In the early morning, the sun rises.

No matter how many inferences and speculations there are off the court, the golden autumn martial arts competition is the main color of Bowang City these four days. Even if Qi Zhaohua and Cuiyu worry, they cannot stop Shang Huaitong from entering the ring; and any goal that Shang Huaitong pursues, In the end, they all have to be obtained through martial arts competitions with swords.

The morning fog gradually dissipated, and the air above the martial arts field became clear. The spectators sitting opposite each other could clearly see each other's expressions.

This is the second day of the Golden Autumn Martial Arts Competition. The main ring has not yet started, but the seats are almost full, and it is by no means boring - the loser's ring has already started.

In a way, the fights between these players who had lost one round were more exciting than yesterday, because it was rarely the kind of situation that ended in two or three moves. Everyone met their opponents, and there was always a slight difference between the moves, and the fight was fun. It was dripping and thrilling, and I screamed from time to time.

Pei Ye and other sixty-four contestants walked into the martial arts arena at half time. The arena had been combined into two larger ones, with the platform several feet above their heads.

Pei Ye took a look and saw that one and three were combined, and two and four were combined. In the battle between sixty-four and thirty-two, I was challenged by Yang Yan, Zhang Mozhu, Shen Yao, and Zhang Zongyuan, the man who used the stick in the last battle yesterday.

In the other round, there are Shang Huaitong, Li Mingqing, Zhang Junxue, and Gu Guang, and the rest are mostly disciples of the sect. Obviously, in this round, the two strong men may have met in advance.

Pei Ye came down early today, and the drawings had not yet started, so everyone was scattered around chatting. Shen Yao and Zhang Mozhu stood together. They were both in charge of their respective sects. Even at this time, they were talking about business matters.

Yang Yan was holding a brochure and frowning at it. Pei Ye took a look and saw that it was the reward details of the martial arts competition. The young man was staring closely at the last line: Win the leader of the seven rounds, get one hundred taels of silver, and be awarded the Bronze Bird Talisman. The ultimatum is inscribed "Bowang Jinqiu·Kui", a step-up elixir, a sword from Donghai Sword Furnace Bingxia, the swordsmanship "Beng Xue", and the Han Pavilion conferred the title of Jing Martial Arts Examination.

Pei Ye remembered that after the top 16, each level would add a new reward on top of the previous rewards. By the time he reached the leader level, it was already too rich and tempting.

But the boy just stared at the swordsmanship anyway.

Zhang Zongyuan obviously didn't know anyone, and he didn't seem to want to know anyone. He stayed away from the crowd and leaned silently under the ring with his stick in hand.

Yesterday, he could still remember how violently he smashed Xiao Qiu to pieces with one stick. Pei Ye hesitated for a moment, and was about to go up and chat for a while, but suddenly there was a sound of a cauldron, and the gentleman called for a slap.

This time Pei Ye was in the first place. When he walked to the box, he reached out his hand and touched Zhang Jian first, but it was "Qi".

Yang Yan followed him and touched one and opened it. Pei Ye looked over and saw that it was "eight".

"You're lucky." Pei Ye snorted.

Yang Yan rolled her eyes.

The notes at the back were also very fair. Shen Yao, Zhang Mozhu, and Zhang Zongyuan did not bump into each other.

But this does not mean that this round is boring. In any case, the quality of the players has been improved to a higher level. Even in those situations where the winner is a sure win, the winner has more room to play, and there is less of the "I haven't exerted my strength yet, you fell down" situation.

Pei Ye should have drawn the strongest lottery among them, and his opponent was the Fourth Life disciple of Qijiaodong. Even this year, he still had a chance to enter the quarterfinals.

When the sun shone across the stands and onto the ring, the cauldron rang out at exactly the same moment, the red silk was put away, and the egrets flew into the sky. Amidst the sound all around, four contestants from two rings came up at the same time.

The first one in this competition is Zhang Zongyuan.

This man in his early thirties has never said a word. After defeating Xiao Qiu with a stick yesterday, although some people said that Xiao Qiu was simple and easy to target, most people still believed that the man defeated him with hard power, that is, It is believed that the man is probably the fifth five-year-old besides Li Mingqing, Shen Yao, Yang Yan and Zhang Mozhu.

Today, his opponent once again provided strong evidence for this speculation - a fourth-generation disciple from Baizhu Pavilion was sent off the ring by a man with a stick.

Once or targeted, twice without any luck, the man's performance once again added a layer of confusion to the selection of the top four. In this short quarter of an hour, the name "Zhang Zongyuan" was piled on at least twenty taels in the gambling hall. silver.

After that, Shen Yao also successfully won, and after that, it was Pei Ye's turn.

The draw sequence had already been announced, and everyone watched the young man step onto the ring. If yesterday's meek performance was due to his opponent being too weak, then today he was definitely facing a strong opponent. Many people even think that the disciples of the Seven Dragons are actually more likely to win than this country boy who no one knows about before and has no idea of ​​his strength.

"Second round, seventh round! Pei Ye, Wei Guangzhou!"

Pei Ye stepped onto the ring, and he was indeed much more serious than in the first game - Si Sheng's opponent was already on the same level as him in terms of basic quality, and the outcome could only be known after fighting.

Pei Ye was still holding his sword and saluting, but the other party's movements were obviously tense - he was present at the poetry meeting that day.

When he caught this tension, Pei Ye couldn't help but smile.

It is not impossible to be nervous when facing a strong enemy, but the tension after putting up the sword stand represents caution and pressure. The stiffness from the moment of saluting can only show that the character is not yet ready, and that one is timid before fighting.

This actually made Pei Ye a little disappointed. When this name was drawn, Shen Yao said that this name was relatively new in Qijiao Cave, and he had planned to fight it more happily.

Pei Ye flew up like a falcon. Different from Feng Guangsui's design yesterday, the boy's trajectory was straight and clear, and his sword path was clean and simple. [Breaking the Earth], the first posture of the Cicada, the sword moves from bottom to top, the strength is released three times and left seven, and the true energy is more behind than before.

If this were a game of chess, this move would be a simple "shoot-in-the-head" move.

Although Wei Guangzhou was indeed nervous, he was not dizzy after all. He lowered his sword horizontally and responded with an upright "vault".

But the moment the two swords intersected, something immediately went wrong.

The force on the sword suddenly increased, as if he was about to defeat the enemy in one fell swoop. Wei Guangzhou was startled and immediately used the same force. But the moment his true energy burst out, the confrontation under the sword suddenly disappeared. So Wei Guangzhou was shocked again. He knew that he had to change his moves immediately, but the sword in his hand could not obey the command at the moment. He could only barely lean forward, losing his posture. Fortunately, he heard the "ding" sound of the attack.

But this "ding" immediately turned into a changed "zheng". The opponent's sword that was slashing horizontally a moment ago suddenly turned into a soft snake for some reason. It was already along the sword and hit his wrist in the blink of an eye.

Wei Guangzhou finally realized that this was an insurmountable gap in the "sword" itself - this was not fair chess at all, the opponent's rooks were flying all over the board!

The opponent's first sword was the core of the snake. The moment the two swords clashed, it accurately grasped the strength and reaction of the prey, and then calmly killed it.

Wei Guangzhou gritted his teeth and retreated, trying to make a last-ditch effort - to attack with his sword.

But there was no such space anymore. There was a sharp pain in his wrist, and the long sword fell to the ground with a clang. Facing the disciples of Qijiaodong, Pei Ye did not show the gentleness and patience of the previous game, but simply won the victory.

Then he stepped back, held his sword, and made a proper acceptance ceremony.

There was a cheer on the field. Even if it was a tepid victory, it was still a victory. Here, as long as you win, you can win people's favor. People finally saw that this young man might have such a gentle personality. Although it didn't look happy enough, they finally got to know the person "Pei Ye".

After that, Yang Yan and Zhang Mozhu both won steadily. When Pei Ye turned his eyes to the first round, the girl had already won and waved her hand in this direction.

This time, it was her own family who was sent to the loser. Chu Nian was dejectedly waiting for the assignment behind the loser. Pei Ye couldn't help but laugh, and the girl gave him a helpless smile.

Zhang Junxue and Gu Guang also won the next round, and then the audience once again received the highest voice ever - Shang Huaitong stood on the ring.

His actions were exactly the same as the previous one. He didn't salute or stop. He held the sword and went straight forward. He once again scabbarded the opponent who had just finished saluting and was hesitating whether to draw the sword and pulled him off the ring.

The young man in blue collapsed under the stage and vomited blood on the ground. He had several broken bones and could not stand up for a long time.

This opponent is almost exactly the same as last time. He is young, wields a sword, hesitant and timid, and is still only three lives long. It is really not worth the man's extra energy.

The only difference is the clothes.

On the first day, Jian Zimin was wearing a white bamboo suit, but the person lying on the ground now was wearing a blue suit with a dragon printed on it.

This is the "Silver Mist" sect uniform. He is the third cave disciple of Qijiao.

"." There was silence for a moment.

The matchup information has already been announced, and everyone knows the identities of the two players on the field. If yesterday we retaliated directly, why are we so heavy-handed today? Everyone suddenly had a strange idea - in this martial arts competition, this man didn't seem to have the words "stop when he clicks" in his mind.

Ignoring anyone's reaction, Shang Huaitong walked away calmly.

"Unless he really sees this as a hindrance."


The autumn moon hangs high.

The street was extremely quiet after the excitement. Pei Ye and Li Mingqing were walking along the street canal, and the moon stretched their shadows extremely long.

"So they still want to study in the Sword Academy." The girl put her hands behind her back and kicked her steps, "That's what the master said."

"Master Sui wanted him to go to Shaolong to take the test after winning the championship, but that will have to wait until next spring. Qijiao Cave cannot afford to wait, and Shang Huaitong will not be satisfied." Li Mingqing continued, " Master went to the state government office today to find out - Mr. Sui did not leave immediately after he said goodbye to us, but while saying goodbye to the governor and others, he chatted with Luo Defeng and Shang Huaitong for half an hour."

"What did we talk about?"

"Then how do you know?" Li Mingqing shook his head, "Maybe they think they have something that can make Mr. Sui change his tone."

"It's hard for us to know this."

"Yes, and then we entrusted Baizhu Pavilion to investigate the Zhang family."

Pei Ye was surprised: "Did you really go check it out?"

"Since you find signs that something is wrong, of course you have to investigate." Li Mingqing glanced at him, "And you know what, we really found something."

"What discovery?"

"The head of the Zhang family is here."

".Written competition is such a big event, isn't it normal to come and see the performance of one's own children?"

"Yes, but before today, the Zhang family's performance was that he would not come."


"Then he did not come." Li Mingqing continued, "But today, he quietly entered the city."

".What is this going to do?"

"I don't know. He didn't even meet up with the Zhang family. He disappeared after entering the city." The girl had a small wooden sword wrapped around her hand. "Even Bai Zhu and Cui Yu couldn't find him. He was probably under the wings of the Seven Dragons."


"Anyway, we will try to find him before tomorrow night."

"Is it easy to find?"

"Well, there are two ways - firstly, most of the wings of the Seven Dragons are broken, and we only need to target the few intact ones; secondly, since this matter has fallen into our eyes, what about the Zhang family?" Now that we are in the city, there are ways we can think of anyway."

"Oh" Pei Ye nodded slowly, raised his hand and said, "Well, try not to hurt the harmony with Jun Xue."

"." Li Mingqing rolled her eyes, "You can't figure out where Zhang Junxue is standing."

"After all, we are a clan. If something happens to the Zhang family, I don't think Jun Xue will be happy, right?"

"Thank you, Mr. Pei, for reminding me. I don't know when I will destroy the family."


This is the night of the eighth day of September, and the second day of the Golden Autumn Wushu Competition has passed. Thirty-two people have already decided. If they want to divide the Wushu Competition into upper and lower parts, the line should be drawn tonight.

Starting from tomorrow, the battle will suddenly become fierce. The second-generation players will almost disappear, and the third-generation players will also become the level selected by blockbusters. Even the fourth-generation players can hardly be said to be safe this year - there have been three lessons learned in the past two days.

But at the same time, the rewards will also reach another level.

It's not such a coincidence, but the state government's rewards are set along this line.

"If you beat sixty-four people in a round, you will get one tael of silver."

"Thirty-two people win the second round and get five taels of silver."

"Sixteen people who win three rounds will receive ten taels of silver and be awarded the Iron Fish Talisman."

In a few taels of silver that didn't hurt or hurt, something suddenly appeared that could be relied on for life. In the eyes of many warriors, this was the highest end of this martial arts competition. Of course, in order to get this talisman, in addition to winning tomorrow, we also need to win one more game - either go forward to win sixteen and advance to eight, or go back and resist the challenges of the losers.

It was on such a night before, after having dinner at Guanliu Tower, Li Mingqing leaned against the window and asked Pei Ye if she wanted to meet her master.

Of course Pei Ye had met this old man before, but the old man was too busy due to the sudden change at that time, so he only made a special trip to say thank you, and there was no time for in-depth discussion.

These days, the girl always expressed her regret that the master wanted to see him again but couldn't make it. It was not until tonight that she finally had some tight leisure time.

Of course, Pei Ye couldn't say that he didn't have time, so he nodded quickly and received a pleased smile from the girl.

"Huh? It's raining again." The girl who was stepping on the moonlight beside her suddenly stopped.

Pei Ye raised his head, and there was indeed an invisible coldness falling under the clear moon.

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