Chapter 691: Being Caught

"It's 10 gold coins per person in the long term. The contract ends when you are loyal to the point where you are no longer able to fight. If you die in battle, you will not get a pension! In the short term, it will be calculated based on the battle. A battle will cost 1-5 gold coins based on the difficulty of the battle. If you die in battle, you will need a pension of 5 gold coins. Um... ...And if you would be willing to share part of the loot as a reward, I would be very grateful!" Alistar explained with a weak smile.

"The price is very reasonable, but I need to designate the territory where you need to settle the clan members. Your army cannot leave the territory on a large scale without an order! Is this acceptable?" Roland put the ugliness first.

"Of course, Your Highness!" Alistar knew that he had no choice, and the wild goblins never chose the place. They only had a piece of wasteland where they could raise tutu pigs. Those tutu pigs would dig the ground and eat bugs by themselves. Things like roots, grass and leaves are similar to wild goblins anyway. Both of them are very easy to feed.

"Okay! Come and take a look here!" Roland pointed at the map and said to Alistar.

"..." Alista said speechlessly as he looked at the table that was a little shorter than him. Standing on tiptoes, he could barely get a rough look...

"Sorry." Roland immediately pulled over a chair.

"Thank you for your help." Alistar thanked him sincerely. Then he climbed up on the chair and sat down. His whole body suddenly sank again...

"..." Roland.

"..." Alistar.

Finally, Alistar stood on the chair and saw the whole map. In fact, it would be clearer to use the sand table on one side, but that one is not as convenient as this one.

"The kingdom will soon move south along the Swift River. We will attack various areas along the way, so your station is temporarily arranged in the wasteland south of Lulong Fortress. If you need any materials, the kingdom will provide them to you. And we will guarantee a certain level of food supply for you, as for employment..." Roland said.

"Because the population of your tribe continues to increase, I originally wanted to hire them as a whole, but I guess you won't do that, so I'll hire you on a short-term basis based on the number of people. How about one battle unit? You will have a high degree of autonomy during the rest of the time. ." Roland pressed the table lightly.

"Very reasonable!" Alistar just thought briefly and agreed to Roland's conditions.

Roland looked at the goblin who took the bait and smiled. This wave was a win-win, which meant that Roland won twice! Not only did he find a job to help the blacksmiths practice their skills, but he also gained the services of such a tribe. The equipment of these Goblin Knights was enough for the blacksmiths to practice their skills.

"It seems like the discussion was going well?" Nyx met the rosy-faced Roland and chuckled. She also learned from others that a group of wild goblins had joined them. Although it was just an employment relationship, it was still good. It can be regarded as a subordinate race, and it has finally raised its national prestige! (What about centaurs and prairie elves? These two tribes may not be able to form a team of 300 people together. Compared with the wild goblins who often have thousands of pig riders, they are far inferior in appearance.)

"Well, we have a qualified mercenary, and we no longer have to put our ordinary soldiers on the front line of the meat grinder!" Roland nodded and smiled, although the wild goblins will pay for it while fighting for the kingdom. There were heavy casualties, but all of this had nothing to do with Roland. After all, they were given money and pensions, and some free food and residence were also provided. After all, they were not even given taxes. This treatment was compared to Apophis. ·Breodu is generous! After all, Apophis Breo, as the patriarch of the King's Landing family, needs to pay taxes to the country on behalf of the King's Landing family's territory. However, due to the special situation of each pioneering territory and the fact that the pioneering territories already enjoy the three-year tax-free privilege, Roland's Taxes can only be collected in places directly under your own jurisdiction...

Okay, so here comes the problem again! Roland also implemented a tax-free policy in the kingdom to encourage reclamation, so... the Kingdom of Lagrand does not have much tax revenue at all now. As for the most profitable tax, the commercial tax, it does not collect a lot. Go to River Valley from Rapid City No one in the country collects taxes when doing business. You can't come to River Valley to do business in Rapid City and you still collect taxes, right? Anyway, all the nobles in Lagrand Kingdom cannot afford to be embarrassed.

Therefore, Roland, who has no hope of harvesting leeks, can only continue to sell high-end magic items in order to replenish the treasury. This is inseparable from our great wise man Yun Feng! Well, everything formed a perfect closed loop, and only Yun Feng was injured.

After chatting quietly with Nyx for a while, Roland left the castle with Darien Nightblade and planned to go for a walk outside. As for Nyx, he continued to choose to stay in the castle and teach the waiters the royal etiquette. Nyx firmly believed that he would use it to entertain nobles from other kingdoms in the future. If there was a joke in the etiquette, it would be a slap in Roland's face. Naturally, Nyx would not let such a thing happen. After watching Roland leave, Nyx also said " "Deng-deng-deng" trotted off to gather the waiters for lectures.

"Your Highness, where are we going?" Darien Nightblade asked quickly when he saw that Roland's legs suddenly felt a little weak after he left the castle.

"What? I have to report to you where I am going?" Roland looked surprised, incredulous and incomprehensible. After all, Nicks had admitted it to him. It was just "tracheitis" and not worth mentioning! Yun Feng and the others admitted it even to himself. After all, he couldn't fight or beat those people together. Instead of asking for torture, he should just avoid their thoughts and wait for the opportunity to give birth to a prince. These ministers will no longer object to running around.

"No... I'm just afraid..." Darien Nightblade scratched his head in embarrassment. He was really afraid that Roland would play tricks again and be caught and "tortured" by Nyx.

"Oh... what a coward! Follow me out of the city for a few days and we'll go to the wasteland south of Lulong Fortress. I hope the wild goblins like it!" Roland looked at Darien Nightblade and shook his head with pity. How dare you, just being scared by Nyx, why don't you keep Nyx in check...

"Where are you going?" A voice as clear as a lark sounded.

Roland was stunned for a moment, and still shouted subconsciously: To the wilderness in the south... But Roland couldn't see that Darien Nightblade had started to suffer from Parkinson's shaking at this moment.

"What's wrong? Are you twitching?" Roland looked puzzled at Darien Nightblade's eyes, which were trying hard to signal, and winked at him, making Roland wish for luck.

"Don't worry, we will be back soon, you kid, decorate the necessary items!" Roland told Darien Nightblade while tugging on him.

"Staying? How about letting go of depression? Why is there Medusa in Swift Current City? Are they all petrified by you? No, I have to look for her!" Roland pretended to look for Medusa, but accidentally turned around and saw it. forever……

"Go on! Come on, show off your talents?" Nyx said gently.

After hearing this, white hairs and sweat began to appear on Roland's back. Who would have thought that Nyx would actually appear in the stable? Dragon God! Damn it!

"Ahem! I don't know how to be talented or not, but Darien Nightblade is good at singing and dancing. How about he perform?" Roland said in a low voice.

"No, show me your kingly aura just now and show me how you plan to go?" Nyx still smiled brightly.

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