The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 684 Conversation under the Moon

Chapter 693 Conversation under the Moon

"I will take care of part of the ship matter. Although it is not many, it should be enough." Roland said to Yu Modland that there are still some ships in the system space.

"Then I'll trouble you!" Yu Modlan nodded. It would be better if Roland could solve it, so that they don't have to worry about transporting food from Rapid City all day long. It's okay to rely on fish to survive, anyway. The white fish in the Swift River are abundant and delicious, and can be eaten as a meal.

"No trouble, this is what I should do as a king. The kingdom still needs you to provide dried fish to fill the granaries!" Roland encouraged. With the kingdom's current harvest and food reserves, it will be difficult to carry the autumn harvest next year, 2945. , the fish in the fast flowing river are naturally the top priority!

"I will work hard to get the people to stock up on fish!" Yu Modlan naturally understood what Roland meant. It is not a secret that the kingdom has a large food shortage. Anyone with a certain status knows that, and there are many smart people who can Guess it, so increasing revenue and reducing expenditure are naturally the only two solutions.

"Don't put too much pressure on me. You'll be able to hold on for a while!" Roland patted Yu Modlan on the shoulder and said. As for why Roland has the confidence to say this now, it's naturally because of the new wheat products in the mall. 1 honor is worth 1,000 tons of wheat! Roland immediately played all 6 points of honor without saying a word. 6,000 tons of wheat is enough to feed about 24,000 people. However, because Roland has more soldiers and war horses, this food is just enough to feed the soldiers. There is no need to worry about military rations. The rest is naturally the problem of food for the people.

Although food is still relatively tight, it is not as urgent as it was some time ago. After all, military rations could not be guaranteed at that time! Roland even plans to go through the Misty Mountains and go directly to the Shire to buy food! Although it is dangerous to take the dragon knights across thousands of mountains and rivers to buy food in the Western World, it is still better than a whole family starving to death in the north. (The main danger is that high-end combat power will be vacant for too long, and changes may occur in the kingdom.)

But now Roland doesn't have to risk leaving the kingdom to go to the Western world to purchase. The problem of military rations has basically been solved. Now it's the problem of people's rations. This problem is not big, just make the people suffer. Miscellaneous grains are mixed with dried fish and dried meat. Just deal with it. People in this era live a very difficult life, especially the people in the north. Their only luxury is to live in peace. They have indeed achieved the ultimate in enduring hardship and hard work.

After leaving Palembang, Roland and his party headed towards Lulong Fortress. The gravel roads along the way were well built. Roland's original plan has now begun to bear fruit, from Rapid City to Palembang to Lulong Fortress. The roads between the two countries have been successfully connected, and the kingdom's dominance has been greatly enhanced again. However, the eastern land still has no sense of existence. After all, the kingdom does not even have a stronghold there.

After entering Lulong Fortress, Renault warmly received Roland and the others. It happened to be late, so Renault arranged a dinner for them. Knowing that Roland did not pay attention to any ostentation, Renault was also very down-to-earth, with large pieces of barbecue and whole strips of meat. The grilled fish was served on top, along with the warm bread and thick soup. Everyone enjoyed it. Although it didn't have the exquisiteness of a palace banquet, it was definitely filling.

"Your Majesty, do you have anything to say?" Renault would call Roland "Your Majesty" when no one was around. In Renault's mind, Roland was the Supreme Emperor of Raglan!

"Thank you for your hard work!" Roland looked at Renault and was full of emotions for a while. In the end, he could only sigh and comfort him softly.

"Responsibility lies in nothing but hard work!" Renault shook his head and rejected Roland's words.

"The situation in Middle-earth is unpredictable and the situation is changing... Everything is changing towards the unknown. We need to make plans early, Your Majesty!" Reno seemed to be saying to Roland and to himself, as if he was explaining to Roland why he acted on his own. He advocated recruiting those wild goblins.

"I'm not denying your vision and decision-making, and I'm not here to rebuke you. I'm just here to see what the kingdom under my rule really looks like!" Roland shook his head, indicating that Renault was worried, and he didn't mean to blame him.

"What do you think of those goblins?" Roland thought for a while and decided to change the topic.

"High-quality high-end cannon fodder, isn't it?" Renault asked with a chuckle. Everyone knew everything, including the person involved, that the position of the Pig Rider has not changed since ancient times. It is nothing more than a substitute product for the Human Rider and the Death Rider. That's it. In the earliest days, the wild goblins served under humans and undead respectively. The names of the three knights have been earned through the ages!

"I mean specific plans!" Roland rolled his eyes and said helplessly. Everyone knows that the Goblin Knight is a high-level cannon fodder. This has been recognized by everyone thousands of years ago...

"Why don't you take them to fight against black men?" Renault deliberately tried.

"Do you think I look like Sa Coin?" Roland said with a dark face. He was not drunk yet. How many kilograms and taels would he use to beat the black gate? Do you really think Mordor is mud?

"Then why ask again? Since you have no desire to attack, you only plan to defend. So how do they have nothing to do with you?" Renault smiled. Attack is about strategy. What else do you want to do when you are passively defensive? ? The right way is to just throw the soldiers there to cover up the water and the earth. Don't engage in stupid operations like micro-managing command to the corner flag, otherwise the advantage lies in my version of Middle-earth. The soldiers below know better than you how to fight. Because they will work hard to survive, as long as you tell them the goal and bottom line, they will try their best to complete the task.

"It makes sense!" Roland nodded and had to admit that Renault had convinced him. His level was not yet as good as the principal's in micro-management. In addition, the environment in Middle-earth was more primitive and communications were not as developed as on Earth, so micro-management was more difficult. So Roland just started!

"My request is very simple, don't let the orcs appear in front of Rapid City again!" Roland looked at the dark night in the south and sighed.

"I can't stand the cries of those civilians who are dying, nor can I stand the questioning of women and children looking for their families. I hope that the militiamen will always be busy in the fields instead of the city and the battlefield... Let all this pass, and I won't die before the soldiers are finished. I don't want any more enemies to appear in front of the people!" Roland sighed, and the sounds of women and children crying lingered in Roland's fragile heart. He was only a young man and could not bear the pressure of thousands of civilian casualties. He could not face those. He asked the common people about their families. It was his order that sent those civilians into the battlefield...

"I can only say that I will try my best to delay any enemies who try to go north..." Renault looked at the sad Roland and was silent for a moment before speaking cautiously. After all, he could not guarantee whether the "Old Six" would appear again.

"You have done a good job. I was the one who was wrong..." Roland smiled bitterly and shook his head. This time, the Lion Leader and his entourage once again touched Roland's nerves, and also let Roland know again that war will also kill Lager. Interesting...

"Don't put too much pressure on, Your Majesty! The war in the Lion Territory has nothing to do with you. Even if there is no accident with His Majesty Darien, there will be others. Such a big orc fortress is not placed there to protect us from the wind. "Sooner or later, they will come out of the mountains, but we just happened to encounter them." Renault comforted, if you don't look for their bad luck, they will come to trouble you. No matter what is right or wrong here, it is just that the positions and racial demands are different. .

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