Chapter 464 Dodge the attack




Zhou Yang collided with the huge wolf dog, and the two forces collided with each other for a while, Zhou Yang's body involuntarily flew out, fell to the ground, a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and the huge wolf dog also Constantly retreating, he drew several beautiful arcs in the air.

Zhou Yang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, a look of horror on his face.

The power of this wolf dog is so great! It sent him flying.


The huge wolf dog let out a roar, and immediately charged towards Zhou Yang again.


The gigantic wolf dog roared again and rushed towards Zhou Yang.

This time, Zhou Yang did not fight recklessly, he quickly avoided the attack of the giant wolf dog.


Seeing Zhou Yang dodging its attack, the huge wolf dog was instantly furious, it growled again, and charged towards Zhou Yang.

"Damn, it's really difficult.

Zhou Yang thought to himself when he saw the huge wolf dog. Immediately, Zhou Yang jumped up and flew towards the huge wolf dog.



"Bang bang bang."

The sound of sharp blades breaking through the air sounded, and the Demon Slayer Sword in Zhou Yang's hand (bgbc) kept attacking the huge wolf dog.

"Ao Ming."

Seeing that Zhou Yang had been attacking it with the Demon Slaying Sword, the huge wolf dog roared angrily, and immediately bit Zhou Yang.

Zhou Yang saw the action of the giant wolf dog and hurriedly avoided it.


The huge wolf dog bit Zhou Yang's clothes and bit Zhou Yang's shoulder.



After the giant wolf dog bit Zhou Yang's shoulder, Zhou Yang screamed in pain.

"Damn it, it's pretty tough." Zhou Yang cursed inwardly as he looked at the scar on his shoulder.

Zhou Yang quickly took out an elixir and swallowed it. Immediately, Zhou Yang felt that the pain in his shoulder was relieved a lot, but it was still very painful.

"Your grandma's! I must kill you." Zhou Yang secretly said.


Zhou Yang saw that the huge wolf dog had not given up chasing him, so he was also angry and rushed up again.



Zhou Yang and the huge wolf dog are constantly fighting. Although Zhou Yang is not the opponent of the wolf dog, he is also constantly attacking the huge wolf dog with the Demon Slaying Sword.







Zhou Yang and the giant wolf dog were constantly fighting and ramming. The size gap between Zhou Yang and the giant wolf dog was very large. Therefore, this kind of battle lasted for a long time, and Zhou Yang was also tired and out of breath.

"No, I must kill it as soon as possible! Otherwise, I will be in danger." Zhou Yang looked at the huge wolf dog and thought to himself.

Zhou Yang saw that the huge wolf dog never gave up chasing him, and Zhou Yang didn't dare to be careless, then Zhou Yang rushed towards the huge wolf dog again, this time Zhou Yang directly displayed the wind and thunder footwork.

Zhou Yang dodged and came to the huge wolf dog in an instant.

"Ao Ming.

When the huge wolf dog saw Zhou Yang attacking, he immediately let out a shrill scream, and then the huge wolf dog quickly fled into the distance.

Zhou Yang breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the huge wolf dog escaped.

"I'll just say, how could I possibly lose to you! Haha." Zhou Yang smiled, feeling good.

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