Chapter 641 Going south!

"Come back alive!" Lance said sincerely. After all, they are not worried about Apophis Breo going out to explore because he carries the inheritance of all the Grand Dukes of King's Landing, and his own bloodline still hides the power of bloodline. As long as he If he didn't look for the bad luck of the Orc Fortress, no one could kill him before he gave up resistance, but Ismir really worried everyone, after all, he was really going to die!

"I'll try my best!" Ismir's free and easy smile can be regarded as looking down on life and death. Ambition needs to be watered with blood...

"Be careful on the road! Have a safe journey!" Lance said with a sincere blessing.

In the early morning, without disturbing anyone, Ismir took his small convoy on an unknown road.

"He's gone?" Roland suddenly appeared and said something unexpectedly.

"...your highness will scare people to death if they are scary!" Lance looked at Roland and said seriously.

"It's okay, I believe in your courage and courage!" Roland said calmly.

"...By the way, are you serious about agreeing to Ismir's exploration of the Dark Forest?" Lance said silently.

"Since he is unwilling to be inferior to others, he needs to work harder than others and take the thorny road that others cannot walk... Nothing comes for nothing. If there is... it is just the shadow of the ancestors!" Roland said meaningfully, as if Apophis and Breo were the same. They were born in Rome because the hardships experienced by their ancestors turned into the sweetness of their descendants. Nobles who left the protection of their families were worse than dogs.

This is the reason why countless nobles and bastards are pouring into the army and pioneering teams one after another. Without the inheritance of the "throne", they can only fight to get a "throne" for themselves, and then their descendants will cycle over and over again! The class mobility in the Lagrand Empire is very strong. Except for the top group of nobles, new nobles are promoted all the time and old nobles are left behind!

"Alas..." Lance sighed. He respected Ismir's choice but was still worried about him. After all, after crossing the Swift River, the Kingdom's tentacles were out of reach, let alone the King's Landing family in the Misty Mountains. After giving him help, he can only explore this road by himself, just like the ancestors who once pioneered the empire.

"With all this unfounded worry, why don't you think about how you and Yun Feng can settle down the people at the door? Have the houses been built? Is the food distributed in place? Instead of caring about Ismir, why don't you care about the civilians below? They are the ones here. The cornerstone of the empire!" Roland shook his head. It was Ismir's own choice to become a dragon. They have done their best to be benevolent. Instead of worrying about their idle thoughts, they should do something serious.

"Hiss... Your Highness, you, a hands-off shopkeeper, are you qualified to say this?" Lance's eyes widened in shock at the unscrupulous king's rejection of Bilian! How could he dare to speak like this to the two largest horses and oxen in the kingdom, looking like he was just doing nothing all day long?

"Ahem! I'm going back to catch up on my sleep first. You can take your time and play by yourself!" Roland made a haha ​​and ran away. After all, it was very embarrassing to be told by his younger brother that he was fishing.

"Lord, how should we go now?" The pioneer team recruited by Ismir looked at Ismir and hoped that he would come up with an idea.

"Of course we are going south!" Ismir said lively. Leaving the center of the whirlpool in Rapid City made Ismir feel a lot more relaxed.

"Okay!" The followers nodded clearly, then took the rune horses and walked towards the south.

"Thank you for laying the official road, Your Highness! Otherwise, it would have been too hard to drive on the road!" members of the pioneering team gushed, obviously very satisfied with the hardened stone road under their feet.

"It's good, but it's not connected to Palembang yet. It should only be a dozen miles long!" someone said.

"We should be able to reach Palembang before tonight. Let's rest in Palembang tonight!" Ismir looked at the sky and calculated the time.

"Okay, sir!" Everyone agreed in unison.

"Let's keep going. The conditions in the future will be more difficult for us. I hope everyone can overcome the difficulties!" Ismir once again mentioned the hardships of pioneering to everyone.

"Hahaha! Can it be harder than being hungry?"

"Yes! Sir, you just have to keep us in check, not to mention the orcs! They will twist off the heads of the Ringwraiths when they come!" The cheerful Raglan man assured him by patting his chest. Ismir had no doubts about these people. The authenticity of what he said is true. After all, the reckless Lagrang men who regard honor as their lives are famous for their bravery!

"There's no need to be so exaggerated..." Ismir smiled and shook his head. If we really encountered the Nazgul, everyone would have to lie down, let alone twist their heads off. If they could survive even one move, they would be dead without regrets!

"Sir! It's almost completely dark!"

"Speed ​​up! We should be not far from Palembang!" Ismir encouraged. After all, the wilderness at night is still very dangerous. It is best not for their small-scale troops to walk at night unless necessary.

"I saw the light of fire! Sir! It's the city wall of Palembang!" A follower pointed to the faint light that illuminated half of the sky in the darkness ahead. A city wall made of wood and stone lay dormant on the earth like a giant beast.

"Yeah! It's Palembang! We're here!" Ismir's eyesight was better, and he had already seen a group of Lagrand City guards walking towards them!

"You are..." The Lagrand City guards looked at the Lagrand dragon flag and the roaring bear flag flying on the motorcade and looked at Ismir in confusion. After all, only the nobles were qualified to use the square flag, and they I have never seen the noble square flag roaring like a wild bear before.

"I am the newly promoted Lord Ismir! I will go to the south to develop! I hope to rest in the city tonight with my retainers!" Ismir explained and took out the development order signed by Roland. This can prove Ismir developed a noble identity.

"Welcome! Lord Ismir!" The Lagrand City guards immediately smiled and spread to both sides of the convoy to guard. The people of Palembang also knew that a new Lord was born during the development and construction of Palembang. I didn’t expect to be met by him!

"It's okay, my home was originally here!" Ismir smiled and shook his head.

"Thank you for the escort!" Ismir thanked the Lagrand City guards who escorted them into the city gate.

"It's your duty!" The city guards shook their heads politely.

"Hello, my lord, I am Bol, the steward of the Modlan family. The master of the house has specially arranged a dinner to welcome you! I wonder if you can appreciate it?" The steward of the Modlan family suddenly appeared in front of Ismir and handed over the Invitation.

"Huh? Okay! Please tell Count Modlan that I will come to the banquet later!" Ismir smiled.

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