The Lord of the Rings: Lords of Middle-earth

Chapter 732: Falling into the Trap

Chapter 741 Falling into a Trap

"Damn it! Retreat! All infantrymen, protect the evacuation of civilians!" The Dowinian heavy swordsmen on the wall roared after seeing the flying magic flares.

"Swish!" Everyone drew out their sharp swords and stood on the wall, and then leaned their heavy shields against the breastwork to block the orcs' arrows.

"Archers, protect the lord and the civilians and leave! Heavy infantrymen, line up to meet the enemy!" The Dowinian swordsmen consciously took on the task of covering the rear.

"Go! My lord! Let's leave here!" Ymir carried Lord Ismir without hesitation.

"Evacuate! Soldiers, protect the civilians and evacuate in an orderly manner!" Ymir looked at his own soldiers in Windhelm and ordered.

Soon, the Goblin Knights and other soldiers gathered the people of the entire Windhelm Town. More than 200 people carried the large and small bags prepared in advance and ran towards the east gate in an orderly manner under the guidance of the soldiers.

"It's bad! It's a retreat signal! General Renault and his men are defeated! Inform other generals to prepare to cross the river to support General Renault and his men to evacuate!" The dragon knights hovering over the Rapid River for dynamic reconnaissance naturally could not fail to see the huge magic signal. It was obvious that something was wrong with Renault.


"Damn it! Prepare the ferry!" At this moment, the generals in the Lulong Fortress were stunned after hearing this news that was like a calamity, but Lafitte Anthony was the first to adjust with his own cultivation. He turned his head and ordered the soldiers.

"Lukemok! You stay here! I'll go to support General Renault! All dragon knights follow me!" Lafitte Anthony gritted his teeth and said helplessly. Facing the enemy who could make Renault retreat, Lafitte Anthony was also scared.

“Puff!” The Dorwinian heavy-armored swordsmen stationed on the walls of Windhelm Town were already furious. They were surrounded by orc soldiers who were several times their number, but these great heavy-armored infantrymen did not panic at all. They raised their heavy swords and broad shields and crushed any enemy who tried to provoke them into the dust.

“Kill!” The sword energy was rampant on the walls! Without the high-level combat power, the Dorwinian heavy-armored swordsmen were like wolves in a meat grinder, tearing the enemy madly. With their iron-blooded defense, these heavy-armored swordsmen successfully made these orcs sober. They hesitated to move forward, obviously shocked by the bloody killing of the Dorwinian heavy-armored swordsmen. Even the fanatical orcs could not ignore the surrounding soldiers being cut in half by these killing machines. The blood and wailing inevitably hit their morale. In this way, these isolated heavy-armored swordsmen successfully stopped the aggressive orcs. Only a few of them bypassed Windhelm Town and chased those who evacuated...



Listening to the orcs' shrill wails, Lafitte Anthony helplessly scratched his ears. Are these bastards always so brave? Who gave them the courage to face the archers in formation? Using a dense formation to charge against the archers' rain of arrows? Lafitte Anthony wanted to pull up the orc captain who was shot like a sieve. If he didn't come to the celebration banquet tonight, humans would not dare to move their chopsticks!

Don't you see that the two hundred Badanian archers plus the two hundred Badanian archers brought by Lafitte Anthony to support them, a total of four hundred people, only shot three rounds of North Wind Arrows, and nearly a thousand orcs were nailed to the ground.

"No? You guys are running away with your heads in your hands because of this? Where is General Renault?" Lafitte Anthony was shocked by these disguised orcs in the wilderness. A general would laugh to death against such an opponent! Isn't this just to gain military merit?

Lafitte Anthony, who was confident in his attack, directly ordered the dragon knights to escort the residents of Windhelm Town across the river, and he led 400 Badaniyan archers to support the battlefield. According to his understanding, there was no reason for them to run away with the enemy's level?

Lafitte Anthony did not think of using the dragon knights to provide air support, but after taking a few glances at the shock waves and violent explosions in the sky, Lafitte Anthony decisively gave up the idea. Didn't he see that Dos Anthony and the Ringwraiths were having a great time? It would be tantamount to courting death for the dragon knights to rashly intervene in the contest between top professionals! The aftermath alone was enough for them to bear, and the dense forest environment was not good for them to perform, so Lafitte Anthony did not force them to participate in the battle.

So the humans who were supposed to retreat gathered an infantry under the command of Lafitte Anthony and fought back. This was unexpected for the orcs. After all, most of the real elite orcs died in the aftermath of the battle between Dos Anthony and Sernar. Only a few real regular orcs joined those "fake armies" to participate in the siege of Windhelm. As a result, a small but extremely elite human army suddenly fought back. The dense rain of arrows made the orcs almost pray to the beast god.

Fortunately, the orcs became smarter after suffering a loss. They dispersed in teams of several people under the command of the regular army, which made the archers who were originally killing in large numbers lose the fun of slapping flies. When those orcs rushed over with a roar, the orcs all showed excitement. After all, although the archer troops were all strong guys, they did not have heavy armor in order to shoot bows, which gave the orcs hope of killing these annoying "human flies".

Then their nightmare begins! Facing the orcs who were about to approach, these archers did not show the panic that the orcs imagined. Instead, they smiled and put their long bows on their backs, took out a small round shield with their backhand, and then picked up a shiny small hammer!




There was a heartbreaking sound of bones shattering. The orcs who rushed over were desperate to find that this human shooter army was not only an army of pure professionals. The most frightening thing was that they were actually heavy-armed shooters! In a field battle on the plains, a scattered armored force faced off against a heavily armored and armored force with a neat appearance. No one would have any other answer to the final outcome... When these Battanian macho men shouted long live at the cost of zero casualties. After defeating the ragtag vanguard and joining the defenders in Windhelm Town, the fate of these orcs was already doomed!

Under the command of the elite Orcs, these wandering Orcs died in droves under the city wall of Windhelm Town. This small wall of wood and stone became a mountain that was difficult for all Orcs to climb. Lafitte Anthony was proficient in The micro-management skills rely on excellent front-line rotation operations to allow soldiers to participate in the battle evenly. This not only enhances the vitality of the defense line but also spreads the damage evenly. Each person can bear a little blow, instead of catching the front-line elites and fucking them to death!

By the time the orcs realized something was wrong, they had no way to retreat. The remaining less than a thousand orc soldiers desperately launched a desperate charge towards the city wall. As a result, they were all shot dead by the Battanian shooters who were waiting for work halfway. Under the city wall, the defense battle of Windhelm Town can be said to be a complete victory!

The battle between the middle and dismounted horses ended with the victory of mankind, but the battle between the upper and lower horses was full of dangers for mankind!

The battle between Senal and Dos Anthony was evenly matched, while Lidilias and Khamur directly and completely suppressed the combination of Kaslo and Renault, which resulted in Weiss, who was originally floating in the sky watching the show, unable to do so. They continued indifferently, and then the Nazgul showed their real fangs!

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