Chapter 039 The end of the road! 【Ask for flowers and evaluation tickets】

As soon as he saw King Elrond, Gandalf asked angrily:

"King Elrond! Sauron's forces are ravaging Middle-earth, why are you standing by with your army here?"

"Mislanda, listen to my explanation."

King Elrond looked at Gandalf and said with a wry smile:

"If I take people away, the young elves in the dark jungle will be brutally murdered by the orcs."


Outside of Long Lake Town, the orc leader Azog grinned, grabbed the dying Bard's hair, and smashed its head into pieces with a hammer.


All the orcs roared excitedly.

"Pile up the corpses of all human beings and let everyone know the fate of fighting against the demon king Sauron!"

Azog roared, turned over and mounted the Warg, waving his arms and continuing to roar:

"Now, we should let that damn dragon knight taste our power!"


The Warg roared and followed Azog to the nearby battlefield.

On the burning lake, Bilbo Baggins hid silently under a collapsed house, his whole body was immersed in the water, and his face was full of horror watching this scene like the doomsday.

Gandalf stared blankly at the scene of the battle not far away, and his heart was full of powerlessness.

He couldn't figure out why Galadriel, who had always been with him, gave up resistance, and King Elrond was obviously influenced by Galadriel and had a negative attitude towards the battlefield.

Although he said that he did not want to fall out with Galadriel and King Elrond, the choice of the two elf kings ran counter to his thoughts and completely violated his wishes and morals.

He persuaded bitterly:

"King Elrond, if we leave it alone, Thranduyi and Legolas will both die. Long Lake Town has now been completely destroyed by the orcs, and even the brave Bard is still alive and dead now!"

Speaking of which, he was deeply saddened:

"What's worse is that now the dwarves have been wandering outside the battlefield because of the hesitation of the elves. Do you really have the heart to let darkness and evil completely cover Middle-earth?"

"Gandalf, without Rothlorian's support, I can't resist the edge of Sauron's army with the strength in my hands. What do you want me to do?"

King Elrond asked back.


Gandalf let out a long sigh, and said in a trance:

"Haven't the gods already determined the rise of mankind in this era? What if Zhou chose Sauron?"

King Elon was startled, his face changed slightly: "You mean..."

"If justice stagnated, then he would naturally plunge into darkness, if only because of a moment of anger?"

Gandalf said quietly, "King Elrond, are you ready to face the Dragon Knight, the Balrog and the Dark Legion at the same time?"

King Elrond's eyes widened, and his face gradually showed a look of horror.

"Send troops, otherwise it is impossible for you to return to the holy land of Oman."

King Elrond still shook his head. He and Rose Lorien were ready to leave Middle-earth and would not let his soldiers die.

"If that's the case, then retreat with the young elves in the dark jungle."

Gandalf sighed again,

"It can't be defended here. We must pull the front back to Rivendell and give up the entire north."

Elrond's eyes flickered, and he finally shook his head slowly: "My friend, Rivendell should not be a battlefield, and it will never be a battlefield."

Gandalf froze for a moment, and looked at King Elrond in disbelief.

"Are you shrinking back like this? No longer caring about the glory of the elves?"

Elrond looked away from Gandalf:

"The glory of the elves has never been lost. As for Sauron's army of darkness, the thing that the gods should consider at that time, the major thing for the elves now, is to return to the holy land of Oman."

"But if Sauron rules Middle-earth, Morgoth's seal will be loosened. Even in the Holy Land of Oman, who can resist Morgoth? Are you?"

Gandalf growled.

Suddenly, Gandalf was stunned. After mentioning the name Morgoth, he finally understood why Galadriel was so afraid and desperate to return to the Holy Land of Oman.

"So it is, so it is."

He sat on the ground, staring blankly.

Galadriel must have flinched when he discovered that Morgoth's seal was loose.


On the other side of the battlefield, Zhou Yang was still fighting hard.

He was already under the attack of the Fire Demon and the Ringwraith, and he was about to lose his support.

Smaug under his feet is also full of learning, the golden dragon scales are shattered into pieces, and the dragon breath he spews is also resisted by the mammoths in the dark army, and now he is at a dead end.

But he didn't give up, and he was still pounding the ring of the Nazgul, preparing to break out of the siege.

But at this moment, the wolf came riding.

Azog rode on top of the alpha wolf, with hundreds of wolves swarming behind him.

They set up a strategy, waiting for the Balrog and the Nazgul to take down Smaug, and then besiege Zhou Yang.

Smaug, who had lost a lot of physical strength, gradually slowed down, and the Balrog took advantage of the situation to bind Smaug and pull him to the ground.

The Warg, who had been waiting for a long time, rushed forward and bit frantically at the place where Smaug lacked the protection of dragon scales! *

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