Under the candle shadow, a person and a cat sit together.

"I can defeat you easily, but to be honest, the upper limit of what you can explode is higher than mine." Black Cat said, "It's difficult for me to defeat Liu Sheng, but you can. Because both Chi Fire and strength can be enhanced The true energy can resist it, but Feiyan and Quail Head on a snowy night can’t."

Pei Ye nodded slowly and suddenly asked curiously: "You don't have a meridian tree. The profound energy you absorb only supports the growth of your body. Growing your body is how you become stronger, right?"


"Then how do you evaluate the progress of physical growth? Is it all based on feeling?"


"Ah?" Pei Ye lifted it up by his neck - a little more than half a catty.

"It's not this." Black Cat hung in the air and looked at him, "It's the weight after regaining its true form."

".Can you still regain your true form now?"


"Ah?!" Pei Ye's eyes widened. He always thought that it would not be able to return to its beautiful chi body form for the time being. "Is it still possible?!"


"Quick! Recover quickly and let me take a look."

"No, it consumes a lot of profound energy."

"Just once, take a look."


The black cat glanced at him, and in a pair of glass-like blue eyes, the pupils suddenly stretched up and down.

The head grows forward like melting, and every detail of the body is undergoing dazzling and bizarre changes.

The soft hair slowly gathered together, and the gaps between them smoothed out silently, seeming to become a kind of moist black leather. At the same time, another crescent-shaped gap appeared on this piece of black leather, gradually becoming clear and distinct.

Along these gaps, countless half-moon shapes stand out from the black leather.

Soon the texture of these black crescents changed from soft leather to tough jade, becoming hard, cold and smooth.


At the same time, the body is growing, the bones are changing, and the handsome claws have already poked out.

Within two or three breaths, an otherworldly creature transformed in front of Pei Ye. It had a handsome head and slender beard, a graceful figure, and could fly without the wind.

Pei Ye looked at it with bright eyes.

No matter how many times he sees it, Pei Ye will always marvel at the beauty of this strange and unworldly gem. It is the only life form that is transcendent and human. It seems that everything is covered with yellow dust and only it is a piece of bright light. Jade.

However, only the arms are long.

Pei Ye slowly stretched out his hand to hold it under the body, and Hei Chi lowered himself down and coiled himself up, giving all the weight to him.

Pei Ye weighed it - it weighed about twenty kilograms.

"Will you become stronger in your current state?"

"No, the cat body is enough to exert all the power now." Hei Chi said, "It won't work after the real body exceeds 200 kilograms. The excess part can only exert its power if it turns into the real body."

"Two hundred pounds"

Pei Ye suddenly thought of a puzzling question: "Wait a minute, I didn't see you swallowing anything just now. Is this true body usually hidden in your body?"


"What kind of hiding method is that? The extra bones and flesh are compressed?"

"So be it."

"Then the weight shouldn't have changed?" Pei Ye frowned, and suddenly he thought of a terrible possibility along this line of thinking, "Kitten! How small can you compress this? You can hold twenty kilograms now. , but when you weigh two hundred or two thousand catties, you won’t become—”

Pei Ye stretched out his arms: "Isn't such a big and fat cat?"

"It's not this kind of compression." Hei Chi's form slowly faded away, and a small black dumpling reappeared in Pei Ye's palm. Then it stood up and stretched its legs and feet, "The missing part of the body is in a state of profound energy and In the special state of flesh and blood transforming into each other, they exist in the body but have no weight.”

"Oh!" Pei Ye seemed to understand, "It's amazing."

"Do you have any other questions?"

"Well, how is your practice speed?"

"Ten days ago, my true body weighed only as much as this cat."

Pei Ye raised his head and thought for a moment: "That's almost two pounds a day."

"Well, it could have been faster, but I have to feed you blood."

“How fast is faster?”

"About four pounds a day."

Pei Ye suddenly looked at it and sighed: "What a pity."

"What's a pity?"

"It's a pity that I didn't know you could turn back into your true form at that time, otherwise I would have seen you in such a long form." Pei Ye made a small comparison with his hands, imagining the scene, and smiled while stroking the black cat's little ears left and right. Face.

The black cat looked at him coolly.

"It's okay." Pei Ye stopped when he saw that he was ready, pulled up the quilt and lay down on the bed, "Go to sleep. Kitten, turn off the lights."

The black cat walked over and swallowed the flame from the oil lamp.


When Pei Ye woke up the next day, she felt the moist coolness in the air when she opened her eyes.

Turning over and pushing open the window, silky drizzle was falling in the dark sky.

Pei Ye took a deep breath of the cool air, stretched out, and began to wash up and eat. After everything was packed up, he still left the kitten at the inn and walked towards the martial arts hall with his sword on his back.

Still entering from the side door, I arrived half an hour early today, and the museum was still quite quiet. However, when passing through the west courtyard, I heard the faint sound of swords inside again.

As Pei Ye listened, he suddenly remembered something and paused slightly.

——Is this the scene when Miss Ye Ming listens to her sword practice through the wall?

So Pei Ye stopped and stood curiously, frowning and tilting his head. The sound of the sword penetrated his ears, like drizzle or strong wind. It sounded like, like... he didn't know what it sounded like.

Can't hear anything at all.

How could anyone tell what kind of sword technique they were using from such a voice? Pei Ye couldn't even be sure whether the person inside was using a sword.

He walked forward and arrived at the martial arts field, which was empty and silent.

Just when he thought he was the first one, after stepping through the door, there was a heavy and violent gasp from the right.

Pei Ye turned around and saw that in the cool breeze and drizzle, the woman was like a piece of hot iron. White smoke evaporated from her body, forming ethereal lines that slowly dissipated in the air.

Like a human censer.

The entire martial arts field was empty, but she picked a corner that was least noticed. After a round of movements, Zhang Junxue slowly lowered the two stone locks, and the sound of her lungs bulging was like a bellows.

He nodded slightly towards Pei Ye who came in.

"So early." Pei Ye frowned slightly.

Zhang Junxue said a dull "hmm", picked up the knife again, and began to practice the "Waist-cutting Knife".

To be honest, this woman has a unique aura when using this sword. The majestic power of the sword and the joyful exertion of force are not only invincible in actual combat, but also very beautiful in appearance.

But because of his own understanding of the "martial arts rules", Pei Ye did not shy away from others and did not stare directly at their sword skills.

Pei Ye walked aside, took off his clothes and moved around a bit, and then pulled out his sword from the sheath.

The raindrops fell on the sword and condensed into tiny beads. Pei Ye shook his wrist and stood still holding the sword.

The next move of the cicada is [Spreading Wings].

This move is considered a small threshold. Judging from the inner principles of this swordsmanship, the cicada has shed its shell and taken off wings to fly, so it is naturally different; from the perspective of the style of sword moves, there have also been major changes, from probing, entangled, and deceitful to becoming dignified. He is light and agile, and his temperament is elegant and handsome.

This is a sword of preparation, or a sword of preparation.

It is not an attack, but retreat and avoidance. The posture of the sword and the flow of power in the body are all preparations for the next move.

Because of this, the difficulty of this move has gone up several levels.

Attacking is the most common action in battle, but how to retract and avoid skillfully to prevent "retreat" from turning into "rout" is a great test for sword wielders.

When Pei Ye was reading a book to dismantle this move, he didn't just focus on this article, but combined it with the next sword [Qing Ming] to understand it.

At this time, you are practicing formally, and always keep the next move in your mind as a comparison.

This is another advantage of "understanding the sword scriptures first, and then practicing". If he has not understood the next sword, practicing this sword will be half the result with half the effort.

There are only two main points of this move. One is to build momentum yourself, which is the purpose of this move. If the momentum is not accumulated well, this move will be in vain; the second is to respond in front of the enemy, which is to ensure that this move The move can be used safely without losing more than the gain.

The sword book lists several ideas for use, but if you want to use it freely in battle, you cannot just follow the instructions. You still need your own level, experience, vision, and even courage.

If this move is really used under the eyes of the enemy, even if you lose some opportunities, you will definitely get double the feedback from the next move.

This move was indeed much more difficult. It took Pei Ye half an hour to get roughly familiar with the stance of this move, but there was still a long way to go before he could master it.

At this time, breakfast had been served again. After Pei Ye finished his meal, he started the training process for the day again.

First of all, it is still a morning class to stop eating. Yesterday, the lecture on "Baizhu Pavilion" was completed, and today a different master taught "Cuiyu Sword Sect".

More than 20 people brought futons over and sat down neatly. A middle-aged woman in her forties with a gentle temperament walked onto the field. She was wearing a blue military uniform, with a slender light sword hanging from her waist.

"Hello everyone."

When the woman smiled, she had a calm temperament and spoke in a gentle voice. In just a few words, she outlined the Cuiyu Sword Gate.

Cuiyu Sword Gate stands in Yilan Mountain and is named after the many beautiful kingfishers that live in the mountain. This sect is actually the oldest among the three Bowang sects. The established sect is 80 years earlier than Baizhu Pavilion and 130 years earlier than Qijiao Cave. Even if you include the predecessor, it would have been two hundred years earlier.

Cuiyu Sword Sect still inherits the profound kingfisher culture. Their swords are also like kingfishers, light, bright, like rain and wind. In terms of swordsmanship inheritance, Cuiyu Sword Sect actually has a deeper foundation than Qijiao Cave.

"The Cuiyu Sword Sect has fifteen quotas this year and has sent out fifteen disciples, all of whom are above three lives." The female master continued.

Fifteen. Pei Ye couldn't help but open his mouth slightly.

This is the advantage of the sect’s training method. Zheng Shou is a top-notch strong county. This year they have seventeen places, but only seven have entered the Longmen class. The rest naturally have not met the requirements of the "three lives" .

"According to the rules of the Cuiyu Sword Sect, disciples can practice the "Emerald Collection" after three lifetimes, and most of them stop at the "Blue Light" chapter. If you encounter a disciple of the Cuiyu Sword Sect in a martial arts competition, you will probably have to face This swordsmanship." The female master slowly drew her sword and said, "I will practice it for everyone first."

She stood and clasped her fists, performed a decent martial arts salute, then pulled her steps forward, and her body suddenly fell. At the same time, a thin sword light pierced out, pointing diagonally towards the sky.

Pei Ye's eyes lit up slightly and he straightened his body.

Then the leaning body drew a smooth circle in mid-air, as if there was an invisible thread hanging from the air to hang her.

As his body turned, the next sword was thrust out from his lower back.

This is really a unique swordsmanship, Pei Ye looked at it with bright eyes. The body moves so smoothly in the air, and I don't know how it exerts force on the inside, but on the outside, it does look like a bird that doesn't need to touch the ground.

In her body and sword, you can't see much dependence on the earth.

After the practice of such a set of swordsmanship, which was like a flying feather returning to the wind, the whole place fell silent.

Needless to say, anyone with some discerning eyes can see that this is not an imitation, but the original version of the so-called "Blue Light" chapter!

And this female master in green clothes probably came from the Cuiyu Sword Sect!

The female master glanced around the silent field, picked up the sword and put it back into the scabbard. She said with a gentle smile: "I see that some students' faces are pale, which is good. It means that this is your first time participating in the Longmen class. I also wish you the best." You don’t have to do it a second time.”

There was a burst of laughter on the field.

The female master didn't give in anymore, and pointed out the key point gently: "Eleven years have passed between the two days when I started and became a master, but the masters all said the same thing: Cuiyu's sword has everything that should be shown to others."

Pei Ye actually realized why some people turned pale at this time, but that didn't stop him from applauding first.

"I will demonstrate Cuiyu's swordsmanship for everyone every time. If anyone can really touch the fate of Cuiyu's disciples after watching it a few times, I will ask you to go to Yilan Mountain to learn swordsmanship."

Although the Cuiyu Sword Sect has become weaker every year in recent years, these words still show the confidence of a veteran sect in inheriting its swordsmanship.

In fact, this is indeed the case. This sword gives Pei Ye a very good feeling. It certainly has its strengths and weaknesses, but even its shortcomings are not "flaws", let alone "vital gate".

Even if you show it to him ten more times, he will only become more familiar with it. In the end, victory or defeat can only be found from the actual combat game between sword users.

"I also hope that everyone will not be too obsessed with victory or defeat. Making friends with martial arts is a pleasure in itself." The woman smiled, and then began to use the drill just now to explain to them the style and characteristics of Cuiyu Sword Sect disciples. If they need examples, she will Practice it again, you really don’t have any secrets.

After an hour passed, the "Biguang" chapter was almost finished. The female master said that it would be finished tomorrow and would briefly talk about the "Jade Shadow" chapter. On the third day, they started to practice.

Then he bid farewell with a courtesy and left.

The students also stood up from the futons.

Pei Ye only had time to listen to two morning classes explaining the sect in this way, and he felt that the styles were very different.

Yesterday when I was talking about Baizhu Pavilion, the old master was vague and careful. He only talked about style and response, but never mentioned any specific moves.

But today, the female master talked about Cuiyu Sword Sect very thoroughly, just barely revealing the movement of the true energy.

Just because you are confident that your swordsmanship is excellent, you know that even after you understand it clearly, you still have to play the game openly on the court.

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