The Lord who use immortals as food

Chapter 132: Matching Candles

Having just contributed to a wonderful battle, the instructor naturally agreed, and the students sitting around applauded again, looking forward to an equally wonderful battle.

Zhang Junxue raised her head, looked at Pei Ye and her eyes widened slightly. Then, with his wave, she walked onto the ring with her knife in hand without saying a word, and bowed first in a strict manner.

But the result of this battle was unexpected - Pei Ye was defeated by only the ninth move.

This result made many people's eyes widen, and everyone in the audience began to whisper.

The instructor was stunned for a while, then shook his head and smiled.

In fact, Pei Ye's defeat this time was also within his own expectations - when he had competed with Zhang Junxue before, the other party had steadily surpassed him. Although he was now in the realm of two lives, it was still the same sentence, two and four. There won't be much difference between these two numbers when faced with "sixteen".

Then why couldn't he overcome the gap in strength with his sword skills in front of Zhang Junxue just like he did against Xiao Qiu?

The reason is actually frustratingly simple - her knife is too big.

So wide, so long.

Xiao Qiu's sword is very simple, it is heavy and hard, but he is better than him in splitting moves. Faced with Sisheng whose strength lies in the sword, Pei Ye can overwhelm the opponent's strengths.

This is indeed the case. Pei Ye relies on his higher swordsmanship skills to contain and destroy the opponent's simple sword path, and is better than combat strategy, opportunity seizing and exquisite sword moves.

But when facing Zhang Junxue, the broad blade made it impossible for her to find any gaps, and her sword style was not only open and closed, but also flexibly flying without being cumbersome at all.

This makes it difficult for Pei Ye to block and hide when she attacks, and it is often like facing an iron wall when Pei Ye attacks away.

There is no way to find a chance to win.

So Zhang Junxue successfully won with strength.

Pei Ye put away his sword and retreated, and the two exchanged greetings.

The result of such three people winning each other is quite interesting, and there is something to think about. The coach simply used these battles as teaching materials and taught a lesson on "keys to victory" to the students who were still discussing in the audience.

In fact, the instructor rarely gave any guidance on weekdays, but this time he became more interested and talked for more than half an hour. The content of this section is extremely dense and rich, combined with the coach's rich fighting experience in the first half of his life. It cannot be said to be profound in simple terms, but it is solid.

Pei Ye listened carefully. This kind of fist-to-flesh fighting was an experience that Zhu and Ming could not provide him. Grandpa Yue did have this kind of experience, and it was definitely more valuable, but Pei Ye didn't have the chance to listen carefully.

In fact, the core point of this lesson is that "strength and weakness can only be known by fighting." Martial arts cultivation is just a card in your hand. How to play these cards often determines the outcome of the battle.

Therefore, the way to win is to know yourself and the enemy. As long as you have enough understanding and preparation, the weak will not be unable to defeat the strong.

Therefore, our gantry class is useful!


Amidst the cheers, the instructor finally took out three ginseng pills and gave one to each student. After that, the students dispersed and each found another person to fight with.

After the competition was over, the instructor re-wrote the list in order, with Pei Ye, Xiao Qiu, and Zhang Junxue tied for the first row, and hung the wooden board back on the bulletin wall on the side of the martial arts field.

And they promised a bonus in public - next time in the competition, whoever defeats the other two will get an additional ten taels of silver.

Pei Ye saw Zhang Junxue next to him suddenly raise his head, and at the same time reached out to touch a small bulge in front of his waist.

Pei Ye had noticed the protrusion of the woman's waist before, but now he took a closer look - wasn't this the small sealed cloth bag that the woman never left her hand when they met at the inn?

Now it was sewn awkwardly to the belt with crude thread.

Pei Ye looked away. At this time, the competition was over and it was already dark. Originally, there was still an hour of summary, but the coach had just talked for a long time. Pei Ye and the others had played a few more games before, and the time had been almost consumed. After everyone practiced briefly for two quarters of an hour, the class was dismissed.

The students went back to their dormitories, while Pei Ye said goodbye to a few of them, packed up his clothes and left the martial arts hall alone.

When I left the inn in the morning, the morning air was cool. When I stepped out of the martial arts hall in the evening, the summer heat had dissipated. I walked onto the street, and there was a cool breeze. The water vapor from Zhuyue Lake was scattered in the air. The night sky was cold, clear, and like a lake, with a few scattered grains. Stars soaked in it.

Pei Ye stretched his tired and smooth muscles.

There were very few people on the street. Pei Ye walked back to the inn and opened the door. The shopkeeper was lying in front of the desk with an oil lamp burning and writing something.

Pei Ye walked over and took a look. This time it was not the account book, but the book where he registered his information last night. The shopkeeper was moving the records one by one to a new book.

Pei Ye leaned over and said, "Shopkeeper, what are you busy with?"

"Copy the copy? No, you have to hand it in the next day."

"Where to pay?"

"I'll pay it to the state government, where else can I pay it?"

"Oh, this has to be paid all the time. I thought no one would come to investigate until something happened."

"That was indeed the case before." The shopkeeper dipped his hand in ink and lowered his head while copying. "It started to change three years ago. You have to hand it in every two months. But to be honest, it's reasonable. Zhou Yamen Keep a backup copy in case any case is published and it is destroyed or altered."

Pei Ye nodded: "That's true."

The shopkeeper raised his head and said, "What's the matter with you? The rent for tomorrow night hasn't been renewed yet."

"Continue." Pei Ye took out a small grain of silver and put it on the counter. Then he put his head on the counter and said curiously, "I just remembered something. Shopkeeper, you said last night that those who have the cultivator's certificate do not need to register. If they are the ones who committed the crime, Woolen cloth?"

"Registration is to prevent people from wandering around without any reason. Those who hold chivalrous certificates are all registered after being verified by Xianrentai. If you can't find anything serious, why commit a crime?"

"There are always culprits," Pei Ye said. "If these people go to other places to commit crimes, wouldn't they come and go without a trace?"


"What should we do?"

The shopkeeper sighed and pointed at his face, "Do you think I look like the Governor?"

".I thought you might know."

Pei Ye walked upstairs. As soon as he took a step, he suddenly stepped back, knocked on the counter, and watched the shopkeeper frown and raise his head.

"By the way, shopkeeper, I have two children."


Back in the room, after washing up, Pei Ye sat by the bed and took out the ginseng pill.

This is a yellow-brown pill. If the definition of Shandan is widened enough, it can even be included in it.

But no matter in terms of quality, purity, repeatability or energy, the alchemists will not admit that this rough thing has the slightest relationship with the "Wind Dew Pill" that the immortals they pursue.

"Yunxia rubs the white moon, and the sky glows with dew light." If this sentence describing Shan Dan were placed on the elixir in Pei Ye's hand, there would probably be only one word "rubbing" left.

But the pill that was kneaded did have some functions. Pei Ye swallowed it with water as the instructor said, and soon a wave of heat rose from his belly.

But the effect of the elixir will not be so immediate. It must melt in the stomach, gradually disperse in the flesh and blood, and then be refined by the body before being absorbed by the meridian tree.

This process may take one to three days.

Pei Ye touched his hot belly, then moved down to his pubic area and patted it.

The second child was born.

From a bud to a seedling.

Just as the divine seed vein tree in the belly that was pregnant with the dragon king at that time increased its efficiency in absorbing the profound energy of heaven and earth every time it grew, the endowment of the second life in the dantian at this time was also different from that in the first life.

At that time, the god's seed was a guest in his belly, and he could not understand how this mechanism worked. But now that Xinglu has grown into a part of his body, he can clearly perceive the reason for this simultaneous increase in efficiency.

It's very simple, because Xinglu's absorption of profound energy is based on "branch".

Cultivation based on the meridian tree system requires two branches to grow in the first life, four branches in the second life, and eight branches in the third life.

Therefore, for normal warriors, the progress becomes slower the further they go, because although the body's efficiency in providing "nutrients" slowly increases with cultivation, the "shortage" of the meridian tree is constantly doubling.

The growth rates of both parties are completely disproportionate.

For those who can cultivate themselves, this situation is greatly alleviated.

In one life, there are two branches that need to grow. While they are asking for help from the body, each branch will absorb the profound energy of heaven and earth. In the second life, there are four branches that need to grow. Similarly, they are still Each one will absorb the profound energy of heaven and earth by itself.

Of course, the speed of cultivation will still slow down as the level increases.

Because in the realm of life, when Xun Lu has reached 10% of the progress of using Xuan Qi to cultivate on his own, Pei Ye may have completed the remaining 90% for these two branches.

With two-way efforts, promotion will come easily.

But when he reached his seventh life, Xun Lu could still use the same time to achieve the same progress, but what he had to wait for Pei Ye to complete was one hundred and twenty-eight branches.

By then, it may be necessary for Pei Ye to wait until Xun Lu has reached 90% in cultivation before Pei Ye can make up for the remaining 10% by relying on his own cultivation, swallowing pills, eating Qi, and other means.

By that time, perhaps Pei Ye's own training no longer has much meaning - leave it all to Xun Lu himself. He might as well use this time to learn more swordsmanship.

But that was a long time later. At present, when there are only a handful of meridian branches, it is not the efficiency of Xing Lu in absorbing profound energy that determines his cultivation speed.

Not even his own workout intensity.

What really determines his current improvement in cultivation is actually the absorption of the dragon's blood from the Heart-Zhancing Glazed Glass.

——This thing is really too fast!

It has only been seven or eight days since Pei Ye was born alive, and he has already reached the state of second life.

And this is entirely because the dragon's blood is too condensed, and all the time is spent on dismantling it. If it is opened and swallowed by oneself, one can jump to the next level within a few breaths.

Although this kind of beauty is unavailable today, there is a similar piece of good news.

After Xing Lu's second life, this strong meridian tree also became more powerful.

Pei Ye opened the sword box and released the Zhanxin Liuli. He put his hand on the sword, and a strong force suddenly reached his hand. Zhanxin Liuli trembled slightly, as if there was a slight "click", a blue crystal that was twice as big as before was peeled off from the inside of the sword body.

The absorption is more powerful.

Pei Ye carefully took it into pieces and turned it into energy that made her whole body comfortable.

You can take food pills or absorb profound energy, but only this kind of thing can give you comprehensive pleasure from body to spirit.

It’s truly a delicacy like no other in the world.

Pei Ye closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief, then raised his hand and changed its position.

At the same time, the good news for Liuli is that as the outer layer of dragon blood wears away, the structure of the entire dragon blood seems to be loosened. When Pei absorbs the liquid, he obviously feels a little more relaxed.

Pei Ye crossed her legs on the bed, put her hands on the glass, and was quiet for a while.

Having finished reading Cicada Sword, he didn't think of what else he could do on the way.

In fact, excluding yesterday's check-in, this was his first night in the city, and his life here was far from forming an inertia.

He remembered that there was an unopened copy of "Knowing Spirits" in the package, but he just passed it through his mind and had no interest in reading it for the time being.

He had been immersed in cultivation all day today and was already a little tired. After all, he was not a cultivation machine that could run forever.

So she simply stopped thinking about it, leaned back against the wall, closed her eyes and began to think about this fulfilling day.

Today he practiced "Cicada Sword" for the first time, and his progress was much faster than he expected.

In more than an hour, I learned the three styles of the Cicada Sword and consolidated the style of the Sparrow Sword.

The so-called treasure of the town hall is nothing more than this.

The corners of Pei Ye's mouth curled up slightly.

Then, in the naming competition when he first entered the martial arts hall, he defeated the top one - a four-life warrior who could be called a strong opponent. Later, Zhang Dingyun told himself that it was the best sword material in Zhengshou County in recent years.

The exquisiteness of Zhuojing's sword handling was most vividly demonstrated by himself in this battle.

I played really well in this game, and it was very beautiful to watch.

If it were held at a Mid-Autumn Festival martial arts competition, it would definitely be a thrilling performance for the entire audience.

What made him unprepared was that at the moment when he sheathed his sword, stepped back, and bowed in salute after the battle, a long-lost tremor suddenly climbed onto his skin.

At that moment, my waist was bent down, but my heart was lifted up high. What made me have to tighten my lips tightly was the unanimous and enduring applause from behind.

The Longmen Class of Changdao Martial Arts School can be regarded as a collection of talents from the entire Bowang Prefecture, right?

As for Bowang Prefecture as a whole, who comes out on top?

Who would have thought that an unknown person from a remote mountain would take first place?

Suddenly something was gushing out of his heart. Pei Ye opened a pair of bright eyes, straightened up from the wall, and opened his mouth slightly with a smile.

He looked around the room and closed his mouth again.

The cabin was dark, with only one oil lamp crackling, and the night was as silent as a shadow.

His mood slowly dropped, and Pei Ye leaned back against the wall again. This time he did not close his eyes, but looked out the window quietly. Under the window lattice, a small black cat squatted there with its eyes closed, bathing in the moonlight. magnificent.

Pei Ye already knew that it was very uncomfortable to swallow sorrow alone, but now for the first time, he discovered that it was not a good feeling to store happiness alone.

Thanks to the leader of Qilixiang Live for the reward! Thank you boss for your support! I was so anxious to update yesterday that I forgot to thank you.

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