The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 711 Attribute Transformation!

Chapter 720 Attribute changes!

"If it is really a dragon egg, then everything can be explained clearly! Even if thousands of people die in order to give birth to a dragon knight, they will not blink an eye!" Kaldor murmured, as a dragon who was once a flying dragon He is even more aware of what a deadly and attractive word dragon knight is to knights!

"Yeah, we have to go take a look around! I hope we can meet some survivors to tell us what happened here!" Kaslo shook his head and said to his dragon.

"Are you washed?" The exchange between Kaslo and Kaldor came to an abrupt end because he saw Weiss emerging with a wet head. At this moment, Weiss's eyes were still red with tears.

"Let's say goodbye well. The deceased has passed away, but we still need to live well!" Kaslo patted Weiss on the shoulder and threw the torch in his hand into the hole he had dug earlier. Suddenly, raging fire swept over and surged. Lying inside was none other than Weiss's grandfather.

"Stay here, don't run around!" Kaslo told Weiss, then lit a torch and walked away. There was a bigger pit there, which contained other victims in the village. And the corpses of those mercenaries, they have become the carriers of the plague. Kasluo must burn them, otherwise there will be endless troubles!

"Is he asleep?" Kaldor asked, raising his head towards the tent.

"I should have gone to bed after crying for a long time! Everything is over!" Kaslo said calmly.

"Let's go up and take a look and see if there are any details we haven't discovered!" Kaslo sighed and climbed onto the dragon saddle.

As Kaldo's wings suddenly flapped, the huge dragon instantly took off on the wind and flew straight into the sky and quickly flew into the distance...

"Look where there are survivors!" Kaslo whispered.

"I didn't see anyone alive, but the dead bodies were all over the ground!" Kaldo's dragon eyes narrowed to a slit and began to scan the ground below.

"What did you find?" Kaslo said.

"Dead orc corpses everywhere! The situation is not particularly good..." Kaldor groaned and suddenly swooped down.

"These orcs were all killed by one blow! Look at the blade!" Kaslo turned over the neck of an orc corpse. Judging from the wound, it was a fatal injury! The long sword that must have been approved from above quickly cut off half of its neck.

"And this one! It should be a battle axe!" Kaslo kicked the two halves of his skull that had long been drained of brain matter.

"The killing method is very clean! It is indeed an elite, and there are no mercenary corpses here! This place should be caused by the most elite team of mercenaries breaking through!" Kaslo rubbed his chin.

"Let's go! Let's look to the west!" Kaslo shook his head.

"Don't go too far! Your little apprentice is still there alone!" Kaldor snorted.

"He has been crying all day and won't wake up for a while. We are busy with our work!" Kaslo nodded and estimated the time.

"This should be the place where the last mercenary died in battle, right?" Kaslo looked at the messy mercenary corpses and orc corpses.

"They are a group of men with eggs! They have the guts!" Kaldor praised, there are only a few dozen mercenary corpses here, but there are definitely thousands of orcs! It’s not easy for a group of mercenaries to fight to this level!

"Don't worry about whether there are any! Check quickly to see if there are any alive!" Kaslo kicked his dragon.

"It's such a shame that both humans and orcs are freezing!" Kaldor shook his head.

"It seems that the dragon didn't chase him! There are no traces of the plague here... did he turn back in the middle of the chase?" Kaldor suddenly frowned, his huge dragon eyes full of confusion.

"What? Isn't it normal to be too lazy to chase half the time? Why would the dragon care about the ants?" Kaslo was stunned and asked with confusion.

"You don't understand the dragon. The dragon doesn't care about the ants. But if the ants offend Longwei, the dragon won't give up until it crushes them!" Kaldor said solemnly.

"So why did this giant dragon turn back halfway? Only these orcs were left to chase it?" Kaldor hesitated.

"To the west of here is the Anduin River! If we can't catch up with the remaining mercenary troops here, we should cross the river and retreat to the west! It's unlikely that the orcs will cross the river to pursue them..." Kaslo glanced to the west at the side next to him. The Anduin River is still rough.

"Unless something happens that causes the dragon to turn back..." Kaldor muttered to himself.

"..." Suddenly the two looked at each other.

"Dragon egg!"

"A remnant of the mercenary army went against the trend? They went directly into the dark forest! Otherwise, there is no reason why the dragon would give up chasing this remnant army!"

"That's right! It's dark under the light! The dark forest is densely covered with towering ancient trees, and even the giant dragon can't move through it. There is still a slim chance of survival after entering the dark forest. The person carrying the dragon egg must have gotten into the forest!" Kaslo's eyes lit up.

"Go back, let's go to the east tomorrow and have a look!" Kaldor said calmly.

"Awake? Wake up and eat fish!" Kaslo handed over the grilled fish in his hand.

"Thank you, teacher..." Weiss took Kaslo's grilled fish without interest and sipped it with dull eyes.

"Tsk!" Kaslo looked at it and shook his head. It seemed that the death of his only relative had brought a huge blow to the child.

"You are 14 years old this year, you are not young anymore! You are capable of avenging your family!" Kaslo said calmly.

"Hey!" A one-handed dagger with a cold light flashing was thrown out by Kasluo and inserted into Weiss's feet.

"Pick it up! Tomorrow I'll take you to avenge your grandfather!" Kaslo looked at Weiss calmly.

"Pah!" Weiss's hand suddenly loosened, and the already cold grilled fish fell to the ground and mixed with the dust. He stretched out his hand and grabbed the dagger and pulled it out.

"To be honest, the culprit this time is not only the orcs but also a dragon. Are you... afraid?" Kaslo's voice was still calm.

"I'm not afraid, I'm going to kill him! Even if he's a dragon!" Weiss raised his head, and his eyes suddenly turned black! The black eyes with a little scarlet made Kaslo's heart jump.

"What the hell? The attribute has changed?" Cardo's surprised voice sounded in Kaslo's heart.

"Your apprentice may not be able to inherit your mantle. His attribute has changed from wind attribute to dark evil dual attribute!"

"How could this be?" Kaslo frowned and asked in his heart. Even if the family encountered an accident, the attribute would not change, right?

"We neglected... The dragon power of the remaining dragon affected him. He might be eroded by the power of darkness and evil! You need to make plans early!" Cardo hesitated for a moment and said.

"Heh! Boy, you're back to your senses!" Kaslo ignored his dragon and chuckled and slapped Weiss's face.

"Well, um? Master, what happened to me just now?" Weiss's eyes cleared up instantly, raised his head and asked stupidly.

"It's okay, you just wanted to slay the dragon, I agreed! I'll take you to find him tomorrow!" Kaslo said meaningfully.

"Ah! No! Master, you didn't hear it wrong? I didn't say I wanted to slay the dragon?" Weiss said in panic.

"It's okay, go to bed early, and slay the dragon tomorrow morning!"

"No! I really didn't say that! I..." Weiss cried and couldn't explain himself. Why did he slay the dragon for no reason? He is not stupid!


"Strange, the power of the dragon affected his attributes but did not assimilate his will?"

"The only one who can destroy the innocent heart... is himself!" Kaslo sighed to himself.

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