The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 675: tooth-ache-inducing battle damage (with data)

Chapter 684: tooth-ache-inducing battle damage (with data)

"Pay attention to defense at night and arrange night watchmen!" Ismir looked at the slowly closing doorway behind him. Although they were far away from the central area of ​​the forest, don't forget that they were also backed by a water source! It’s not just wild beasts that come to drink water, there are also all kinds of weird monsters. Windhelm Town has been harassed by wild beasts and monsters from the time it was established to the completion of the wall construction.

Many wild beasts and magical beasts were probably just passing by, but the turbulent Windhelm Town didn't care about anything and directly attacked and expelled them!

"Okay!" Ymir nodded and shouldered his sword.

"Gulu gulu!" The thick soup cooked in the big pot has begun to boil. It contains venison, cassava cubes and some seasonal vegetables. The whole soup is shiny with oil, and is sprinkled with precious salt and a handful of wild onions. Once inside, the aroma instantly rolls up.

"Hey! Don't get excited, kid!" Ismir grabbed the noisy child in front of him and carried him away from the fire.

"Whose child? Come and claim it?" Ismir pressed his shoulder and looked around.

"I'm sorry, Lord! The child was ignorant and bumped into you! Please forgive him!" Not long after, a thin woman squeezed out of the crowd and looked at Ismir with tears in her eyes.

"Hey hey hey! Don't cry. I don't intend to punish him. He is just a child. I just hope you take good care of him and don't let him get burned by the fire!" Ismir's head was two big, and the woman's cry made her cry. He was caught off guard, and it didn't take long for Ismir to react and speak quickly.

After hearing this, the woman immediately took the child away with great gratitude. Ismir felt very uncomfortable when she burst into tears of gratitude.

"Sir, dinner is ready!" Haro led a few strong women to bring in several baskets, which contained slices of black bread. These freshly heated black bread were quite soft and would not go well with hot soup. It would be so hard to swallow.

"Come on, come on! Line up! Line up! Come one by one! Everyone has it!" Ismir greeted loudly, and the soldiers behind him also consciously dispersed to maintain order.

The soldiers dispersed the gathered crowd and lined them up. Everyone was a family unit holding wooden bowls and anxiously waiting for the distribution of food. This was simply unimaginable in the previous village! How can there be so much food to satisfy a person?

In fact, during a period of time the previous year, due to a food outbreak, the residents of Flood City stopped eating black bread and switched to white bread for a period of time! However, as the population increased and food became scarce again, the simple Laglang people once again picked up the black bread that they had given up without any complaints.

As the food was distributed, the entire Windhelm Town was filled with the atmosphere of life. The chatter of adults and the playfulness of children after eating came together, tightly gathered together by the solid wall.

At this moment, Roland is still studying the system's territory interface. After all, Apophis Breo is bleeding a lot this time! The militia suffered heavy casualties! It was no less miserable than the original battle to defend Rapid River City.


1. Rapid City:

Area: one kilometer in radius.

Building units: ordinary lord's castle*1, ordinary townhouses*900, intermediate magic pattern city wall, stone well, blacksmith shop, military camp, archer temple, advanced arrow tower, knight temple, warrior temple (not yet available) Activate) Tavern...

Generals: Kaslo (Level 5 Dragoon General), Renault (Level 5 Paladin Commander), Radil (Level 4 War Mage), Adilai (Level 6 Hero) Yunfeng (Level 6 Wise Man) Ormsk (Level 6 Level Hero), Lavian (Level 4 Knight Commander), Hollin (Level 3 Knight), Luke Leopold, Merck Leopold, Ajax Anthony (Level 5 Dragoon General) , Lafitte Anthony (third-level knight), Verin Angus (third-level warrior), Dos Anthony (fourth-level dragon knight), Yu Modlan (fourth-level knight commander), Verve (Level 6 Stalker), Adolf Heinrich (Level 6 Sage), Darien Nightblade (Level 6 Creed Assassin).

Vassals: Apophis Breo (fourth-level knight), Ismir (third-level druid)

Special personnel: Ivy (fourth-level war priest), Grand Duke Nyx: Nyx ​​(fourth-level dragon magic), Nina Bonn (second-level mage) Ruel (second-level warrior).

City Defense Officer: Marcus (Level 4)

Administrative Officer: Lance (Level 2)

Troop strength: 12763

Knights of Holy Glory: 110 second-level Lagran Empire vanguard knights.

Lagrand City Guards: 1,100 (Level 2)

Batania Archers: 1,000 (Level 2)

Dorvinian Heavy Swordsmen: 500 (Level 2)

El Niño Rangers: 100. (second level)

Rangers of Lordaeron: 50 second-level rangers.

Lagrand Royal Guards: 200 (Level 3)

Rapids Legion: 9,000 Rapids Infantry

Recruit light infantry: 200 light infantry.

Priest: 8 second-level priests

Mage: A second-level fire mage.

Lagrand Royal Forbidden Magic Mage Team: 5 third-level fire magicians and 5 third-level wind magicians.

Crusader Lancers and Shields: 100

Crusader Archers: 300

Crusader heavy shield soldiers: 20

Knights of the Cross Bauhinia: 15 (Level 2)

Duchy Hussars: 26

Woodland Warriors: 210 second-level warriors

Griffin Knights: 4 (Level 2)

Bipedal Wyvern Knights: 10 (Level 2)

Prairie Elf: 100 (Level 2)

Population: 56,991 (Civilians available for training: 12,769)

Evaluation: The lonely king led the remaining people back to his homeland and built this city with tall walls. There are many residents in the city, making the whole city look more pyrotechnics. Everything is moving in the right direction. With the development, the city's military power is strong, and the entire city can completely protect the security of the city even in the face of a large-scale attack. The city has its own annexed territory and looks prosperous! Note: There is a gap in the training of soldiers, and the awakening training capabilities of professionals are lacking.

Abilities: As the only city in the Kingdom of Raglan in Middle-earth, it will attract the remnants of Raglan to it. The system will guide a group of wandering Lagran civilians to arrive every day, hoping that the lord can properly resettle them.

Allows civilians from this area to be recruited to train Swift Infantry.

3. The ruling center of the Lagrand Kingdom. The people of Lagrand will receive a faith bonus in the city.

2. Tuput Territory (Village):

Buildings: wells, walls, lord's hall, houses*20.

Lord: Baron Badr

Residents: 349 people

Evaluation: One of the few centaurs in Middle-earth. They are grateful for the kindness of King Roland of Raglan and are loyal to his command. Note: Although these troops have good combat effectiveness, their small population base makes it difficult for them to play a role in large-scale battles.

3. Lulong Fortress:

Area: one kilometer in radius.

Buildings: 8 Death Dragon Towers, 100 heavy crossbow towers, super magic pattern city walls, war inscriptions...

Rating: Here is the final proof of the empire’s existence! The towering Lulong Fortress is filled with the remains of orcs, and the bones of the Black Knights pile up like mountains. The evil spirits drink their hatred here, and the darkness buries their bones here. The dark city walls are stained by the blood of the Dark Alliance, and the entire fortress lies on the bones. Above!

Note: This fortress that has experienced a great war is now riddled with holes and many places need to be repaired. Fortunately, the powerful kingdom soldiers repelled the powerful enemy!

4. Delvin (small town)

Area: 500 meters in radius

Buildings: wooden and stone city walls, primary arrow towers, ordinary houses, wells, taverns...

Population: 1,814 (can train 897 civilians)

Evaluation: A small town mainly based on agriculture, it is full of vitality and vitality. The budding business is reviving here. The Tuput Territory next door can help each other very well.

5. Junlin family fiefdom: Junlin Lion Territory

King's Landing Knights: 16 (one person at the third level, 15 people at the second level)

Fenwu Jiashi (ordinary soldiers): 307.

Population: 4312 people.

Evaluation: A qualified pioneering nobleman built a castle and then a simple pass. The security of the territory has been initially controlled, and the kingdom's control over this land has gradually increased.

Note: The war almost destroyed the territory under its rule. The young militiamen almost suffered heavy casualties. The risk-bearing ability of the entire territory dropped to freezing point!

6. Palembang

Lagrand City Guards: 100

Population: 8,000 people.

Evaluation: The king must prepare for a rainy day. He must not have the intention of harming others, nor must he have the intention of guarding against others! This city bears the important task of being a waterway hub and a bridgehead to contain Western countries! Although the population has not completely migrated yet, there are already prosperous prospects!

7. Fenggui Town


Overall evaluation: It is a prosperous country. Although the surrounding environment is precarious, the tough Lagrand people still tenaciously guard this ancient land, and their king is still defending the only remaining land! This kingdom that has experienced war once again demonstrates its powerful heritage! (Suggestion: The kingdom is in urgent need of a large amount of land and population to revive. The Dongyi people in the east occupy Dovinion in the kingdom, and the orcs in the south are entrenched in Dol Guldur! The old site of Raglan City is still waiting for the king's restoration... ...) Note: The kingdom is waging war!

Roland felt a toothache just after looking at it. Other than that, the current situation of the Lion Territory was simply a headache. He was almost defeated by Apophis Breo in one battle. This was what they had in the Elf and Dwarf Alliance. The result of a night of resistance with help... Roland looked at Apophis Breo with pity in his eyes, hoping that this war would not damage his confidence.

After all, the casualties of thousands of militiamen plus the death of nearly half of the main soldiers! It is enough to make any noble collapse. Now Apophis Breo is facing the situation where he cannot even rely on his soldiers to relax even the simplest way. So under Roland's persuasion (under PUA) Linde led the elf soldiers By staying, Apophis Breo didn't have to worry about the huge gap.

"I will sum up the resources and give them to you after I go back! Understand, the kingdom is not having a hard time either!" Roland shook his head. After all, he still has a lot of food shortages, but equipment and weapons can help.

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