The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 626: Drawing up the bestowal

Chapter 635 Drafting a Grant

With the population blessing of the Modlan family, Roland became more confident in the development of the kingdom. However, when he saw the number of his soldiers, he instantly lost confidence. Just raising 9,000 rapid infantry is not a small number. Let's put it down. They are an overwhelming presence on local battlefields. Of course, in the face of a large-scale attack, they will not be much stronger than a piece of paper... The expenses of tens of thousands of troops plus the new residents need to be subsidized by the kingdom, which is enough. Feng has hanged himself eight hundred times, and the test of Roland's wallet has reached a new level. Roland couldn't help but look at the supplies in the system space. Maybe he should be able to withstand it...

Soon, with the cooperation of everyone, the government orders were issued one by one, and the people were about to move to Palembang in batches to contribute and work hard for the prosperity there.

"Hiss..." At night, Roland accidentally walked up the city wall and looked outside the city. He found that the outside of the south city was brightly lit, and bonfires were lit outside. One of the tents was nestled together around the bonfire. This was Rapid City could not quickly digest this influx of people, so it could only let them live in tents outside the city.

"Huh?" Roland narrowed his eyes carefully and looked at it, and suddenly found that only the Swift Current Legion brought by the Modlan family was stationed outside the city to provide warning to the people.

"Come here! Call Marcus here!" Roland said coldly.

"It's Your Highness!" The guard behind him didn't dare to neglect and ran to find the city defense officer, Mr. Marcus, who didn't know where he was.

"Your Highness, are you looking for me?" Marcus ran over panting. Dressed in military uniform, he was obviously patrolling somewhere. As a defense officer in Lagrange City in history, Marcus was obviously top-notch in terms of loyalty and ability.

"..." Roland looked at Marcus, who was thinking so hard, and couldn't help but swallow his reproachful words. After all, he was still patrolling in armor at night, so it would be impolite to scold him again.

"What's going on down there? Is there no one taking care of the camp with tens of thousands of people?" Roland frowned and motioned to Marcus to look down. In the camp of tens of thousands of people, there were more than a hundred rapid-fire infantry patrolling and guarding. The strength of the defense Not saying it is the same as a sieve, I can only say it is better than nothing.

"This..." Marcus' eyes twitched, trouble, he really forgot about this! (Residents outside the city: OK, OK! We are not human, are we!)

"I guess the following patrols were organized voluntarily by this legion!" Roland said angrily.

"Yes, yes, my subordinates were negligent..." Marcus said in a low voice. Although there is no danger next to Rapid City, what if it happens? Marcus was already breaking out in a cold sweat.

"You know, why don't you go quickly!" Roland raised his hand and pointed.

Marcus immediately fled out, obviously preparing to arrange the defenses below. After all, wild beasts and Warcraft wandering in the wilderness will inevitably rush into human territory. These rushing infantry may be able to easily block the attacks of ordinary beasts, but if When encountering monsters... they have no other way or choice except to use their lives and blood to prove their loyalty to their lord and kingdom.

"Returned?" Nyx hurriedly met Roland and asked with concern after taking off his wind-blocking cloak.

"Well, I went for a walk. Fortunately, I went for a walk, otherwise something might have happened!" Roland said with lingering fear.

"What's wrong?" Nyx patted his cloak and put it away, then hung it on a hanger nearby and asked doubtfully, what other hidden dangers could there be in Flowing City?

"The people brought by the Modlan family were left unattended outside the city. The only defense was the No. 100 Rapid Infantry..." Roland covered his face as he spoke. If nothing else, let's have a high-level Warcraft, at least a thousand people will die outside today.

"..." The corners of Nyx's eyes also twitched, obviously shocked by their abstract operations.

"I have asked Marcus to arrange manpower. If necessary, the defense within the city can be relaxed, but the safety of the people outside the city must be guaranteed!" Roland continued.

"That's good. It's never too late to make corrections before you make a big mistake. But compared to this, I think you should be more concerned about the situation in Palembang!" Nyx gently handed over a glass of honey water and kneaded it for Roland. Holding shoulders.

"Oh? What's wrong with Palembang again?" Roland's head suddenly became as big as a bucket. Is there something wrong with Palembang again?

"Palembang is no problem, but the group of people who developed Palembang are not necessarily..." Nyx looked at Roland who looked confused and shook his head slowly. It seems that Roland really didn't take it to heart!

"???" Roland.

"You won't forget what you promised those pioneers, right?" Nyx glanced at Roland with hatred. It would be an extremely terrible thing if the king's words lost credibility. After all, the person who did this last time still pointed out The one who swore to Luo Shui ended up smelling bad to the whole family, including Luo Shui.

"Oh oh oh! It's a reward, right? No problem! Where is the list?" Roland immediately recalled it.

"No need! I won't be able to keep up with the heat when you come!" Nyx said arrogantly with a twist of his head.

"I've made a rough idea. See if there's anything you need to add or change!" Nyx handed a piece of paper to Roland.

Roland shook it off and took a look.

Ismir, male, 23 years old...three-star adventurer, third-level druid!

Achievements: Killed the first-level water mist frog of the aquatic monster group, killed two intermediate-level monsters, Explosive Face Baboon, killed one intermediate-level monster, White Dew Toad, killed more than 300 wandering orcs, built Palembang, and maintained public order...

Proposed reward: Lord.

"Just one?" Roland raised his head and asked doubtfully. In his impression, at least several people must be rewarded.

"One is too much! If it is too much, it will not be cherished. Do you know how difficult it is for a commoner to rise to the noble level? I originally thought that at most one knight would be born!" Nyx shook his head with emotion.

Although Nyx is not an unscrupulous aristocrat, she will still consciously protect the aristocracy. After all, not just any cat or dog can join the aristocracy. Naturally, she needs to take good care of it. Originally, she only wanted to give him a knight, but she wanted to Seeing that this was Roland's first time recruiting talented people, he had to bite the bullet and spend a lot of money to buy bones. This was the result of Nyx's decision to let go when Ismir's personal strength reached the third level of professional. Otherwise, according to the The empire's practice is to reward this level of development with a few knights and some money. After all, they are not a noble pioneering team. Although it is cruel, it is very realistic.

"Hmm!" Roland nodded thoughtfully. It is indeed not suitable to give out large-scale rewards. After all, the kingdom's heritage is like this, and there are still a group of noble families waiting for support. Roland naturally does not have many political resources to pour into the common people. Of course, even if he is placed in this The common people of any country in the earth world will be grateful. After all, Roland made such an opening. Although it is small, from the perspective of the common people of the middle-earth world who have no hope of promotion, he is undoubtedly the incarnation of God!

"Then let's do it!" Roland nodded indifferently. After all, he was just a lord, and he could spend hundreds of gold coins a month. Anyway, he was not a hereditary noble and did not involve a fiefdom. The whole process was extremely simple. , so Roland let Nyx make the decision.

Soon, Nyx stamped the seals of the two of them, which meant that the reward document had taken effect and was legal!

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