The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 705: First Visit to Gondor

Chapter 714: First visit to Gondor

"Ah~" Weiss also rolled his eyes and fell asleep.

"Enough! Stop scaring the child!" Kaslo shook his head helplessly. The common people were not easily frightened. Cardo's shout almost sent them away directly...

"Tsk! Boring!" Cardo shook his tail and said with a bored look.


"Okay, we should go! Say goodbye to your grandfather!" Kaslo rubbed Weiss's short brown hair and said gently.

"Old man, here are a few silver coins for you to accept. Although your expenses will be less after the child and I leave, you still need to live. Be good to yourself if you still hope to live to see your grandson succeed!" Kaslo put a stack of silver coins on the table and pushed them over. Although silver coins are relatively rare here, they are not as expensive as money. If you really give him gold coins, it will hurt him.

"..." The old man's lips moved for a while, but he didn't refuse in the end.

"Weiss, follow me and be obedient. Grandpa doesn't ask you to make a name for yourself, he just hopes you can come back safely..." The old man pulled Weiss over and muttered for a while, and finally took out the bag he had packed overnight and handed it to Weiss.

"...Give it to me!" Kaslo looked at the bag that was half the size of Weiss and his eyes twitched. Did this old man put his whole family in it?

Looking at Kaslo who put the bag into the space equipment, the old man bowed gratefully and bowed his hands with a flattering look.

"My lord, if the child does anything wrong, just beat and scold him! You're welcome!" The old man said humbly.

"It's not that serious, okay, you guys reminisce first, I'll wait for you outside!" Kaslo looked at Weiss who was wiping his tears and the old man who looked reluctant, saying that he really couldn't stand this atmosphere and could only escape first. So he said hello and got out like a slippery loach.


"Huh? There are new soldiers stationed again!" Cardo's voice sounded in Kaslo's heart.

"Indeed, this time it's a team of rangers! A team of professionals has come!" Kaslo looked in the direction that Cardo reminded him, and just happened to see a group of rangers carrying short bows and short swords passing by.

"Tsk, human rangers are even worse than dogs!" Cardo said disdainfully, the rangers behind the elven rangers are all rubbish.

"I hope you can still be so tough when facing El Nino Ranger!" Kaslo laughed meanly.

"..." Cardo was completely speechless. Okay, okay! You're talking about something else, right? Those who target the dragon clan, go to hell!

"But then again, they did make a big move!" Kaslo murmured.

"What?" Cardo said puzzledly.

"Rangers from Gondor! Knights from Rohan! Warriors from the Shire! It's really complicated!" Kaslo said with a strange look on his face. He could understand the Gondor flag and the Rohan flag, but the Shire flag... my goodness! Could it be that the sub-mercenary group is facing the recruitment of all Middle-earth this time? Why are there all kinds of monsters and demons!

"That's really complicated..." Cardo's brain began to brainstorm, but he couldn't figure out the connection between these regions.

"Okay, forget about this mercenary group that doesn't care about meat and vegetables. We still have the mission of His Highness!" Kaslo shook his head helplessly. Although he wanted to eat melons, he couldn't explore it willfully because he was shouldering the heavy responsibility of King Roland.

"Okay?" Kaslo asked suddenly without turning back. With the perception of a fifth-level dragon rider, it was more than enough to perceive a child behind him.

"Well, I've said goodbye! Let's go, teacher!" Weiss wiped the tears from his face and said firmly.

"Don't cry in the future!" Kaslo teased with a smile.

"No! Strong warriors don't cry!" Weiss said with a look of dissatisfaction, as if he was looked down upon by Kaslo.

"Warrior? What's the future of that thing? Do you know what Lagran was founded on?" Kaslo scratched Weiss's nose and asked with a smile.

"I don't know!" Weiss grabbed Kaslo's cloak and followed him and said honestly.

"Old man! Go back, don't worry, I will take good care of him!" Kaslo turned his head and waved towards Weiss's house. Although he couldn't see, his mental power would not lie. Weiss's grandfather was looking at them through the gap in the wooden door.

"Let's go! Weiss, you're lucky!" Kaslo patted his head and said proudly. After all, there were not many children in the whole Middle-earth who could be taken care of by a dragon knight. After all, Kaslo now only knew one dragon knight other than the one belonging to the Kingdom of Lagran - Peter Gro!

"You haven't told me what Lagran was founded on?" Weiss grabbed Kaslo's cloak and said stubbornly.

"It's the knights! Child!" Kaslo's voice became solemn.

"The first northern knights built the Great Wall and created Lagran with their flesh and blood! Knights have always been the pillar profession of Lagran! As long as there is still a Lagran knight, Lagran will... not die!" Kaslo's voice was slightly low, but it sounded like a bell in Weiss's heart.

"Then can I become... a knight?" Weiss stammered.

"Of course! You are a natural warrior, and all warrior professions will fit you! There will be no result of failed job transfer!" Kaslo said with some envy. Weiss was born with a ticket to become a professional. As long as it is a warrior profession, he can choose any profession! As long as there is a guide, he can easily step into the ranks of professionals!

"Then I want to be a knight! No! I want to be a dragon knight too!" Weiss pointed at Kaslo's empty shoulder, where Kaslo's dragon had been lying not long ago.

"Hahaha! Ambitious!" Kaslo did not discourage Weiss's self-confidence. After all, every knight's lifelong dream is to ride a dragon! Riding a dragon is the highest achievement of knights! There is no knight who does not desire to become a dragon knight. If he does not desire it, then he... is already a dragon knight.

"Boy, becoming a dragon knight is not just talk! Dragons need a contract! And dragons really eat people!" Cardo quietly appeared and stuck out his tongue at Weiss, obviously scaring children made Cardo addicted.

"I'm not afraid! I want to be a dragon knight too! Let my dragon beat you in the future!" Weiss did not show a trace of timidity this time, but pointed at Cardo who poked out of the gap in the armor and said with full energy.

"Tsk tsk tsk! Interesting kid!" Cardo couldn't help but look at Weiss with a high look. After all, he could face the threat of a dragon without changing his face or heartbeat for the second time. This state of mind has surpassed many people.

"Okay, let's leave!" Kaslo ignored the two of them, but picked up Weiss and jumped out of the low wall into the wilderness.

"Goodbye, Grandpa..." Weiss waved goodbye as he looked at his home going away behind him.


"We should be in Gondor now!" Kaslo held Weiss in his arms and spread out the map in a deserted wilderness.

"Hurry up and let the little ghost get off my back when we get there!" Cardo said with an unpleasant look on his face. It stands to reason that no one except the knight can ride on the back of the dragon, but the dragon clan also understands the ways of the world, and Weiss is so small that he won't pose any threat. For Kaslo's sake, Cardo pinched his nose and let him ride on his back.

"Boy, you are so lucky! You have become a dragon knight before you become a knight!" Cardo muttered. After all, Weiss in Kaslo's arms is the number one position, so it's not wrong to say that he is a dragon knight...

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