The Lord who use immortals as food

Chapter 12 The Blue Bird Misses the Date

Fenghuai County is buried in the Xincang Mountains and is almost isolated from the world. There are very few channels for information circulation. The most effective way to understand world events is to rely on the circulating Di newspapers.

Generally speaking, there are two copies. One is issued by the local state capital and is called "State Newspaper". It is published every fortnight and can be used to understand local news. The other is issued by the Imperial College and is called "Guobao". Press Monthly supply, compile world affairs.

In the past, Di Bao was a publication that only circulated among officials at all levels. Until the previous emperor changed the regulations and ordered a large number of publications to be published among the people, the content of Di Bao also underwent huge changes.

From then on, slightly more confidential information was no longer printed, and was replaced by political information that everyone could know, easy-to-understand interpretations of government decrees, beautiful articles by DPRK officials, etc., as well as the guarantee of the circulation of this newspaper—— World news, Jianghu situation and the legendary stories serialized on the last two pages.

Logically speaking, the Di newspaper is not a scarce thing, but again, Fenghuai is too poor. Two newspapers were shipped here, but there is no workshop that can copy them. In fact, the literate people in the entire county don't even know how to read. If there are more than 100, there is no room for the circulation of newspapers.

So these newspapers were piled up in the county government office. Master Huang wrote down the stories from them and told them vividly to the children.

Therefore, in many cases, it is not that he deliberately whets the children's appetite and does not continue the story, but that the author of the title "Qingluan in the Mirror" has written it here, and the next issue has not been delivered yet.

Pei Ye took advantage of Lin Lin's convenience and went in and out of the public house many times before he knew there was such a "treasure".

After this revelation, the teenagers were all excited and eager to try. Pei Ye whispered: "The August Di newspaper should have just been delivered. You must not have heard of it yet. Wait for me to get it for you."

There was a small cheer in the room.

Pei Ye took a candle to the public room, opened the door, and smelled the smell of ink.

Newly arrived newspapers would usually be circulated among the civil servants and writers. Sure enough, Pei Ye only glanced at the table a few times before he saw the thin booklet.

Pei Ye walked over and looked at the four words "Datang Guobao" written in a neat and elegant handwriting on the cover, and couldn't help but feel dazed for a moment.

This familiar cover stirs up the long-gone expectations and excitement, as if it is still attached to those days of simple happiness, both of which have been missing for a long time.

Opening it gently, another memory came from the muscle's autonomy. Before Pei Ye could react, his hand had already skipped the boring political news in the front and went directly to the last few pages.

Pei Ye smiled knowingly and looked down.

This page is full of world news and world affairs. The most prominent news on it is that last month, envoys from the southern countries arrived in Shenjing to pay homage to the saint. The young talents they brought also made friends with the young people of the Tang Dynasty in both civil and military fields. After some discussion.

After a quick glance, he was slightly startled by several familiar names. This was not the time to take a closer look, so he turned back.

The next page is the text of "Qingluan in the Mirror". What is being serialized now is a story called "The Broken Hero", which has nothing to do with what Pei Ye read two years ago. I glanced back and saw that it was the twentieth chapter, titled "I have been a withered ghost for eighteen years, when will I fly to the first floor of the Immortal?" Generally speaking, the stories written by this person end at the twentieth chapter, and this one should be no exception.

Pei Ye closed the book and tucked it under his arm. There was actually a July national newspaper on the table. Pei Ye picked it up and flipped through it, only to see that the last few pages had been cut out. Who knew who was using it to make the child happy? Only the serious things in the front that no one wants to see are left. He threw it back on the table and picked up the much thinner state newspaper from the side.

The state newspaper also has the same layout, but the political section is much shorter, and the quality of the subsequent stories is also a lot worse, because the state does not have a dedicated author to write it, but directly imprints it from the storyteller's script. The Jianghu News column said that a man in white came to the state recently to inquire about swordsmanship. He might be a registered knight in the Hefu Register. Pei Ye curled his lips, his style was consistent with catching wind and shadow.

Pei Ye also put it under his arm, held the candle and walked deep into the public room.

In addition to getting the Di newspaper, Pei Ye's main purpose was to see if he could find the book in his memory that made him familiar with the word "quail".

There are two rows of bookshelves in the deepest part of the public room. Although they are not overcrowded, they are still well organized. In the past few years, Pei Ye often sat on the floor, leaning against the bookshelf with a book in his hand, and spent the entire afternoon reading.

At this time, I held an oil lamp and browsed through the bookshelves one by one, skipping all kinds of history books and biographies, as I had never touched them; I didn't need to look too closely at the top ones, because they were short and out of reach at that time. My focus was mainly on some interesting notebooks and historical records at the lower level, and I did find a few notebooks that I read with gusto, but the contents were all wrong.

He rummaged through each book carefully. As long as he had some impression, Pei Ye would take it out and flip through the pages. However, after rummaging through the entire bookshelf, I couldn't find that familiar feeling.

But if not here, where else could it be?

After arriving here, the familiarity became clearer. He could almost recall the scene: he was leaning against the window, facing the sunset, and flipping through the book with the last remaining light, when the word suddenly came into view, I didn't recognize it, so I looked at it a few more times, wrote it down, and went out to ask a civil servant.

But where has the book gone now?

Pei Ye frowned and went through the entire bookshelf again, and rummaged around the table and under the table in the whole room.

The night became thicker little by little, and the rain began to patter again. It had been nearly an hour since Chang Zhiyuan came back. If the "god's favor" tonight were to arrive, I'm afraid I wouldn't have to wait long.

Pei Ye straightened up and had to accept the fact that he failed to activate the so-called [Quail Head].

Maybe the book has been lost or taken away by someone, and there is absolutely nothing that can be done at this time.

Since it is not within the "conditional dharma", it cannot be said.

Pei Ye left the public apartment with two volumes of residence under his arm. When he passed through the yard, he glanced at the hall. The generous armored figure was still sitting there motionless.

As if aware of his gaze, Chang Zhiyuan waved his hand and called him in.

As soon as I entered the front hall, I felt that the suffocating depression in the atmosphere was completely different from the excitement in the children's room.

As an insider, Pei Ye could fully understand the depression and suffering in the hearts of the three adults.

In fact, there is nothing they can do, they can only sit back and wait, but they must show that they can be relied on, just like the dam at the entrance of the ant nest. Facing the future heavy rain, its only function is to make the ants in the hole think that they are still under protection. middle.

There are only two extreme results they are waiting for - either Lieutenant Jingdu arrives and wipes out everything, or this small county government is wiped out by the murderer first.

Pei Ye walked in and asked in a low voice: "Is there any news?"

Chang Zhiyuan shook his head heavily and asked, "What are you holding?"

"Two Di newspapers. Children like to read stories."

"..." Chang Zhiyuan's expression became complicated, as if he couldn't bear to tell his parents about the death of his child. He closed his eyes, and when he opened them, he regained his composure, "Well...Actually, I was just about to go find you. There are three people in the county." Seventeen policemen with knives have been distributed at various street corners to help you stop the pursuit. There are seven horses in the backyard. You divide them up, let the ones who can ride take the ones who can't, and disperse in different directions..."

Pei Ye was stunned for a moment before she realized that he was talking about the teenagers in the room. She licked her dry lips and said in a harsh voice, "Did...something happened?"

Shen Yanping walked over and whispered: "The soul bird never came back."

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