Chapter 671 Honest Bahrain

"Hello! Duke Apophis Breo! Say hello to me, King Tiroland!" Balin panted and climbed up the fortress wall to see Apophis Breo and then said extremely politely. He will always be grateful to Roland Balin!

"I will! Thank you for your support... I didn't even expect the dwarves to participate in the war!" Apophis Breo was very moved. He could only say that good people are rewarded. Roland planted the seeds of goodwill and now in Apophis Faith Breaux is blooming here!

"Dwarves will never treat their friends badly! Never...what? Elf?" Balin patted Apophis Breo's arm and smiled kindly. When he turned around, he saw Lind and the man who was resting next to him. Elf rangers.

"Well, King Elon knew about my predicament and sent Lord Linde to help me!" Apophis Breo explained to Balin, and Linde also touched Balin's chest in greeting.

Balin nodded to Lind and said hello. Although Thorin didn't like the elves very much, or the dwarves didn't like the elves very much, Balin was the Lord of Moria after all, and he still needed to maintain friendship with the elves in order to survive. , as the king, he cannot be willful, which would be irresponsible to the Kingdom of Moria, so he has always treated the elf Balin very calmly, without deliberately trying to please or dislike him.

"The elves are quite generous!" Balin glanced around and saw that there were hundreds of elves garrisoning here, and he couldn't help but smile.

What neither Balin nor Apophis Breo knew was that the reason why Elrond so generously sent a group of rangers to help Apophis Breo had his own purpose! After all, there is no such thing as love and hate for no reason in the world!

Although Roland debuted not long ago, the name of Dragon King has been sung by bards all over the Middle-earth. Basically, not particularly isolated forces know about this king of dragon knights and his powerful kingdom! At least the Northern Kingdom, which withstood several attacks by the orc army, is enough to make everyone pay attention! Of course, although Gondor and Rohan knew Roland's name, they didn't take it seriously. After all, everyone is well aware of the degree of corruption of the nobles in the two countries at this moment...

As an aside, if Sauron is determined to invade Gondor at this time, it will definitely be better than launching a war in 3018! After all, there was no human emperor in Gondor at this time, no rising nobles, and no wise ministers...

Yes, you read that right! Denethor II is a wise prime minister! It’s the regent who set himself on fire in the movie! You only know how he was in a coma during the War of the Ring, but you don’t know that he has been fighting Sauron’s will throughout his life! He used the crystal of true knowledge to contend with Sauron's will for a lifetime, and strengthened border defenses, built fortresses, and formed an army, all in order to fight Sauron. In the end, he was exhausted and finally lost to Sauron's will. He felt that he could not defeat Sauron and issued a message to let everyone The order to escape...

No matter how you look at it, Denethor II is a wise ruler. Under his rule, Gondor finally regained its ability to fight Sauron. Using willpower to fight Sauron for decades is already terrifying! You must know that he and Sauron are constantly fighting with their mental power through the True Knowledge Crystal! Everything he did was for Gondor, even his last foolish act was to protect the people of White King City and let them escape for their lives...

Roland had lamented when watching the movie that the Lord of the Rings had created a group of fearless hobbits and a benevolent monarch, as well as the deeply popular Cavalry of Rohan and the tragic King Théoden, but who could remember the role of Thor? Is the real hero who waited in hiding for decades before daring to take action against Gondor, the ridiculous regent? A true hero who had been hiding behind the scenes for decades finally set himself on fire...

Before Denethor II regulated Gondor, the only place in Gondor that was not rotten was Doamroth. To be precise, only the Knights of the Swan were left as the backbone of Gondor. , but why has Sauron been reluctant to take action against Gondor? When Denethor II's father was on the throne, Gondor was corrupt but still capable of fighting. When Sauron was ready, Denethor II happened to succeed to the throne. This was the year 2984 of the Third Era! After his wife died of illness three years later, he became even more stern and silent. He had a premonition that Sauron would definitely launch an attack on Gondor in his lifetime, and began to study the true knowledge crystal and Sauron's will confrontation, and monitored Gandalf and Aragorn. and Saruman et al. (It’s really awesome! This man is considered to be the one who knows the situation of all parties best during the War of the Lord of the Rings. After all, the Anor Crystal can tell him everything he wants to know. Even Sauron is under his surveillance. That’s outrageous!)

So Denethor II is actually a hero. After all, he has delayed Sauron for so many years. If he hadn't been driven into despair by the orcs in Mordor, Sauron would not have dared to come out.

"Your Highness Balin, I need dwarves to defend the elves!" Linde went straight to Balin to explain his purpose. He told Balin that the elven rangers needed a stable output space and someone had to protect them. Obviously dwarves were the best choice. .

"In order to help His Highness Apophis Breo, I am very happy!" Balin said flatly. The implication is that the dwarf is willing to give this face to the elves, but don't think too much, it is not for the sake of the Kingdom of Lagrand and I will never offend you!

"Thank you!" Lind didn't have time to play around with the dwarves. He just wanted to repel the orcs and take the elves away from this sad battlefield. If he died, he would not be able to see King Ellon.

"Your Highness, please tell me the specific situation! The messenger will not be able to explain clearly for a while!" Balin pulled Apophis Breo and said. After all, Balin attaches great importance to efficiency. He immediately transformed after hearing that Apophis Breo was attacked by orcs. Babangchang, without listening to the messenger's detailed explanation, took the people and left. After all, everything became clear by the time of the fight.

"Okay!" Apophis Breo nodded and then introduced the current situation and enemy and friendly forces in detail.

"So we are in danger now?" Balin touched his beard.

"Sorry!" Apophis Breo apologized very much, after all, he got the dwarf involved.

"It's okay, it should be! King Roland's love for the dwarves will never end in this lifetime!" Balin shook his head. After all, Roland technically helped the dwarves regain the two capitals and entered the scene as the main force! Especially for the first time, Bahrain knew how badly Roland fought at that time, and the only infantry was beaten until the establishment was destroyed.

"The conditions are limited...but I will try my best to delay time for you, even if all the dwarves fall here!" Balin's eyes were full of determination.

"I'm serious, as long as the kingdom's reinforcements arrive, everything will be solved!" Apophis Breo quickly waved his hand and asked, are these dwarves porcelain hammers? Just delaying time and waiting for Roland's army to rescue him, is it the same as wanting everyone to fight to the death? Can't the orcs die? Do you have to die by yourself? As I talked, I became more determined to die...

Balin's will to die shocked Apophis Breo. The situation has not deteriorated to the point where all the dwarves will die, right?

However, Apophis Breo glanced at the other dwarves and was completely stunned, and then looked at Balin with cannibalistic eyes.

"Your subordinate..." Apophis Breo twitched the corner of his mouth. The equipment of these dwarves would probably be too exhausting to kill the orcs.

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