Chapter 667 Rescue

"Be sensible, Roland..." Nyx, who rushed after getting the news, saw Roland convulsing as soon as he came in and whispered in a low voice.

"Lychee? How do you want me to lychee?" Roland's accent changed in anger.

"These bastards can only come to my kingdom to kill people, but they don't allow me to go to his house to chop people? I've beaten Raglan so many times! I can't bear it! How dare you resist this time? Gambada Fortress has already killed someone Way!" Roland roared, being a grandson was something I couldn't do back then. Now Roland has a strong army and a strong horse, and he has the temperament of a nouveau riche. Roland is so strong this season! This time he will definitely defeat the army of Gambada Fortress! It’s useless even if Sauron comes!

"What I mean is that you understand the situation clearly first!" Seeing Roland's anger, Nyx also knew that Roland was really taking over at this moment, so he explained in a low voice.

"The queen is right. We still don't know what the situation is. It's not advisable to send troops rashly!" Yun Feng nodded, lest he get into trouble if he turns Roland into a Gambada student.

"I don't care. You and Ormsk have full authority to handle the specific details! But I want to watch the Gambada orcs go back crying!" Roland said coldly.

"What did your Highness say?" Doula and Olaf looked at Apophis Breo with longing eyes.

Apophis Breo's eyes began to twitch as he took the reply from Swift River City. Yun Feng asked him to report the details and told him the news that Roland was superior to him at the moment. It was obvious that the orcs were going to find the Duke of King's Landing. Unfortunately, the king was more anxious than himself, and Apophis Breo was speechless. However, this was a good thing for the Lion Leader. After all, Roland looked like he was going to fight this orc to the death.

"Hope everything goes well!" Apophis Breo sighed after handing the letter to the two of them. He had done everything he could, and the only thing left was to do his best and obey fate!

"The Duke of King's Landing moved the people into King's Landing Fortress and mobilized the militia! Now all 600 elite soldiers under his command are stationed in the eastern pass, while the western pass is handed over to the militia, and the old and weak are all sent to the Castle of Lions , he told us that if nothing can be done, he will abandon the King's Landing Fortress and defend the castle!" Yun Feng said to Roland.

"The time should come in time, the orcs' mobility should not be so fast!" Ormsk calculated the time and found that the orc army was moving slowly. After all, they were heavily armed troops, but the vanguard's wolf cavalry could not tell for sure. .

"How should we support them? How should we send troops?" Roland asked the question he was most concerned about. After all, Apophis Breo was the nail he drove into the Misty Mountains. He was related to the empire's control over the Misty Mountains in the future, whether it was Out of responsibility for the people or consideration for the empire's strategy, the Lion Territory must be saved!

"Send troops?" Ormsk and Yun Feng looked at Roland with strange expressions. Your tactical skills are like Cao Pi's daughter-in-law entering the vegetable garden! This distance from the Lion Territory is not much closer than Gambada is from the Lion Territory. Why do you want to run a marathon with an army and orcs? What Azog behavior!

"How can the army get there without the teleportation array?" Yun Feng said with aching teeth.

"We can only consider letting the flying dragon knights, dragon knights and sixth-level combat power support them!" Ormsk said, that's right! Even the gryphon knights are not in Ormsk's consideration. After all, those young gryphons and their knights are not worthy of their responsibilities!

"..." Roland remained silent. Sometimes it is necessary to learn from Liu Chan. After all, there are specialties in the profession, and professional matters must be left to professionals. Otherwise, if Roland shouts that I have the advantage today, he will run away crying tomorrow. Back to Swift Current City.

In the past, when there were hundreds of people, Roland could barely learn Xiaozhi's command skills, such as standing up and ducking quickly, but in a battle involving tens of thousands of people, Roland was really not as professional as Ormsk and the others.

"We discussed it, and Ormsk and I will stay in Rapid City! His Excellency the Sage Adolf Heinrich and all the Dragon Knights and the Dragon Knights will go to support! By the way! Add Your Excellency Verve!" Yun Feng suddenly remembered. I also missed a sixth level.

"Are these people enough?" Roland frowned and thought.

"..." Yun Feng simply rolled his eyes.

"Your Highness, are you afraid that you have some misunderstanding about these people? A sage, a stalker, two dragon knights and a dragon knight plus a team of flying dragon knights! The light banning spell can produce at least five!" Ormsk said He stretched out a hand to gesture to Roland.

"Guess what will happen to those orcs when Adolf hits him with Rhine Storm?" Yun Feng smiled mysteriously. Rhine Storm, known as one of the strongest killing ranges, has never wiped out the existence of the Knights. How can half-orcs? How can De be able to resist!

"Um...have you forgotten me?" Darien Nightblade, who transformed into Roland's shadow, waved behind Roland in an attempt to attract everyone's attention.

"Is it possible that you caused this? You have been deeply involved in it. Have a good rest. The battlefield is not a battlefield for assassins!" Yun Feng shook his head helplessly.

"I think it's okay!" Ormsk's eyes lit up. After all, Darien Nightblade is not an ordinary assassin, and his operations that make people look black (really black! Flashbangs!) are not likely to be seen on the battlefield. Will suffer a loss.

"I don't want you to feel it! I want me to feel it! Why are you planning to fly him there?" Yun Feng rolled his eyes.

Verve can be flown over by Adolf Heinrich, and the sixth level can also fly briefly. However, Adolf's limit is to bring one person. If he takes more, the magic power will be empty. Don't go down. After fighting, meditate and return to blue! Not to mention those flying dragons and giant dragons, there was no way the dragon would let him get on its back! Is it possible for the dragon to catch it and fly over? Do you think Darian still wants to be embarrassed?

"Uh..." Ormsk thought the same thing. After all, assassins are not as useful as rangers on the frontal battlefield. Which assassin has the ability to kill with a single shot? (Darian: Do you dare to wait until my Garuda Blade has recovered before you speak?)

"That's it! I feel like informing them to prepare for departure!" Roland waved his hand.

"I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. General Renault sent dragon knights and flying dragon knights to go deep into the wasteland to clean up the orcs. Those wasteland orcs are growing like weeds on the Laglan Plain!" Yun Feng spread his hands and spread his hands. An arc is drawn on the map.

Early summer is a good time to clean up the orcs, especially along the banks of the fast-flowing river. They can easily find the wasteland orcs who are fetching water and hunting while flying high in the sky...

"Those damn bastards haven't gotten off my land yet?" Roland couldn't believe it.

"Um, let's clarify something first! It's not your land yet!" Yun Feng said the heart-wrenching words calmly.

"...How long will it take?" Roland blinked.

"It will take at least three to four days to regroup and set off! The main reason is that they are scattered. After the magic messenger notifies them, it is still a process to regroup." Yun Feng calculated the time and found that it would take at least one day to gather all the people. It takes at least two days to go to the Duke of King's Landing. Three or four days is not a long time.

"Then do it!" Roland nodded.

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