The Lord who use immortals as food

Chapter 225 Having the Best of Both Worlds

When the 30,000 people gathered together dispersed, it was like a house of sand falling apart, with every grain of sand leaving its original position.

But Pei Ye still caught a glimpse of the gray hair in the crowd.

Pei Ye didn't expect that this elder would actually come here. Although the affairs in the county were still very busy and the road was rough, Pei Ye even advised him not to bother.

But the old man was smiling anyway. When they met, he first raised his arm to support the young man's arm, looked at him up and down, sighed with satisfaction, and then patted the young man's shoulder gently.

"Uncle Chang, the road is far and the weather is cold. You really don't need to come here." Pei Ye said.

"What kind of cold is this? When there was heavy snowfall a few years ago, I even ran to Zhoucheng once in the twelfth lunar month - Master Huang knows this." Chang Zhiyuan held the young man's wrist, and the two of them walked forward along with the flow of people, "I I’d love to come see you.”

At this time, an official walked by and added with a smile: "The body of Magistrate Chang is strong at first glance, and some mountain roads will not be in the way."

"Haha." Chang Zhiyuan cupped his hand.

But Pei Ye turned his head, his eyes blank for a moment. From his perspective, the first thing that caught his eye was the old man's half-white hair. Although it was neatly trimmed, some fine dryness and disheveled hair could still be seen. The former is the richness that has been drained away by age, but the latter is a clear evidence of the old man's weakness and failure to tighten and compact it.

Looking further down, the official uniform is slightly skewed due to old age, and the wrinkles on the face are also soft and visible. For a sixty-year-old man, this appearance can still be called upright and clean, but it is different from the The sword-like stiffness in Pei Ye's memory was no longer the same.

For the ignorant young man who suffered a sudden change at that time, during those two days of darkness and depression, this figure was the most reliable backbone in his heart, as hard as iron. At this time, I discovered that it actually had a lot of looseness and weakness.

Pei Ye suddenly felt as if he had grown taller again, but it might be that the old man's back was a little rickety after all the changes and fatigue.

Then he remembered that the old man in front of him had no relatives or children, and now, those friends and colleagues who had known each other and worked together were no longer there. When it rained a few days ago, the old man was lying alone in bed, not knowing what he was thinking. .

So, "I'd love to come see you."

Pei Ye felt a little sad for a moment and leaned closer to the old man. He knew that he could not stay with the old man for a few days, and once he left for Shenjing, he didn't know if he would ever return.

Chang Zhiyuan didn't know what Pei Ye was thinking. He smiled and took out a pear from his arms. It was green and handed it to him: "This is the last one this year."

"." Pei Ye laughed, took it, and took a crispy and sweet bite.

"You played really well today. The adults are all praising you."

Pei Ye smiled and said, "Actually, it won't be difficult until tomorrow."

"Among the eight people, it seems that only one of you is a fourth-born person."

"Not bad." Pei Ye sighed.

"How many games can we win tomorrow?"

"Well, it depends on the lottery." Pei Ye chewed a pear and smiled, "A dozen days ago, I thought that if I was born in the third life, I would probably be able to enter the top four. Now that I am in the fourth life, I might still be in the top four - —There are many more masters than expected at the time.”

Then he glanced at the tall woman who was following him: "If we meet Jun Xue in the first game, we may not even be able to make it to the top four."

Zhang Junxue raised her head unexpectedly, her eyes dull.

Chang Zhiyuan looked at the woman with a smile, turned back and said, "Same words, since you are highly talented, there is no need to rush for success, your own safety is the most important thing."


"You won the top eight, which has not happened in Fenghuai for many years. Even among the seven counties in the state, weren't you the only two who entered the top eight this time? When you stepped down today, the adults all speculated that you and Zhang How will the girl perform tomorrow?"

Pei Ye laughed: "Then let's see what ranking I can get tomorrow."

He turned to look at the woman, but Zhang Junxue was looking at the other side with a stunned expression.

Pei Ye looked along and saw some tall men with swords standing on the side of the street. They were the Zhang family members who had come to compare, but now among them, only Zhang Junxue was still on the field.

At this time, they also looked at each other with different expressions, as if they were hesitant to speak.

Two days ago, when Pei Ye and the woman were sitting under the ring chatting, they had met these members of her race.

The tallest one is the third brother, who always talks the most; the one sitting on the other side cleaning the knife is the eldest brother of their generation. He played the craziest games with them when they were young, but now he has learned to act serious when there are many people; the shortest brother That's the young lady, the one from the third uncle's family who led the team. I used to have the best relationship with her.

When the woman was clearly introducing these brothers and sisters one by one, she was sitting ten feet away from them, watching them from a distance as they laughed and joked and complained to each other about the opponents they encountered.

And there was a relaxed quietness on her face.

When it was time to break up, Zhang Junxue walked over and followed them silently. Those who saw her nodded slightly and said nothing more.

But this time it was different.

There is no doubt that the woman is the center of the seven or eight gazes now. The stiffness and embarrassment can still be clearly seen, but everyone still wants to show a smile on their faces.

A five-year-old woman can sit firmly and look around in normal years, not to mention that the woman is only in her early twenties, which is a rare sight in the Zhang family in ten years.

Even though there are conflicts and discords, just as Zhang's father said, "Every husband vows to live and die together." In the past year, the Zhang family has not expelled their branch due to discussions in the county. People of the same race are still members of the same race, and they sit together in the stands. At this time, Zhang Junxue has entered the top eight with five lives. The Zhang family should be congratulated by her because of their love and reason.

But just as Zhang Junxue was stunned, the people over there were also obviously hesitant.

Pei Ye immediately realized that this was an opportunity to break the ice. He gently took Zhang Junxue's arm, and the woman looked over blankly. Pei Ye motioned for her to come over, but the woman's body just remained stiff and motionless.

Pei Ye was about to say hello first, but when he turned around, he saw someone walking over.

It was the eldest brother Zhang Junxue mentioned, Zhang Junyan.

"Mr. Chang, Mr. Pei, it's a pleasure to meet you after a long time visit." The man greeted him with a raised hand. If he was pretending to be serious, he was indeed pretending to be flawless. He looked at the woman beside him and said with a gentle smile: "Jun Xue, Entering the country very quickly.”


"Where are the fourth uncle and the fourth aunt? Are you still eating out tonight? Why don't we go back to your residence together?"

".Mom and dad are waiting in front." Zhang Junxue answered the first half of the sentence, "."

"Okay, then Jun Xue, please go back," Pei Ye gave her a gentle push and smiled at the man, "I originally wanted to chat with Jun Xue for a few words before letting her go back."

"Okay." Zhang Junyan smiled and cupped his hands.

Then he looked at Zhang Junxue who was coming to him. He didn't know why his mind was wrong, and he suddenly said: "Young Master Pei should call us sister."



"Haha." The man rubbed his head stiffly, his face tense, "Just kidding, um, I wish Pei Shaoxia good luck in martial arts tomorrow."

".Thank you."

Pei Ye now believes that he is indeed pretending to be serious.

Pei Ye watched the two of them walk back, and indeed they were not treated coldly. No matter what the previous relationship was, everyone tried to appear natural, with a faint smile and warm eyes, trying to express goodwill but not being too enthusiastic.

The two elders of the Zhang family who met downstairs at Guanliu Tower the day before were also standing among them. The expressions of these two people were much more natural, with sincere joy on their faces. One was pointing at Guanliu Tower and saying something, and the other was saying something. Then she pressed down his arm and gestured to Zhang Junxue, as if to say that now was not the time for a banquet, which would delay the woman's preparation for tomorrow.

Zhang Junxue stood among several brothers and sisters, awkwardly answering questions from different people. One could indeed feel her embarrassment and stiffness, but the rosiness on her face was also real.

Pei Ye smiled, waved to her, turned around and left with Uncle Chang and others.

However, after leaving the martial arts field, he saw another person who made Pei Ye stop his gaze. It was Gu Guang, who had just been defeated. He was talking with Xiao Qiuli, who had defeated the loser in the first round.

Seeing Pei Ye, the tall man first cast a slightly surprised look: "Pei Shaoxia, I seemed to see Jun Xue and you together when I came out?"

Pei Ye smiled and pointed back: "She left with the Zhang family and said she wanted to have a meal to celebrate."

"Oh." Gu Guang nodded and thanked, smiling, "Then I'll find her later."

Farewell to the two of them, the sky had just dimmed, and Pei Ye took the old man to walk and chat on the street. They didn't return to Cuiyu's yard until the streets were filled with candles and the bright moon hung high.

However, although the aroma of the food was strong, the girl who promised to wait was nowhere to be seen.

"Let's just sit down and eat first." Chu Nian greeted warmly, carefully welcomed Chang Zhiyuan into the seat, then turned his head and said to Pei Ye, "Just now, the people who were chasing the head of the Zhang family sent a message, and Junior Sister I went out with the headmaster, and she said she would go to the government office and ask you and Mr. Chang to eat first, and then meet Mr. Chang when she comes back."

"Have you found the head of the Zhang family?" Since he and Li Wei were going to the Yamen, Pei Ye sat down as he was told.

"It doesn't seem like that." Chu Nian shook his head and sat down. "The two of them left after receiving the news. They were indeed in a hurry, but they didn't panic."

Pei Ye nodded. Since he had left a message, he would wait until the girl came back. The relationship was no longer polite to each other. If he really needed his help, Li Mingqing would definitely not let him eat in peace.

Pei Ye picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of fish belly first.

Then he put it into Uncle Chang's bowl with a smile.


"Zhang Junxue doesn't eat fish." Zhang Junshu said suddenly, and several people laughed knowingly.

This third brother does talk a lot. In such an occasion, if he is missing, he will definitely look very dry.

The Zhang family sat around and chatted with each other. The first two days were not the time to eat without sitting at the same table, but at that time everyone was talking about their own things, but today it was necessary to focus on Zhang Junxue.

When they maintained a nodding relationship before, everyone thought it was more natural. After all, those things were in the past, and the anger and resentment would disappear sooner or later. But if we really want to repair the relationship at this time, the closer we sit, the more obvious the coldness and alienation become.

It is really something that requires some effort.

So when Zhang Junyan moved the fish plate to Zhang Junxue's place, Zhang Junshu's words were the first unintentional conversation.

This is an allusion from childhood. When the adults were not at home, 12-year-old Zhang Junyan volunteered to cook for his younger brothers and sisters. He took a big carp out of the small pond. After a fierce fire, salt and snow, he took out the dark and ferocious carp. One plate.

The other younger brothers and sisters had already run away, but little Zhang Junxue was the only one who stood blankly, looking at the thing his eldest brother was holding and slowly retreating.

Zhang Junyan said this is fish, sister, please try it. Five-year-old Zhang Junxue said brother, this is not a fish. Zhang Junyan stubbornly said this is a fish. Zhang Junxue cried and said it was not a fish. In the end, Zhang Junxue was forced by Zhang Junyan to take a bite. , cried out "Wow".

Later, when the adults came back, Zhang Junyan naturally received a good beating. But for the next two years, Zhang Junxue had to say "I don't eat fish" every time she was asked what she wanted to eat.

Thinking of this past incident, everyone suddenly returned to the kindness of childhood. You and I laughed at every word, and they all talked about interesting things with this dull sister.

Zhang Junxue has been introverted since she was a child, but what made her even more silent were the many things that happened during her growth - including the fact that when playing games, she often accidentally kicked her brothers and sisters into the mud, and then stood wringing her hands without saying a word. .

Zhang Junxue lowered her head, her face turned red in a rare moment, and her whole body was so embarrassed that she felt a little weak, but the happiness rising from the depths of her heart still made her ears slightly red.

Today is really good. I have resolved my knot with Brother Gu, and my former brothers and sisters have begun to accept me again. The woman has been walking alone in darkness and depression for a year. She can face everything with silence and strength, but that doesn't mean she likes this feeling.

Nine months ago, she was just a dull gourd hiding behind her sister. Now she has almost turned herself into iron. Although she had a deep hatred tomorrow, she has now regained the softness she once had.

At this time, everyone also discovered a new side of this sister. When she was a child, her dull and energetic look was very interesting. Everyone liked to play with her, but as she grew older, she became a bit withdrawn. Now the darkness has been swept away again. Although there is still silence, there are no more tangled things. Instead, there is a kind of directness and brightness.

The atmosphere became more and more harmonious, and the topics gradually opened up. The brothers and sisters began to ask the woman more things, eagerly interviewing her about her experience in the top eight, and curiously asking about Cuiyu, who has been in the spotlight recently. The young master, and the young boy Pei Ye who suddenly appeared.

Zhang Junxue answered one by one, her cheeks were rosy, and her feet slightly raised under the table.

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