Pei Ye walked out of the branch street where the martial arts gym was located, and was slightly surprised when he came to the street. I saw people standing under the eaves on both sides of the street, talking with arms folded, and looking up the street from time to time.

On the street, many children were jumping and playing.

Although it is a plain, Bowangzhou City actually has some slopes, roughly from south to north, gradually getting lower. The nine-story Zhuyue Tower we saw before is in the south, and the inn where Pei Ye lives is to the north. Walk.

Pei Ye followed the people's gazes and looked south for a few times, not understanding what they were waiting for. If he was in a relaxed and energetic mood, he would be more or less curious, but now after practicing for a day, his heart was still filled with the two styles of Cicada Sword, and he had no intention of paying attention, so he took to the street and headed north.

However, after walking a few steps, he heard the "da da" sound of horses coming from behind. Pei Ye turned around, and the children were running to get out of the way. In the middle of the street, he saw a knight in green clothes holding a big blue ball. Flag, shouting to run over.

"Wash the streets at three o'clock in the morning, keep out of the way of people and animals, and keep the water canals open! Wash the streets at three o'clock in the morning, keep out of the way of people and animals, and keep the canals open!"

It roared past Pei Ye and continued running towards Beicheng.

It was already two seconds when Pei Ye came out of the martial arts hall. Seeing the formation at this time, he simply stopped and found an empty seat under the eaves to stand.

After a while, the sound of hooves came again. This time it was a knight in black clothes holding a black flag. He galloped faster and his voice was louder. It was obvious that he was full of energy.

"The time of Xu has arrived! People and animals should keep out of the way, and the water channels should be open! The time of Xu has arrived! People and animals should keep out of the way, and the water channels should be open!"

"The water envoy is here." The people talking next to Pei Ye stopped talking and looked towards the street together.

Pei Ye followed their gazes and saw a strange scene - just behind the black rider, the street seemed to be covered with a transparent layer, and the street in the distance was already somewhat sparkling and distorted.


Rushing down the street from south to north, the children rushed onto the street impatiently, and the adults laughed and did not stop them.

It had been raining for a day, and it was not far from the water discharge point, so even though the first wave washed down, the water was still very clear. The children welcomed them with open arms. A few of the younger ones were knocked to the ground first, and the older children laughed and pulled them up.

It was truly exciting, as the streets we usually travel through turned into shallow rivers. Pei Ye tipped her feet, actually a little bit ready to move, but the tallest child on the street could only reach his chest, and there were strangers around him.

When the water passed in front of him, Pei Ye realized that he had underestimated its momentum. Although it looked very slow from a distance, it almost made a surging sound when he got closer.

The depth is actually no more than half a calf, but it cannot cover the width of the street, so the amount of water is quite impressive.

No wonder it's called "street washing". Once you wash it down, all the dust and debris are indeed cleaned away.

The street surface is convex in the middle and low on both sides. The torrent rushes through the street, and the water on the east and west sides pours into the deep and wide channels on the street, stirring up waves.

When Pei Ye entered the city on his first day, he found that the canal was larger than Fenghuai, and he doubted whether it was too big. But at that time, he thought it was the normal "generousness" of the city. Only today did he find out that it had this function.

No wonder the streets in Zhoucheng are so clean.

Every day he spent in Zhoucheng gained new insights, he sighed and continued heading north along the passage under the eaves.

When we returned to the inn, the street had been washed out twice, and the third wave was already in sight. But no one was watching on the street here. There were only a few children waiting under the eaves, with no intention of going down.

Soon the third wave of water rushed over, and Pei Ye took one look at the black and yellow color and understood - these children had to wait until at least the fifth wave.

In fact, if you wanted to play, you should go to the street and wait before the first wave, but it was already dark when the street washing started, so naturally my mother and father refused to let them go.

Pei Ye turned around and walked into the inn. The shopkeeper was not in front of the counter this time. Instead, he and the waiter were moving large and small sundries in the lobby. The work was almost finished, and both of them were gasping for breath from exhaustion. , and the waiter has to endure one more scolding from the shopkeeper.

After last night, the shopkeeper was particularly unhappy with him.

Pei Ye went over to lend a hand and help finish the work: "Where do all these things come from?"

"Where did it come from? It's in the ditch in front of the door." The shopkeeper supported his waist and moved to the counter. "When it rained today, I guessed that the street would be washed again, so I quickly packed the things out of the ditch. Sure enough, as expected!"

Pei Ye suddenly realized that such a deep and wide space was usually empty, and people along the street would definitely pile things into it.

This phenomenon does not exist in Fenghuai because the Fenghuai canal does not occupy such a large area.

"By the way, little brother, I didn't have time to send those two letters of yours. I was too busy today. I will send them to you tomorrow." The shopkeeper gasped, "I really didn't have time to go out. Look, my name is Didn’t pay either—fuck!”

The shopkeeper reached for the copying registration book with his arm, wanting to show it to Pei Ye, but his arm, which had been working hard all day, was feeling heavy and weak, so he took down a small bowl of ink that had just been grinded next to it, and immediately poured it out. On the cover of the booklet.

The shopkeeper immediately grabbed a pile of waste paper and wiped it, turned to the waiter who was standing aside and shouted angrily: "Get a rag!"

After some rescuing, the shopkeeper opened the first two pages and breathed a sigh of relief - only the first few pages were wet. Just copy these pages and replace them.

"It rained all night," the shopkeeper muttered, and looked up at Pei Ye, who was still standing in front of the counter. "What's wrong? Are there any problems today?"

"Yes, shopkeeper. Do you know what grudge Zheng Shou and Xu Gu had during the Golden Autumn Martial Arts Competition?" Pei Ye said, "I don't think the people from these two counties can deal with each other very well."

The shopkeeper was stunned for a moment: "I don't like to pay attention to martial arts like you, but..."

He thought about it for a moment: "Don't Zheng Shou and Xu Gu have a bad relationship? Why do I remember the class last winter and they said they were from the same family?"


"Yes! I remember correctly." The shopkeeper slapped his thigh, "Last winter in Xu Gu, all those who had passed Sansheng attended the Longmen class. Do you think it was Zheng Shou's money? There was a girl in Xu Gu that year. It’s very impressive. I’m going to win the first prize. In previous years, the first prize was given to Jian Xiu, and there was even a set of swords in that competition.”

"Then did she win the first prize in the end?"

"No, I remember the leader is a man."

"Oh." Pei Ye nodded, thanked the shopkeeper, and went upstairs.

Back in the room, Pei Ye took out the Cicada Sword while absorbing the dragon's blood as usual to practice, and read the question again.

The feeling of the last two moves of Quebu was indeed not as good as Qingming's, but he still had to practice it to find out - before [Qingming] took action, he never thought that its power would be so outstanding.

A night of silence.

When Pei Ye woke up the next day, the rain stopped.

He walked onto the streets that were a few levels clearer and came to the martial arts gym as usual. Today is earlier than yesterday, but there is already the sound of swords in the west courtyard, and in the corner of the martial arts field, Zhang Junxue is already leaning against the wall to catch her breath.

Pei Ye couldn't help but sigh. Every time he talked to Zhang Dingyun, he always doubted whether he really worked too hard, but as soon as he entered the martial arts gym in the morning, he immediately felt his laziness again.

Pulling out the sword, he was still working hard on the Qing Ming style. After half an hour, he became more proficient in drawing the sword, but Pei Ye thought that it was still difficult to perform in a high-pressure actual combat.

After breakfast, morning classes begin.

More than 20 people were sitting there one after another, and it was no different from the past. Only the windows of the three-story building directly opposite the partition wall were all opened, and the square black holes were arranged neatly. It must be that it was wet from the rain yesterday and needed ventilation today.

"That's it for 'Biguang'." The female master of the rapier in green clothes finished what she said yesterday.

"Then let's briefly talk about 'Jade Shadow'." The female master looked at the more than 20 pairs of eyes in the audience and smiled, "But there isn't much to show for this, because I haven't learned it either."

"Biguang" is the name of one kind of kingfisher, and "Yuying" is the name of another kind of kingfisher.

This kingfisher is larger and slender, has sharper claws and beak, and has more powerful wings. It not only eats insect seeds, but can even prey on fish and frogs.

Therefore, "Jade Shadow" is not as light and graceful as "Blue Light". It is beautiful and dangerous, and is a more handsome and unrestrained swordsmanship.

"Among the candidates for this martial arts competition in this generation, only Li Minqing, the second direct descendant of Shanmen, can use this sword." The female master smiled and said, "So you don't have to pay too much attention to it, because if you are really unfortunate enough to meet her, do you understand?" It won’t make any difference if you understand this sword.”

The female master pondered for a moment, then drew out her sword and said, "Although I haven't learned the true meaning, I am quite good at sword moves, so I'd like to show it to everyone - who wants to go on stage and give it a try?"

Just as Pei Ye was about to move, Xiao Qiu got up and clasped his fists first.

"Okay, let's invite Young Master Xiao to come first." The female master Jingli said with a smile.

After the ceremony, Xiao Qiu drew his sword and stepped forward.

In the game of sword moves, both of them did not use their true energy. Xiao Qiu still kept his signature simplicity and emphasis. The long sword suddenly came out, like a dragon coming out of its cave. The female master's sleeves were like blue clouds, forming a wonderful hemisphere, and the spirit sword flicked out. He flashed it out from under his sleeve and was already above Xiao Qiu's throat.

It is indeed a beautiful and dangerous sword.

Xiao Qiu was stunned for a moment and slowly took back the sword in his hand.

Don't say that pursuing simplicity and speed can defeat all kinds of magic. You can understand the truth. How could the swordsmen of the past and present not understand the truth? There is no doubt that the swordsmanship they designed with great care must be better than your stabs and swings. .

As for the simplicity after returning to nature, that is another level of realm.

Xiao Qiu clenched his fists in admiration, but in fact this was not his personal failure, but the common helplessness of everyone present - the most sublime martial arts were only in the hands of the sect and the court.

"If I had a real fight with Xiao Shaoxia, I might not be able to win." The female master smiled and said, "Everyone saw that the sword just struck was the first move of the 'Jade Shadow' chapter. Students who are accomplished in swords should You can clearly feel the difference between it and yesterday's 'Biguang'."

Pei Ye nodded in agreement, but suddenly heard a voice from behind saying: "This is not the right move."

These words were actually quite presumptuous, as if they were the opening words of a kick-off, but the words were very gentle, harmonious and calm, and they did not feel offensive at all.

Pei Ye turned his head, and a girl in green clothes with bright eyes, white teeth, and black hair stood behind the crowd with a smile. She has a very good-looking face and a very spiritual appearance. There is also a small piece of strange cyan eye makeup painted on the corner of her left eye. It extends along the corner of her eye, like a bird's wing.

At this time, after the autumn morning rain, the air is as cold as fresh air, and the girl's temperament is consistent with this air.

The female master looked at her, tilted her head and smiled gently: "Then please ask junior sister for advice."

The girl walked up to the stage from the right. When she started, Pei Ye realized that she had been holding a sword behind her. Pei Ye was sitting on the outermost side. The sword passed by him. It had a green sheath and a copper hoop, covered with iron and finely carved in the shape of a bird. The workmanship was exquisite and solid.

The most eye-catching thing is the few blue feathers inserted in the swallowing mouth. They are just floating in the air, and the purple and green are deep, keeping Pei Ye's eyes all the way to the stage.

The two women, one large and one small, stood still. The young girl pointed her sword at an angle and said, "Sister, please go first."

With such a fast sword, the latter was naturally at a disadvantage, but the female master did not give in. Her figure suddenly floated, her green sleeves puffed up, and she still performed the same posture as before.

The girl stood still, and the opponent's sword reached her body in the blink of an eye. She had already raised the sword when the opponent drew out the sword, and then she made a slash, as if the opponent had sent the sword under her sword.

The female master's sword clattered to the ground.

"Look." The girl tilted her head and smiled gently at Xiao Qiu, "You can defeat him with ordinary swings and stabs."

Xiao Qiu stared at her blankly, speechless, and suddenly lowered his head.

"Let me show you the 'Jade Shadow'." The girl held a sword in her arms and smiled softly, "Anyone who wants to come up and try it out can do it."

The crowd turned from commotion to silence.

This swordsmanship gave Pei Ye some subtle feelings. Just as he was about to raise his hand, a figure in front of him suddenly obscured him - Zhang Junxue actually stood up.

The woman who had always been dull suddenly took the initiative at this time, which was beyond Pei Ye's expectation. He sat back and watched the battle.

"I think, plus the real energy." Zhang Junxue stood on the stage and said suddenly.

The girl nodded: "Okay, what state are you in?"

"Four lives."

"Okay." The girl shook her sword, "Come on."

Zhang Junxue managed a total of thirty-three moves.

Her sword skills have changed a lot from when they first met in the inn. She still used the same method of withdrawing her strength when facing Pei Ye, putting her own strength below the girl, and then used her sword skills to face Pei Ye these days. The experience of fighting with girls.

When she finally lost and stepped off the stage, the girl's face showed surprise, confusion and admiration, but Zhang Junxue had an expression on Zhang Junxue's face that Pei Ye had never seen before - relief and satisfaction.

Pei Ye was about to stand up with her calves, thinking that she would not fall behind others this time, but she heard the female master gently clapped her hands on the stage and said: "Let's stop here for today's morning class. Thank you to Junior Sister Li Yiqing for her enthusiasm. ."


The girl sheathed her sword and bowed to everyone in the audience.

Suddenly someone shouted angrily: "I will always support Cuiyu Sword Sect! Miss Li won the championship this year!"

Pei Ye was almost startled. He turned around with a smile, but saw some people were surprised, some agreed, some paled, and some disapproved.

But there was not a single voice of agreement.

Li Mingqing did not laugh this time. Her voice was still gentle, but more calm, and she suddenly gained strength: "Okay, Cuiyu Sword Sect will always be there."

The girl stepped off the stage with her sword in hand. When passing by the students, she gently pulled out a feather on the sword grid and handed it to the person who called out.

Pei Ye met Xiao Qiu in front of him and held the hilt of the sword a few times and raised his breath several times, but until the girl left, he didn't make a sound and hung his head in annoyance.

I got up early to send my sister off to school, and finished coding in a hurry in her school cafeteria. I’ll revise it later.

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