The Lord who use immortals as food

Chapter 217 Golden Autumn

September 7th.

When the sun had just risen, the square was already bustling with people. The weather was cold now, but the place was very popular and it was quite comfortable.

However, these chaos and noises were firmly limited to a few feet away from the ring. The huge space in the middle of the square was separated by nearly a hundred patrol officers with swords, making it appear solemn and quiet.

Five huge arenas lay silently in the morning air, stirring up expectations in people's hearts through the constant glances.

Over the next four days only one hundred and twenty-eight men were able to board them.

Even though the whole city rejoices, this is by no means just an entertaining and grand performance. The "Golden Autumn Martial Arts Competition" is listed in the annals of the Ministry of War in Shenjing. It is a serious process of selecting martial arts talents in the Tang Dynasty, which determines the "win hope". The winner is qualified to participate in the highest martial arts test of the Tang Dynasty in the name of the Tang Dynasty. The winner will compete with thousands of heroes in the city at the center of the world, under the eyes of the saints.

Only one person can receive this honor.

At this time, the martial arts viewing platform around the square was gradually filled with people. The back was better, but the first three rows were reserved for relatives and friends of those who were participating in the competition. There was no space left at this time.

Master Huang and a group of children were sitting in the west. There was still some progress before the process started. Pei Ye was with him cross-legged.

The view from here is excellent, and the five arenas have an unobstructed view, with crossbars supporting the tops of each arena in all directions.

"That's for roll call." Pei Ye squandered the knowledge he heard from the girl, "At that time, someone will fly up with a big red cloth roll, with the opponent for each ring written on it."

Master Huang nodded: "We only have one round today, right?"

"Yes, but there are sixty-four games to watch." Pei Ye put his hands on his ankles.

Before Master Huang could speak, a child suddenly threw himself over from behind and shouted: "Brother Pei Ye! Why don't you start!"

Pei Ye caught him and said with a smile: "Don't worry, we haven't started drawing and distributing notes yet."

The other hand helped him hold the tiger head hat on his head.

Ever since they rode Cuiyu's carriage into the city to stay, these children had been playing a little crazy these past two days. First they had a delicious feast prepared by Cuiyu, and then each of them got a small wooden sword. That night they all gathered around the girl to learn how to play the finger sword.

This kind of game that requires skills and brings joy in victory and defeat is really addictive. Although most of the children only know one "Opening Sword", they fight back and forth with the same moves, and they can't defeat each other at all, but they still fight each other. The clanging continued late into the night.

The next day, Pei Ye was talking to several masters about "Cicada Sword" in the courtyard. Li Mingqing led a group of children to go shopping again. When they came back, they all had a new set of clothes, and each one had a different style on his head. little hats, and all held one or two toys in their hands.

Pei Ye and several masters stood up in shock. The children also blushed and lowered their heads knowing that something was wrong. Only the girl smiled happily.

In the afternoon, the girl went crazy with her children again. When she came back this time, she didn't bring anything else, but she held hands and said "Sister Qingqing" with her head raised.

Disciple Cuiyu, who has rarely seen newcomers for a long time, also likes these children with different personalities. It feels like there are suddenly many younger brothers and younger sisters. Even at night, they are still running and playing with them in the yard, which is really noisy.

But the children's energy seems to be endless without the need for true energy. They got up earlier than Pei Ye this morning. Before dawn, they rushed into Pei Ye's room and shouted, forcing him to get up to watch Wu Bi.

This was a day they had been looking forward to for a month, and the children vented their excitement without restraint.

So they arrived here early in the morning, and have been waiting for almost an hour now. The children stretched their necks and stared for a long time, and the first three rows had just been filled.

The disciples of Cuiyu in green clothes and swords were sitting in the east stand. There were actually only about twenty people, but nearly fifty seats around them had been given out. The girl sat quietly in the middle, with the lost Cuiyu sword lying across her knees.

The White Bamboo Pavilion is dressed in white clothes, sitting cross-legged on the north side. Their most outstanding feature is that there are no weapons on their bodies at all, but many of them like to hold fans, like a group of scholars who come to enjoy the scenery.

The seat in the middle of the south side was still empty, but some people were already sitting next to it. Five men in well-dressed clothes were sitting in the middle, obviously waiting for competition.

It is difficult for these people to recognize the road at a glance, but the girl also told Pei Ye that only four of them carry knives, and they know that most of them are from Shen County, because apart from the Xu Gu Zhang family, only Shen County has a famous person. The owner of the sword shop is a seven-year-old swordsman with a high reputation and high prestige, so that the local sword style is very popular.

Then there is Zheng Shou. They are sitting next to Cuiyu. Xiao Qiu is sitting in the middle. Next to him is a wheat-skinned middle-aged man with long hair and short beard, and a dignified and gentle face. He and Xiao Qiu talked from time to time, holding a knife in one hand, but the other sleeve was empty.

Xu Gu was on the other side of the Baizhu Pavilion. The Zhang family looked obviously taller than the others. Zhang Junxue was sitting among them, seeming to be lost in the crowd. Xu Gu also has more than ten places this year, and half of them carry the Zhang family's unique horse-killing sword.

However, the Zhang family does not seem to be harmonious. Zhang Junxue has not come to Cuiyu for several days to meet.

There are other groups of people who support the old and the young, all of whom have quotas from sects or counties. Even if only one or two people are selected, there is always a group of relatives and friends who come to cheer and cheer - and take a front row seat by the way.

As for those who sit quietly alone or in groups of two or three, they are quacks. Most of them do not have the liveliness and joy of the locals. They occupy one seat for every quota, talk little and express little, and habitually use knives or swords. Keep it handy.

Some of them came by way of business, but most of them came through "competition". The cheers of strangers in a foreign land did not excite them very much. Most of them just wanted to get a good spot and grab a reward.

Pei Ye looked around like this and saw all his friends. Further up, Qi Zhaohua, Fang Jidao, Zhang Dingyun and a group of academicians were sitting together.

Pei Ye waved to them and said hello, and the child behind him sighed softly: "When can we start?"

Before Pei Ye could answer, Zhang Xiaoyan beside him suddenly raised his hand and pointed: "Brother Pei Ye, there are many people coming over there."

Pei Ye followed the words and looked, but it was the southern stand.

There are indeed many people, about thirty or forty years old. Their clothes are of the same style but different colors, including brown, green, white and blue, a total of seven kinds.

There is only a hint of darkness.

The tall man at the head had an expression as cold as ice and walked with a high attitude. He had always walked like this at the Bowang Garden Gate, the Alchemy Singing Club, the Guanlu Terrace, and even today's Golden Autumn Martial Arts Competition.

He was still wearing black military uniform, his black cloak was as clean as water, and he was holding a sword with a crimson scabbard in his hand.

Zhang Xiaoyan was caught at first glance: "Brother Pei Ye, who is this person?"

"Shang Huaitong of Qijiao Cave."

"Oh." Zhang Xiaoyan looked at these people and sat down.

In the past two days, he had achieved what he wanted. He had met such powerful figures as Li Shaozhang, Yang Gongzi, and Zhang Gongzi. However, this was the first time he had met this person who was the most popular and whom everyone was implicitly hostile to. He just felt that This tall and straight man does have a "first" temperament.

Just when the child behind him was about to bother Pei Ye's ears for the third time, a shout finally came from the field.

"It's past half-hour, and the warriors come on stage to draw paper!"

Hearing this, Pei Ye stood up and said with a smile: "I won't come back after I draw the paper. The martial arts competition will start soon."

Zhang Xiaoyan raised her head: "Brother Pei Ye, come on!"

The children behind them all followed: "Brother Pei Ye, come on!"

Pei Ye smiled and raised his sword: "Let's wait and see."

After that, he turned around and walked towards the stands.

Before stepping down the steps, the young man glanced at the whole place. The scene was completely different from the scene when he first arrived.

The stands that were set up were almost completely full, and people were still coming in, becoming one of the crowds. Further outside, the entire square was surrounded by silk banners, flowers and plants, and one hundred and twenty-eight colorful satin beams overhead spanned the entire square from the sky.

Below, the man with the high crown is Bai Sibing. He is standing quietly holding a golden book, which is what distinguishes the Golden Autumn Martial Arts from other ordinary martial arts gatherings - the decree of the Ministry of War of the Tang Dynasty.

Behind him were twenty-four people wearing sacrificial robes and ribbons, just waiting to be sacrificed to heaven and to pay homage to Kuixing. Zhao Zhang led all the officials to stand aside and wait with serious expressions.

On the stands on all sides, tens of thousands of people sat and watched. One hundred and twenty-eight people slowly walked down from the four directions and walked towards the high platform built for them. Each one held different beliefs.

Who is the master among hundreds of heroes? Look now. Lift your body down to Wuguan with your sword.


The warriors who came down did not gather in one place, but flowed to the four arenas respectively. Throughout the Golden Autumn Martial Arts Competition, the warriors will be bound to the arena they first selected and compete together accordingly.

Of course, it is not a random choice, because the state government wants to ensure that the number of people in each arena is equal, so it will eventually have to be adjusted.

There were also a few people who couldn't choose by themselves from the beginning, and the state government had already assigned them to them from the beginning.

Shang Huaitong, one beat.

Pei Ye, Erlei.

Li Minqing, three rounds.

Yang Yan, Zhang Mozhu, four rounds.

When Pei Ye came down, most of Erlei's paper had been drawn out. Next to the box stood a young man with a sword, staring at the paper in his hand in a daze.

Pei Ye recognized him. He was the only one among the five people who had just visited the county to wield a sword. Naturally, the players from the same county tried their best to avoid it, so at this time, he had no companions in the second round.

Hearing the noise, the young man raised his head and looked at the young man in front of him in shock. Obviously he also recognized Pei Ye.

"Pei, Mr. Pei!" The man raised his eyebrows and said in surprise, "You are in Erlei! On the day of the Luzhou Poetry Festival, I was sitting next to Cuiyumen!"

"Ah, it's a pleasure to meet you. I wish you good results, brother!" Pei Ye cupped his hand, smiled, put his hand into the note box, and took out a note.

"Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Pei." The young man quickly raised his hands and thanked him. He looked at Pei Ye's note and tilted his head slightly, "What is Mr. Pei's show?"

Pei Ye took a look, raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: "It's actually the first show - where are you, brother?"

But he saw that the smile of the young man in front of him had solidified on his face.

He stiffly leaned the paper on his hand towards Pei Ye: "What a coincidence. Haha."

It is exactly the word "一".


At this moment, the sound of a cauldron echoed throughout the audience.

Suddenly there was silence.

Bai Sibing stood high on the stage and read out the golden book to the audience, setting the tone of the meeting of "choosing a building for the country and selecting true talents". Then the governor Zhao Zhang led all the officials to worship the Kuixing, perform sacrifices, sing and dance.

All etiquette is over and everyone leaves.

Then, after a moment of silence, the ringing of bells and drums suddenly became fierce, vibrating for miles. One hundred and twenty-eight egrets flew high, and thousands of flowers rained down. Until there was another clear sound of the cauldron, and the bells and drums stopped for a moment.

After the sudden falling sound, the warrior flew to the top of the ring holding the red silk roll, shaking down the long crimson curtain.

Along with the roll call, huge names came into view.

"The Bowang State Golden Autumn Martial Arts Competition! The first round of the first round!" The singer's voice was full of energy, and his voice reached the entire audience.

"First round: Shang Huaitong, Jian Zimin! Second round: Pei Ye, Feng Guangsui! Third round: Niu Zhaoke, Hua Caiyan! Fourth round: Ding Zhuo, He Wenhong!"

For the first time, Pei Ye knew what a crowd was.

In such a large crowd, there is no need to shout loudly. As long as people let out a moderate scream at the same time, it will be a surging sound.

And obviously, the source of this noise at this time is the two names just read out.

In the opening battle, you will be able to directly see Shang Huaitong and Pei Ye.

Is this really determined by the draw? Who says that the state government won’t please the audience!

Amid the cheers of the crowd, the crimson silk cloth was rolled up by the crossbar. At the same time as the curtain was put away, Shang Huaitong walked up to the high platform first, while Jian Zimin, who came up from the other side, looked slightly pale. He is a disciple of Baizhu Pavilion.

Jian Zimin took a deep breath and saluted with his sword.

Shang Huaitong didn't take off his cloak. He kept walking after taking the stage. He raised his sword and walked forward expressionlessly, completely ignoring Jian Zimin's salute.

Jian Zimin's face turned paler.

Before today's opening, everyone already knew that the flourishing Qijiao Cave had declined overnight, while the tepid Baizhu Pavilion had won a rich victory.

Everyone also expected the high-spirited look of the Bai Zhu disciples and the gloomy brows of the Qijiao disciples, but now it seems that nothing has changed.

The weight of the sect's collapse did not affect this man's self-confidence at all, because his self-confidence never came from the so-called lintel.

Thousands of people are roaring for such confident rudeness - Seven Dragons and White Bamboo are now enemies! There is no need for etiquette when fighting to win!

The man's open cloak looked like jet-black eagle wings, and the closer the eagle got, the more Jian Zimin felt like a lame rabbit waiting to be caught.

Not only was he overwhelmed by the man's heavy aura in such a scene where thousands of people were watching, but even the sword itself, he had no idea how to draw the sword at this time.

For the first time, he realized the true weight of Bowang's words "the best swordsman".

The man's crimson long sword was held in his hand like that, without even taking it out of the sheath, but Jian Zimin felt that his sword had been seen through. The credits gained from those ten years of hard work are useless. You can't draw a sword in front of such a swordsman.

Jian Zimin gritted his teeth - after all, he couldn't lose without a fight.

The short blade flashed, and the cold light was unsheathed. This was the strongest move he had mastered in the "Bamboo Cutting Sword". Before the martial arts competition began, he had thought of no less than ten ways to use this move to turn defeat into victory.

Now it can only be used as a straw to hold on to the last bit of dignity.

However, even the straw was cut away, and Shang Huaitong did not give him a chance to use this move. Just as his sword was unsheathed, the man had already flashed in front of him, with cold eyes like an eagle. It was a vicious smile.

The next moment, severe pain in his chest swept through his body, and he flew up stiffly - he felt that his sword blade must have been pressed into his flesh and bone.

Of course, this blow is not fatal, nor will it cause any disability, but there is no need to think about defeating the person again, and it will probably leave the root of the disease that will last a lifetime.

Shang Huaitong's cloak lifted up by his exertion fell down, covering the crimson sword. He didn't draw his sword, he just whipped the man whose name he didn't bother to know off the ring with one stick.

Amid a moment of silence and then a tsunami of cheers, Shang Huaitong did not step down. He stood calmly on the spot, leaning on his sword and looking to the side.

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