Chapter 706 Clear!

"But they left the women and children in the camp. Except for the knights who disappeared, everyone else is still in the camp." Yun Feng opened his mouth and added.

"You're right, don't gasp when you speak next time!" Roland's face was dark. Yun Feng said this. Roland was so frightened that he thought that the wild goblins had defected, but looking at the current appearance, they should be scattered across the entire plain and half of the plain. Are the orcs competing in a battle of wits and courage?

Roland's thinking was still too conservative! This Wild Goblin Knights finally found the state they had not seen for a long time. Living in the forest all day long, they almost forgot the pride of belonging to the Pig Riders! They are also orthodox knights! They are also among the most powerful bulldozers on the plains! They are also the only two races in the world that have the knight profession!

The endless wilderness became their best "racing ground". The scattered Wild Goblin Banner Knights swept back and forth along the Swift River, and the once unfamiliar fighting methods returned to their genes again!

"Poof!" He stabbed to death a half-orc who fell to the ground. The half-orc looked old and frail, with sparse hair and half-clothed clothes. However, he did not get the sympathy of the Goblin knights. The Goblin Knight, who was chasing after it after falling down unexpectedly, took out his spear without hesitation and stabbed the old orc who was still trying to get up to death... before it was completely dead, he flicked the spear and was on the verge of death. The dead orcs were immediately thrown away, and then trampled into a pulp by the roaring Goblin Knights...

"Be careful! Don't get hurt by those brats!" The captain of the knight directed the crowd, his eyes full of satisfaction and joy. They were lucky enough to encounter a team of orcs, mostly women and children. After a killing, all of them were still alive. The living orcs were forced to gather together by the blade, and then surrendered to these goblins!

When the knight captain looked at a group of orcs who were tied up and kneeling on the ground, he felt bored. In the end, he could only personally lead the team to isolate the half-grown orcs, and kill all the remaining orcs!

Suddenly, the smell of blood mixed with shrill screams resounded through the sky. The heads of the orcs were cut off in batches, and blood splattered everywhere! The executioner's Goblin Knight could only resort to slitting his throat. After all, it would be difficult to chop off too many heads...

"Puff! Puff!" The Goblin knights who changed their method instantly improved their efficiency. They only needed to pick up an orc with a knife and then touch the orc's neck, and let go of the rest to wait for them to regenerate themselves. It’s good to kill yourself! With the change of method, the service of the entire team suddenly increased, and soon the entire land was stained with blood!

"Let's go! Take the loot and let's go home!" The captain of the Knights of the Square Banner looked at the group of orc slaves dragging behind him and his teeth were leaking out! Of course, they no longer have the ability to fight at this moment, so going home early becomes the only option...

Unbeknownst to him, there were nine identical Goblin Knights hunting down the remnants of the Orcs. Each team got more or less trophies. Obviously, the outcome of the Orcs they fought against would not be much better. .

"What nonsense is this?" Alistar looked speechlessly at the orc prisoner who was holding his neck and shouting. Looking at the leather armor and equipment on his body, he knew that he was the main soldier of this tribe! After all, the patched leather armor is almost worn away, but it is still worn on the body like a treasure.

"Green-skinned dwarf! I curse you on behalf of our Lord Sauron! You can't get from me... poof!" The half-orc captive who was kneeling on the ground suddenly became weak and fell directly to the ground as if he had no support. After looking carefully, I found that the entire orc's body was in different places, the stubble on his neck was still bleeding, and the muscles all over his body were still undergoing spasms.

"Are you in a hurry to reincarnate?" Alistar took back the dagger given by Roland and looked at the dead orc body with disdain and kicked it a few times. He originally wanted to grab his tongue to understand the situation, but he didn't expect it. Catching a hard blow ruined his mood...

"Kill them all!" Alistar waved his hand angrily and signaled to his knights to kill all the prisoners. After all, they were less lucky and encountered a group of fully armed orc soldiers, but after learning the new skills of the knights, they had With the blessing of the power of glory, it is difficult for any army to take advantage of them! Not surprisingly, this orc army was quickly dispersed, and some of the wounded soldiers became prisoners. This was the step above!

"We're not going to interrogate the chief?" a Goblin knight wondered.

"It's hard to find them after knowing their place of origin? What need to be interrogated?" Alistar grinned. After all, he knew what clan they were from! If you want to go back to work, you still need more planning.

But luckily this tribe has just been forced to disband! Alistar no longer has to worry about fighting with the entire army. The tribe is divided and has no leader. It's a piece of cake on the chopping board!

"Oh!" The knights nodded and flashed their knives, then pierced the shoulder sockets and necks of these orcs. The strong arteries squeezed the blood and spurted it out of the fountain. After dealing with these orc armored infantry, Alistar Once again, he led his knights on a sweep without stopping!

"This tribe is also unlucky... This year we encountered these war hyenas!" Roland looked at the information and was amazed. He never expected that the Goblin Knights who he originally planned to use as blue-collar cannon fodder could be so terrifying. Willfulness and perseverance!

"How many people did they kill?" Roland asked curiously.

"I don't know, but I assure you it's no more, no less!" Yun Feng shook his head. The details hadn't been sent yet, so Roland and he could only sit and wait for the latest intelligence to be sent.

"There is also a square-flag knight group that has returned with a full load. They brought back a lot of half-orc cubs and seemed to want to take them as slaves..." Yun Feng said slowly

"By the way, you should pay attention to the equipment of the pig riders! No magic equipment is needed, at least the weapons are made of all fine steel! As for the slaves? I can't control it!" Roland ordered Yun Feng. After all, he promised to give them to those wild goblins. Now only the outer chain armor of the goblins has been made. Moreover, the stamina and load-bearing capacity of the pigs are very strong. The goblins said that they have no pressure at all to carry full armor and charge...

Now it's good that these wild goblins can quickly integrate into their roles! Roland is looking forward to the results of these goblin knights! After all, only one team came back first, and the gains of the other nine teams are still unknown!

At this moment, in a place where Roland couldn't see, the square-flag knight groups drove their captives to trek towards the direction of the camp! Many half-grown orcs fell down because they were too tired to stand up... Even if the whip was waving fast, many orcs decided to give up.

So the orcs who encountered the same problem were dealt with cold-bloodedly. The sharp daggers were not something these orcs could block with their flesh and blood. Seeing that these goblins were serious, the orcs stood up and wanted to return to the team, but how could Alistar let go of such a good show of killing chickens to scare monkeys?

In addition to the orcs mentioned above, what made the goblins most happy was that they found a lot of reserve food here. This made many goblins ecstatic. They had been living a tight life, and they never expected that they would be hit by such overwhelming wealth! With the food supplied by these orcs and Roland's funding, everyone will have a bright future this winter! After all, it is too difficult to keep the people well fed and clothed and to freeze to death or starve to death!

“They really treat the orcs as slaves!” Adolf Heinrich walked in and said to Roland in a serious tone. He meant to ask Roland whether he would stop this behavior. After all, he had already investigated clearly that these orcs were indeed treated as commodities by the wild goblins.

“Well, it’s a good way to recycle waste!” Roland said directly, which surprised Adolf Heinrich instantly.

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