The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 692: The Wrath of the Stars!

Chapter 701 The Wrath of the Stars!

"But what does this have to do with us? Did those half-orcs spy on the human kingdom and spy on the elven kingdom?" Eovia's words made Peter Gro stop laughing.

Co-author: When the people of the Lagrang Kingdom appeared in front of the people, Singrui was beaten behind his back, right? No, we have to add the Kingdom of Akvia. After all, the White Wing King's northern cavalry has gone deep into the dense forest to play hide-and-seek with the Orc Wolf Cavalry. Although the limited number of Orc Wolf Cavalry cannot cause much damage to the two kingdoms, But they can affect the security environment of the two kingdoms. The minor casualties caused by the elusive half-orc wolf cavalry are not as big as the mental oppression they bring to the two kingdoms!

"We can't go on like this, we have to cut off these claws!" Eovia said angrily. Although Singere has a powerful barrier to protect the star elves hidden in it, the orcs' large-scale plundering of the territory will still cause harm to people walking outside. The elven people pose a threat! Eovia took the star elves to live in seclusion, but that doesn't mean he took the star elves to be buried! The clay figurine still possesses three points of fire energy, not to mention that this is the star elf who attacked the Black Gate alone?

"Follow your will! What do you want to do?" Peter Grotto said with great respect, stroking his chest and bowing his head. After all, Eovia is now giving orders as the Elf King!

"Find them! Kill them! Get rid of them completely!" Iovia said with cold eyes and a cold voice while holding the longbow left by her father.

"Is it just us? No need to contact other members of the coalition?" Peter Gro was about to leave but suddenly turned around and asked in confusion.

"As you said, the orcs have established a stronghold around us, and others are beyond their reach! Besides, it's just an orc stronghold! We can do it ourselves!" Eovia snorted, obviously she almost died when she was trapped in Dol Guldur. The experience has left Eovia still unconvinced. If those Ringwraiths hadn't carried out a sneak attack at the time, he judged the power of the stars to move in space. No Ringwraith would have been able to keep him!

Now Eovia wants to prove to everyone that the star elves can still fight. Will the star elves in a thousand years become soft persimmons, and everyone will treat the star elves as gummy bears?

"Be fast. This time we will send superior troops, cut off their communications, and then encircle and annihilate the entire stronghold! Fight quickly! I don't want to cause one or two Ringwraiths to cause trouble!" Iovia ordered Peter Gro. .

"Then how many troops should we send?" Peter Gro looked up and looked at Eovia. After all, there are only three thousand soldiers in the entire Star Elf Kingdom. Fighting these three thousand soldiers can be regarded as the wife base of the Kingdom of Singere. All of them are destroyed. Basically, the star elves were exterminated.

"Same as the last war! Send two thousand people!" Eovia said very forcefully. Although reducing the number of people can achieve the results they want, it will inevitably bring about some unnecessary casualties that no one wants to see.

"There is no need for archers to fight this time. Rangers and swordsmen are enough!" Iovia thought for a while and gave Peter Gro the final order.

"Understood! When will we set off?" Peter Gro nodded.

"The sooner the better, I can no longer stand these dirty things polluting my land!" Iovia's face was ugly. These half-orc wolf cavalry passing through the border didn't care what happened in front of them. All living things will be killed by them, and the accidental casualties of the tribe become the last straw that overwhelms Eovia's sanity! Star Elf's revenge never lasts overnight!

"Okay! Your Highness, it will take at least one day for our army to assemble! You can see a complete army tomorrow morning!" Peter Groh said truthfully to Eovia after silently calculating in his mind.

"I hope so!" Eovia forced a smile. He just wanted to squeeze those damn orcs to death as soon as possible. One more day they wander around in their own territory means one more day their own people are in danger.

"Your Highness! Two thousand soldiers have been assembled, you can start preaching!" Peter Gro came to the main hall, caressed his chest and gave an elegant salute and said to Iovia.

"Let's go!" Eovia excitedly grabbed the longbow Rodnan and walked out.

Eovia, who soon walked out of the palace, saw the elven soldiers lined up in front of the palace. Looking at the calm and resolute faces of these soldiers, her mind couldn't help but drift to the last alliance battle three thousand years ago... Where did these soldiers come from? He crawled out of the dead in a fierce battle!

"We have lived here for a long time! We have no fight with the world! We just want to live a peaceful life, but! There are always people who want to tear our dreams to pieces and shatter our hopes! The minions of darkness have reached out to us again... We can't back down! Cut them off! For the stars! For our people!" Eovia raised her long bow and roared, and the calming voice made the blood of all the elves boil again! They love peace, but they are not afraid of war!

"Poof!" A puff of hot blood splashed on the branch nearby. An elf ranger hung upside down on the treetop and turned over. He wiped the neck of the orc scout with a knife. Then the legs holding the branch were released, and the scimitar in his hand fell naturally. It drooped down and poured directly into the head of the warg under the half-orc. The hard warg skull was now like tofu and was completely engulfed by the sharp elf scimitar. One person and one wolf twitched feebly for a few times and then gradually became silent...

This scene keeps happening in the dark forest. Orc cavalry are constantly being assassinated by the approaching elf rangers. Although they are not assassins, facing the unprepared orcs, assassinating them is not much more difficult than the assassin profession!

Soon the number of surviving orcs' scouts who went out began to drop off a cliff! Many orc wolf cavalry were shot and killed not far out of the stronghold, and some were killed by the elf rangers on their way back to the stronghold. Many elf swordsmen even ambush in the tree canopy and fell from the sky to directly kill the orc wolf cavalry. For a time, the entire orc stronghold quickly lost contact with its surroundings and became deaf and blind! But the orcs in all these strongholds don't know that they have become an isolated island! It will take a long time for Dol Guldur to discover that there is a problem here. After all, there are no living people in the periphery who can report to Dol Guldur...

"Ready, Your Highness!" Peter Groh held down his long bow and said to Eovia. He had just personally chased and killed the half-orc wolf cavalry who were far away, and was avoiding the dragons flying in the sky in the dense forest. The Dragon Warriors are simply hilarious, and they are little more than targets in Peter Groh's eyes!

"It's time to let them see our voice! They haven't felt our anger for too long!" Iovia narrowed her eyes.

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