women's double standards turned out to be so simple.

"It's okay. Yun Feng will still need time to prepare. It will probably be early summer when we are really ready." Roland shook his head and smiled.

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