Pei Ye pulled out the long pole and Wu Zaigu collapsed to the ground.

He formed that mudra again and fell from the quail's head back to the real world. Fatigue from the depths of his spirit immediately surged up, and his head throbbed with pain.

He took out the black talisman with force and stuffed the blood into his throat. In just a moment, his abdomen seemed to be broken into pieces, and he was knocked to the ground with severe pain.

A strong tugging sensation came from the abdomen, as if a hand was grabbing the stomach, along with a large group of organs such as the liver, lungs, kidneys, and spleen, trying to pull them out from the throat. Pei Ye retched violently, spit out the black talisman on the ground, rubbed his chest and abdomen, and let out a "ha" sound.

The two-hour limit of Little Jiaoxin is for people with four or more meridians, and the flesh and blood body without the protection of true energy is like the fat on the mouth of a wolf in front of it.

If you take it forcefully, you will die immediately, if you don't take it, you will die slowly. When Pei Ye swallowed it, he was already mentally prepared.

He forced himself to get up and pulled away the black cloth covering the fire. The ghostly light filled the cellar again.

Pei Ye picked up the sword that fell on the ground and turned around to see that Wu Zaigu was still breathing.

Pei Ye walked up to him lightly and heavily. He stared at his bloody eyes, opened his mouth silently, and his limbs twitched slightly.

Pei Ye stared at the face that was spitting out blood for a while, then suddenly raised his leg and stomped it hard.

Without words or skills, he stamped on this face one after another silently, explosively, and with all his strength, like beating a dull old drum in a quiet cellar. It wasn't until it was bloody and completely unrecognizable that Pei Ye gasped and stopped, then stepped on it with his foot and raised his sword to saw off the head.

After he took a breath, he turned his head to face the sound behind him - on the other side of the room, the monster leaning against the wall had stood up.

The process of repairing its body once again demonstrated its intelligent instinct - although there were still fracture-like wounds on its body, its limbs could already move. In the broken arm, the bones and tendons were connected first, but the flesh did not grow at all. It was trying to maximize its ability to quickly restore its fighting ability.

But when it was really viewed as a formidable opponent, it showed instinctive intelligence - even though it was not yet safe to walk, it was already half-crawling, half-walking, trying to attack itself.

Pei Ye looked at this lizard-like monster intently. He already understood how all this happened, so he became more and more speechless.

"Dragon tongue..." Pei Ye lowered his head and looked at the sharp pole in his hand.

Then he raised his head and looked at the monster expressionlessly: "Is this the delicacy you cooked with people, Taiyi True Dragon Immortal Lord?"

The monster flew towards him and jumped across the small space. Pei Ye twisted to avoid it and drew his sword.

The sharp bronze rod pierced the ferocious body, and the monster froze suddenly, like a snowman melting under high temperatures. The hard scales and sharp bone spurs were all softening, turning into a viscous blue paste. , quickly climbed up the bronze pole, was sucked into the "dragon tongue", and stored in the gourd-shaped container at the end.

It was finally completely quiet in the cellar.

But the mutation occurred again.

Pei Ye didn't have time to react. The hand holding the pole was already covered by a blue light. The blood vessels in the entire forearm seemed to have been replaced by this energy, glowing with a blue light, as if full of blue cracks.

A feeling of coldness and strength appeared together in his forearm, as if through this link, he intuitively felt the desire of the "dragon tongue" in his hand.

For it, perhaps after inhaling the first unpalatable offering, the ceremony has officially begun, and it is eagerly seeking the second delicacy.

If it cannot be supplied, it may suffer the kind of "backlash" that the man in black robe suffered last night.

Pei Ye snorted lightly, a dying person, are you still afraid of any backlash?

He raised his hand to throw away the pole, but as soon as he raised his forearm, he was suddenly out of his control. The pole bit him in the abdomen like a greedy snake.

Pei Ye really couldn't imagine what was going on in his belly right now.

First, the old injury broke out due to the true energy, then the little dragon heart spread like a spider web, and now it was pierced and absorbed by a bronze rod less than two fingers thick.

Pei Ye gritted his teeth and raised the corners of his mouth. He was going to die anyway, but he still had to endure more torture.

But soon he realized something was wrong. Although the pain was so vivid and real, and there was a constant feeling of "loss" in his belly, this "loss" made him feel more relaxed, as if something was weighing on his life. The shadows are fading little by little.

He suddenly understood - the little dragon's heart, the dragon's tongue was devouring the little dragon's heart!

This magical artifact sent by the state government was also turned into a blue viscous paste, but it was much richer and even had a slight purple tint. The paste climbed up the dense carvings on the bronze rod and quickly filled the gourd at the top.

A satisfied thought came.

Pei Ye had a bad premonition in his heart, because he felt another vague impulse coming from the "dragon tongue" in his hand - it was about to perform the final step of the ceremony.

Before he could think further, twelve blue tentacles suddenly bloomed and bound his body.

With a "ding" sound, the bronze pole fell to the ground, losing all its light. The gourd at the top broke away from it, like a spider or octopus with twelve long legs. Under Pei Ye's cold eyes, it fell from Pei Ye's abdomen. The bloody hole drilled into it.

Immediately there was a burning heat in my belly, and I didn't know what was going to happen.

Pei Ye leaned over and lifted up the faceless head, gritted his teeth and stepped forward, opening the door and entering another cellar room. The six people who had left before all fainted on the ground, and the blue color on their foreheads was slowly fading.

Pei Ye walked through the cellar and came to the ground. The rain was still falling, and the wind carrying the rain blew against his body. Pei Ye took a deep breath of moist and cool air, but the burning heat in his belly did not subside at all.

Pei Ye stood on the spot and checked the direction, then staggered towards the distance.

His chest and abdomen seemed to be burning, but the pain caused by various injuries could no longer be felt. The hundreds of cold iron needles seemed to have been melted by the heat.

But the fatigue of the body and the throbbing pain in the head did not diminish. In the dark rainy night, Pei Ye, who was struggling to move with the ghost fire, seemed like a ghost.

Walking out of the woods and across the fields, we finally got closer, and the hazy shadows of buildings were revealed in the night ahead.

Pei Ye came to this familiar door. The animal head knocker was still quietly embedded on it. The scene last night seemed to reappear, but Pei Ye already knew that no one would answer the door this time.

He used his remaining strength to climb over the courtyard wall. There was no one in the courtyard, and there were two coffins in the open hall.

Pei Ye lowered his head and walked closer to them.

The wind is blowing and the rain is blowing, the white flags are fluttering, the wind passes through the hall, the ever-bright lights are swaying wildly, and the sobbing sound is like an elegy between heaven and earth.

A ghost figure slowly raised the head in front of the two undead and hit it heavily on the coffin lid.

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