The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 665: The Witch King of Angmar arrives in person!

Chapter 674 The Witch King of Angmar arrives in person!

"Bang!" There was a sudden explosion, and then the broken limbs of the orcs were flying in the sky. A thick vine was like a snake wandering around the city wall, grabbing the orcs and then throwing them away. .

"Fire oil!" Apophis Breo shouted at Olaf.

"Oh oh oh!" Olaf, who was belatedly aware of the situation, quickly ordered the militiamen to bring countless fist-sized clay pots from the side and throw them away with simple slings! (It’s just a strip of cloth, the most primitive stone throwing tool.)

"Rocket!" Linde was also shocked and shouted immediately.

"Poof! Boom!" As the fire-attribute archer in the elf team shot out an arrow that was condensed with fire-based fighting energy, the fire oil exploded by the fighting energy was quickly ignited in the air, and the entire fortress suddenly burst into flames. , a large number of orcs ran back wailing, and a humanoid "torch" ran around on the battlefield. From time to time, a "torch" bumped into another orc. After a few seconds, two humanoid "torches" began to appear on the battlefield. Running wildly.

"Poof!" Only a handful of orcs were extinguished by water or ice attribute orc professionals using their fighting spirit, and most of them became torches that lit up the night sky.

"Plop! Plop!" One after another, the orc corpses were thrown away, and the vines quickly cleaned the orc corpses on the city wall. Obviously this was Dora's masterpiece. He released the fourth-level magic creation at the most critical moment. Giant vines emerged from under the pile of corpses and disintegrated the pile of corpses. Then the giant vines shifted their targets to the orcs who were still on the city wall, and then climbed up the fortress like pythons, entangled the orcs and trapped them. Throwing it away, based on the distance of tens of meters from the seven-meter-high city wall... For ordinary orcs, the chance of survival is worrying! But don't forget that those giant vines are not just thrown out, they will strangle the creatures entangled by them... so what is thrown out are corpses like mud.

"Boom!" Seeing that there was no hope for reinforcements, the elite orcs who were still trapped in a corner of the city wall jumped off the city wall and fled in a twisted manner. However, most of them were shot dead by the elf rangers. Only some professionals used the battle energy flames to protect their bodies and resisted. Then he returned to the orc army.

In an instant, the fragrant smell of barbecue wafted over the entire battlefield. Before the militiamen could get sick, the smell of barbecue turned into a pungent smell of burning! One by one, the orcs were burned to the point of sizzling oil, and the battlefield suddenly fell into a strange silence. However, both sides knew that this was the calm before the storm. Both the orcs and the coalition forces took the time to rest. Knowing that as soon as those flames go out... that's when the next war begins.

"If it doesn't work, let's use the forbidden curse to deter him!" Balin took off his helmet and gasped.

"I feel something is wrong!" Apophis Breo looked at those war clouds with some hesitation. These war clouds always gave him a strange feeling.

"Is it an illusion?" Apophis Breo shook his head without thinking much.

"One of my clansmen sprained his arm..." Balin said silently for a moment. Originally, Lind and Apophis Breo thought that the dwarves had suffered too many casualties and were preparing to express their condolences to Balin. However, why did you tell me this? ? sprain? Is that an injury?

"Retreat! Let's retreat! Duke! Cover the people's evacuation!" Balin grabbed Apophis Breo, who was still in a daze, and shook him.

At this time, the orcs also calmed down. The riot just caused a lot of losses. After each orc commander led his team to kill those "torches" who randomly attacked the queue, the riot was quickly calmed down. Those who did not attack the queue The "Torch" soon died on the battlefield, setting fire to other corpses around it.

"Ha..." A deep voice suddenly sounded, and all the human dwarfs and elves trembled. They bounced up instantly as if they were equipped with springs. Everyone crowded on the battlements and looked outside the city in shock.

"We have lost 47 tribesmen so far!" Linde frowned and was very sad. Although the dwarves were on the front line, the casualties of the elves were still inevitable.

"Poof!" Many militiamen and Fenwu soldiers were shocked and then spurted out a mouthful of blood, obviously suffering from internal injuries.

"The number of regular army Fenwu soldiers has been reduced by almost 200, and the casualties of the militiamen have been even more heavy. Almost 300 people have been directly killed in battle!" Doula said with a dark face. As the only treatment unit, he knows the casualty data best.

"Three? Three Nazgul? Isn't there only one?" Lind suddenly discovered a blind spot, and he turned to look at Apophis Breo in shock and shouted.

"How are the casualties?" Apophis Breo was the first to ask the other two people. As for his subordinates? He didn't need to ask. It was enough for him to just glance at the humans lying on the ground, mostly wearing brown armor...

"It's the Ring Spirit! What a powerful force! I feel the throbbing of my soul!" Balin's face looked ugly.

Thank God! Thanks to Bahrain for bringing the 300 Skullcrusher Legion! Those iron cans became the well-deserved battlefield fulcrum in this night battle. Elf rangers and human soldiers fought around these dwarves. Through cooperation, they guarded sections of the city walls so that the orcs could never cross their defense lines to divide the battlefield. Obviously, these The tin can that made the orcs sick to death did a great job.

"All knights gather! Get ready to fight!" Olaf also looked deeply at Apophis Breo and then summoned the knights of King's Landing who had not participated in the battle and were hiding as a reserve team. Obviously, he also wanted to stay and clear the way for everyone.

"What is that sound? It disgusts me deeply!" Linde frowned.

Everyone felt depressed. After all, using the Forbidden Curse Scroll means admitting that one has fallen into the inferior category. Using one less thing is a secret. Besides, why haven't the Ringwraiths appeared yet? That is to guard against the forbidden curse! It is not that there are no countermeasures when facing the Forbidden Curse of the Ringwraith. Apophis Breo really doesn't believe that the Ringwraith will allow his Forbidden Curse to hit the orc army below safely. After all, this is different from the cannon fodder in the past. These are elite armored orcs! If it weren't for the elite troops of dwarves and elves, Apophis Breo's army would have collapsed.

"Trouble!" Apophis Breo said dully. It seems that the Nazgul are going to take action themselves?

I saw the war clouds in the distance suddenly covering the orc army, and then began to spin. One, two... three black tornadoes appeared on the battlefield.

"This is..." Linde seemed to have seen a ghost.

"The Ringwraiths are hiding in the clouds of war!" Balin was old and sophisticated after all, and he guessed the truth at a glance.

"Cowards, dwarves, and those disgusting things hiding behind stones...are you ready to die?" A low groan echoed in the hearts of everyone (humans, dwarves, elves), and then a figure walked out of the black mist, The meager morning light was just enough for everyone to see his appearance.

"Keep on holding on! It will be dawn soon!" Apophis Breo could only say bravely. He had begged Roland countless times in his heart. Now, as long as Roland appears in front of him, Roland will be his ancestor! He didn't want to fight this forced battle for a minute... The tribesmen around him were constantly sacrificing, but the feeling that victory was far away was really depressing, especially the illusion that the orcs were inexhaustible, which made everyone pull. The Grams were exhausted both physically and mentally.

"Go!!! Your Highness! Get out of here! Take the people and escape! I will lead the soldiers to cut off your rear!" Dora trembled all over, and then looked at Apophis Breo resolutely. The soldiers he was talking about were naturally those Warriors and knights of King's Landing.

"Angmar...the Witch King!" Lind's whole body was trembling with fear. He swallowed excitedly and then looked at Apophis Breo with a frantic expression.

"Have we been fighting this thing?" Linde's expression was uglier than that of his dead mother, and he was about to cry.

Second update

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