Zheng Dong did not get the answer from the direction he expected. Looking back, this time he met Xiao Qiu's gaze, and the meaning was very clear and firm - you are from Zheng Shou.

Zheng Dong lowered his head, murmured twice, and finally opened his mouth. His voice was hoarse and trembling: "Master Shang, I can't help it. I'm uttering arrogant words."

"Slap yourself." Xiao Qiu said calmly.

"Hey! No need." Shang Huaitong smiled and waved his hand, "It's just a small matter."

"Palm!" Xiao Qiu shouted.

Zheng Dong looked at the second brother with red eyes, lowered his head and said, "Pah! Pah!" twice, and his face suddenly swelled with bloodshot eyes.

"Master Shang?" Xiao Qiu looked at the man.

Shang Huaitong smiled: "I already said it's okay, why bother with a child."

He shook his head, turned around, picked up the cloak from the pavilion, walked through several people without looking back, and walked towards the door.

It turned out that he had no intention of participating in this alchemy singing session.

This is the first time that Pei Ye has seen the "first choice" in a real sense. Without talking about his own position, there is nothing objectionable about this true successor of Qijiao. On the contrary, he can be said to have a well-founded approach. Personable.

Pei Ye remembered that when Li Mingqing talked about Bai Yuliang two days ago, he talked about this senior brother's behavior when faced with provocation - at that time, he only glanced at the man, then threw the scabbard at the man's face, and he flew away. After going out for more than ten feet, half of the teeth were broken and flew away.

In contrast, Shang Huaitong's treatment of Zheng Dong can be called patient.

Pei Ye watched the man walk towards the door, but his eyes were attracted by Zhang Junxue, who was still standing at the door. She was broad and alone. Pei Ye's clothes had just been washed, but the woman had a dirty look that was not gray or white after several days of exercise. Her whole body was like an ostrich with wet gray feathers.

She lowered her head and took a step in, but seemed to find that there was too much mud on her shoes, so she went back and rubbed her feet crookedly.

At this moment, Shang Huaitong passed by her like a golden eagle.

He has jade boots and mysterious clothes, cloud hair and sword temples, and he seems to never lower his head when walking, so it gives people the feeling that as long as the road he is going to take, it will be smooth.

When he was about to go out, he unfolded the black cloak and draped it over his body, like wings that were spread out and then folded. The black velvet curls glowed with silver, like a night sky studded with stars.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them had passed each other. Zhang Junxue straightened up silently. Her shoes were finally a little cleaner. She lowered her head and walked into the venue. The rain was still falling from her forehead.


As Zhang Junxue came in and Shang Huaitong went out, it seemed as if a switch was turned on, and people began to file in.

Groups of orioles, falcons, magpies, swallows, young ladies, martial arts scholars, all walked into Taichung talking and laughing. Then gradually some majestic middle-aged people began to appear. Zhang Mozhu flashed past the crowd. He and a tall figure walked in side by side. Pei Ye only saw their backs, and a sense of familiarity passed away.

On this side, Zheng Dong still lowered his head stiffly. Xiao Qiu gave him a tug, and the two of them went to the empty seat at the back.

"Zheng Dong, please sit here with me." Li Mingqing said softly.

Zheng Dong raised his head, his eyes were red: "Miss Li... I'm sorry."

Li Mingqing frowned and shook his head: "What are you sorry for? It's me who can't help you."

Zheng Dong bit his lip, and Xiao Qiu next to him gently cupped his fist: "Miss Li, let him follow me."

"...That's fine." Li Mingqing looked at Zheng Dong, "Then you go back to Zheng Shou as soon as possible, and from now on... don't talk about Cuiyu Sword Sect."


"Sorry." Li Mingqing pursed her lips into a straight line.


"I'll send him back tomorrow, don't worry, Miss Li." Xiao Qiu clasped his fists, and the two left.

Li Mingqing watched their figures disappear, and sat down in the small pavilion. She turned her head and stared blankly at the vast Zhuyue Lake outside the stage. Pei Ye followed her gaze, and the rain stirred up a layer of rain on the lake. chiffon.

The girl's depression was obvious.

"...I remember you said before that you are not very familiar with Zheng Dong." Pei Ye sat down next to her and said.

"Yes, I haven't seen him a few times. He is so arrogant and follows his senior brother." Li Mingqing said.

"Then why are you so unhappy?" Pei Ye smiled and poked her shoulder, "It's as if Zheng Dong is Cuiyu's disciple."

"Cuiyu had already sent him an admission letter, but he didn't want to get in. He felt more comfortable this way."

"." Pei Ye was startled.

In everything that just happened, he actually couldn't integrate into their feelings of sharing the same hatred and the same enemy. His distaste for Qijiao Cave only came from the stories told by the Huxin Gang and the girl. In the scene just now, if the young man had to tell the truth, Zheng Dong was a more disgusting figure than Shang Huaitong.

Most of the people in the venue must have felt the same way.

If the characters of Zheng Dong and Shang Huaitong were reversed, the boy's likes and dislikes might be better sorted out.

But Li Mingqing did not continue this topic. She whispered: "Don't you think what I just said was a little too little?"


"Cuiyu Li Mingqing and Qijiao Shang Huaitong should be names that are tied together, but do you think... the two people just now seemed to be on the same level?"

Pei Ye didn't speak.

Of course not.

Shang Huaitong advanced and retreated with ease, neither losing his grace nor damaging the majesty of Qijiao. He was able to resolve this sudden offense in full view of everyone while talking and laughing.

Such a person will not damage Bowangzhou's face if he gets to Shenjing or to the Sword Xiuyuan.

"Because I don't know what to say at all." The girl continued, looking at the lake. "I also thought of the right words, but I didn't dare to say them. Because when I spoke, it meant that I took over this situation, and I was afraid that I didn't have control. If the abilities you develop later are not good enough, Cuiyu will lose face."

"I can only watch Zheng Dong being bullied by him."

But isn’t this your own fault?

The young man listened quietly, and this thought flashed through his mind.

He actually didn't know where Zheng Dong's hatred for Shang Huaitong came from, nor why Li Mingqing naturally stood in the same camp as Zheng Dong.

But the girl's weakness and loss at this moment was so real that she could almost touch it.

She has studied for a long time and worked hard to become a reliable backbone. Everyone can see that the sun is setting on Cuiyu Jianmen, but when she stands under this sunset, she must act extremely firm and unwavering to make people believe that she can really pull this big wave with her thin shoulders. Take it up again.

The girl has also been burying this belief in herself, and her self-talk every morning and evening is sometimes close to deception.

She has truly firmly believed that she can revive Cuiyu.

But an unexpected meeting today put the naked reality in front of her: regardless of anyone's will, Qijiao Cave is far stronger than Cuiyu Jianmen, while Li Mingqing is so immature in front of Shang Huaitong. ridiculous.

"Of course I don't have the ability to bear it, but what makes me even more depressed is that I don't even have the courage to bear it." Li Mingqing hugged her knees, really like a kingfisher that had not left the nest.

"You are only seventeen years old." Pei Ye tried her best to speak warmly, "You are still seven years away from twenty-four."

"Cuiyu Sword Sect doesn't know how many more seven years there are." Li Mingqing still looked at the lake outside the stage, "We embezzled silver from three places to raise the cost of this trip to Zhoucheng for comparison; The recruitment of new disciples this year has been more than half done, and we have lowered the standards again, but we still recruited five fewer people than last year... In every visible and invisible place, Cuiyu Sword Sect is rapidly weakening."

Yes, Cuiyu Sword Sect was gradually eroded and weakened. There is no conspiracy that can be accomplished overnight, and there is no shady trick, so there is no chance of reversal in one fell swoop.

If you want to turn defeat into victory, you can only overcome it step by step.

But it is so difficult to take the first step.

An opportunity that is close at hand is the Golden Autumn Martial Arts Competition, but the girl is indeed unable to seize it. Even if she has learned the yellow jade, there is still a gap that is difficult to cross between the five and six lives.

For Cuiyu, the Golden Autumn Martial Arts Competition is not so much an opportunity as it is another heavy reminder. Because the leader is almost in Shang Huaitong's bag, and if Li Minqing happens to lose to Shang Huaitong in the semi-finals, the consequences will be even more disastrous.

"Pei Ye." The girl called the boy by his name for the first time. She turned her head and her eyes were wet. "I rarely think about it, but what if, there is no chance of victory again?"

Her voice became hoarse, and the boy's confused and frowning expression prevented her from saying the next words.

She suddenly put down her knees, raised her hands to rub her face, and chuckled in a hoarse voice: "Sorry, I'm too weak."

Pei Ye looked at her, and chaotic thoughts flooded into his mind.

He could make some kind of promise to the girl - "If I say no, then Shang Huaitong won't be able to get the leader."

He had this impulse in his heart, but for a young man, making a promise is something that must be done with caution. He must be responsible for himself, for the symbiotic Black Chi, and for the hatred they both bear.

Many times, a hot head will only make things slide into a trajectory beyond one's control.

"We can't beat Wu Bi, what are you going to do?" Pei Ye looked at the girl with reddish eyes and asked in a low voice.

Can Cuiyu Sword Sect really not find even a tiny chance of victory?

The girl was silent for a moment, then suddenly gave him a smile.

Pei Ye was startled for a moment and followed the girl's gaze to the stage.

On the viewing platform, all the guests were already seated. In front of them, a middle-aged man dressed in brocade came up with a team of people dressed in blue—it turned out to be the boss of Ding Yun Company.

But Pei Ye's mind was not on Zhang Dingyun at this moment. He looked at the box covered with red silk that the men in green clothes brought up. The contents inside were self-explanatory.

Pei Ye's eyes were glued to it, and he suddenly held his breath.

Is it true that Li Minqing can never defeat Shang Huaitong?

Pei Ye glanced at the girl next to her.

She was depressed just now because of frustration and pressure, not because she was helpless.

Climb the pill.

This elixir means far more to Cuiyu Sword Sect than Pei Ye thought.

The girl has learned Huang Jade. If she can use this elixir to advance to the sixth life, then Shang Huaitong will immediately face a threatening opponent.

The outcome is yet to be determined.

"Hush." ​​Li Mingqing pointed at the young man who looked over blankly, and that lightness appeared on her again, "The singing has begun."

As these words fell, a crisp knock came from the stage.

The sound of silk and bamboo gradually began to surround the stage. And all around the entire high platform, a huge silk curtain hung from the top, creating a barrier between the cold wind and drizzle outside the building and the guests.

Taichung became quiet. The middle-aged man in Jinyi said hello to all the guests, and then immediately got to the point and started talking about this elixir.

This is the first time that the Dengjie Dan has been sold, and it is actually the first time it has been shown. Many people came here just to get to know it better.

Ding Yun Company, which hosted this singing event, also knew this clearly. For them, this singing event also meant more fame than profit.

Pei Ye followed the instructions from Ding Yun's boss on the stage and took out an exquisitely crafted booklet from the wooden box next to him. After flipping through it, the origin, ingredients, and uses of this elixir are detailed and comprehensively introduced.

Pei Ye flipped through two pages and handed it to Li Mingqing.

This introduction session took less than half an hour before entering the singing and selling session.

"Then, we will start selling. As usual, we have to quote a reserve price, but the reserve price of this thing is as if it is not available." The boss of Dingyun chuckled, and cupped his hands towards the audience, "Master Bai, Ling grandson is not the one who will be here this year." Do you want to go for the top eight? Why not ask you to quote a price."

"Shiwen." An old voice came from the audience.

There was laughter on the field.

"Okay! Just ten coins!" the boss of Ding Yun sang loudly. His ability to walk around in the streets was not lost at all when he was young. "Ten coins in Jiajiu Pavilion want to buy the ascending elixir - the competitor will come out quickly, and the three chants will determine the outcome."

There was no time to sing the second song, and the audience suddenly became excited.

"Twenty cents!"

"Thirty cents!"

"Fifty cents!"

"One or two!"

"Sun Sihu! Too much!" someone laughed.

"One tael and ten cents!"

The joking atmosphere lasted for half a quarter of an hour, until a voice sounded.

"Sixty taels."

The atmosphere on the field was calm for a moment, and most of the people were quiet. The real bottom price had just appeared.

But before the first singer opened his mouth, someone else took over.

"Sixty-three taels."

"Sixty-eight taels."

"Seventy taels!"

About eight or nine people spoke one after another.

Pei Ye turned around and glanced at Li Mingqing. The girl just sat quietly.

At this time, a young voice sounded: "One hundred taels from Baizhu Pavilion."

For the first time, the venue was completely quiet.

This time, after the first chant was completed, another thick voice followed: "One hundred and five taels."

By this time, it was quite close to the value of this elixir here and now, and the bidder began to think carefully. As usual, subsequent price increases will become slower and more likely to increase in one, two, or two.

But suddenly a dull female voice sounded from the corner: "One hundred and forty taels."

Pei Ye suddenly looked back, but it was not abrupt, because the sound of turning around could be heard from everywhere in the field.

This was a price that did not take into account the value of Dan itself, breaking the game that was supposed to last for another quarter of an hour. The bidder's determination was very clear - she wanted this elixir, regardless of the cost, and she would do her best.

"Ding Qi Pavilion, I want to buy one hundred and forty taels of silver to buy the Ascending Pill! Sing it three times and it will be determined!"

No one spoke.

"Ding Qi Pavilion, I want to buy one hundred and forty taels of silver to buy the Ascending Pill! Sing it three times and it will be determined!"

Still no one spoke.

This is indeed a price that is enough to end the bidding. Unless you urgently need this elixir to save your life, you can wait for next year's two batches of elixirs with normal prices.

"Ding Qige, one hundred and forty taels of silver——"

"One hundred and sixty taels." The girl next to Pei Ye sang the price.

She really needed this pill to save her life.

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